Alysha Chan and David Zarif
SCRIPT: Miss Chinatown
Colton Childs
SCRIPT: Fake-A-Wish
Charmaine Colina
SCRIPT: Gunslinger Bride
Ward Kamel
SCRIPT: If I Die in America
Wendy Britton Young
SCRIPT: The Superb Lyrebird & Other Creatures
Kelly Beck-Byrnes
SCRIPT: Where The Boxelders Grow
Tate Hamilton
SCRIPT: Delivery Girl
Jamie Murphy
SCRIPT: Lights Over Idaho
Adele Smaill
SCRIPT: No Ghosts Tonight
Justine Suh
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
A. Alhendyani - Zawja
Adam J. Kreps - A Novel Murder
Adam Sharp - The War Unheard
Adam Terence Bailey - Vainglorious
Aleksandr Bashkirov - Sledge Patrol
Alexandre Mullen - Amani
Amy Huckabay - Forty-Eight Steps
Andrea Turner - The Rule of Thirds
Annelise Odders - Wish Kid
Anthony Rainone - Highway 83
Anthony Short and David Ince - Six Mile Wayfarer - The Legend of John & Lavinia Fisher
Ari Merkin - Ridesolo
Ariel Sayegh - Breaking Up The Beatles
Ben Pickles - Of Glass and Golden Clockwork
Bishon Hart - Sucks to Be Stacey
Brett Bowker - The Dark Candle
Brittni Brown - The Turn
Cal J.T. Moreno - The Last Tortilla
Carrie Anderson - The Breakaway
Chloe Hatherley - Anchorite
Christian Hearn - The Hiding
Christian Walsh - Fallen
Christina Hulen - La Maupin
Clint Williams - Enemy
Connor Martin - Golden Boy
Conor King Devitt - Graves of Lesser Men
Conrad Rothbaum - The Videographers
Dan Abramovici - Searching for Marceau
Dan Southard - Depth Of Field
Daniel Cooper and Adam Cooper - The Corpse Dresser
Darren Teo - After the Fall
David Herzfeld - Gold Rush
David Ward - Tiananmen
Denys Patrashku - Seven sins of war
Dominic Burgess - Out of Mind
Don Downie - The Spirit of Detroit
Elizabeth Lunday - Rite of Spring
Ernestina Juarez - The Banner
George Tarr - Son of Africa
Gerry Kim and Ming Jin Woo - The Camford Experiment
Gina DeAngelis - The Knocking at the Marsh
Greta Harrison and Matthew C. Vaughan - Pony Up
Harry Hunsicker - Buttercup
Hunter Doohan - Fate
J Stuart - Two Suns
Jack Delaney - No Man's Land
Jackie Goncalves - You Broke My Car Window
Jacobo Fe - Ambergris
James Tison - I Don't Want To Fight Anymore
James Williams - Gifted Savages
Jamison Timothy Silverman - Ghost in a Uniform
Jeana Harris - I'm Not Okay
Jeff Nowak - Saigon Falling
Jennifer Renner - The Long March
Jesse Thompson - Burn Valley
Jocelyn Osier - Talk to Me
John Biolsi - Shotfire
John Cerrito - Road Closure
John Dart and Jeff Swanson - The Snowmen
Jon Bershad - Join Us
Joon Cho - sometimes, i wish i was a fish
Josette Eales - Life at the End of the World
Josh Kalven - In The Minarets
Justin Ballheim - The Deadhead
Justin Dobies - Gunnar on The Grassland Sea
Kaley Mamo - The Well
Kali Baker-Johnson - Church of a Black God
Kari Mote - Crabs In A Mother F*cking Bucket
Keith Currivean - The Tale of Bunny, the Lamb
Kevin Walsh - Josefina
Kolby Runager - Real Men Play Football
Leah Moth - Hostess
Lee Bentley - Harrow
LeeAnn Patrick and Daniel Shinners - Daphne and Althea Save Greece
Leonora Pitts and Emily Robinson - Mad Bad Dangerous to Know
Liam Durcan - Morningstar
Liam van den Hoek - Devil Soldier
Lizzie Jiang Roberts - Devil's Peak
LJ McPherson - Secrets the River Kept
Martin Walsh - Storming St Nazaire
Martina Muhoberac - Nola's Last Heist
Matt McCarron - Ten Cent Beer Night
Maureen McEly - Golden Hour
Megan Weaver - The Shapeshifter In Your Chest
Melissa Fonzino - And They Lived...
Michael A. Bina - Bahar, Born At Night
Michael Grebb - Survivors of the Wolves
Michele Love Santoro and Shyaam Karra - Baby Daddy
Miida Chu - Sound of My Dreams
Mitch Collier - Providence
Mutaurwa Mapondera - Rumble
Nana Okamoto - Kikoku
Nick Annas - Herschel
Nick Chen - Let's Unrelate
Nick Hurwitch - Jumpman: The Legend of Shigeru Miyamoto
Pearse Lehane - Punic
Phillip Roquemore - The Duplicity of Well-Being
Rali Chaouni and Arthur Elias Gay - When the Goats Came
Rich Ragsdale - Lenora
Richard Stephen Bell - The Tale Collector
Rob Fresco - Visalia
Robert G. Rhyne - Falling From The Sky
Rosario Pellerito and Manuel J Valdivia - Wolfer
Russell Christian Wojtusiak - The Letter
Ryan Bright - High Rise
Sage Wells - Lullaby
Sam Dawe - This Is a Horror Story
Sam Miller - Dutchkill
Sam Robotham - Purebred
Sandra L. Rostirolla - Making Friends With Monsters
Sean-Paul Thomas Cairns - The Old Man and The Princess
Sierra Hall - Trick or Treat Forever
Simon Cheyne - Them Monsters
Stacey Davis - A Eulogy for Evelyn
Stella Ruggiero and Heidi Dugan - Biography of the Bones
Steven L. Fournier - War Woman
Suzi Bach - Malem
Suzy Miller - The Nuns' Referendum
T. Alistair Stromme - In God's Hands
Taj Jenkins Musco - Trillium
Tammy Lynne Stoner - The Life and Assumed Death of the Baroness
Taylor Tejada - Cariño
Timothy Kontje - Zero Line
Tom Cain - Joseki
Tom Reynolds - Seven Screaming Diz-Busters
Tom Sullivan - Heaven and Back
Tova Swartz - Light
Tricia Lee - Good Chance
Troy L. Mann - Sheep's Clothing
Trysta Bissett - Erzsébet
Tucker Forbes - The Last Stand of Everett McClain
Vandon Gibbs - The Forever Winter
Vince Raisa - The Wheel
Virginia Austin - Who Let the Wallflowers Out?
Virginia Tucker - A Little Cracked
Wesley Du - Forever My Child
Woody Bess - Watching Eels Fuck
Zach Bandler - Land of the Young
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Aaron Seelman - Box Brown
Aaron Yeung - Vermilion
Adam Branson - What Remains
Adam Sandel - Bessie's Place
Addy Davies - Something Like Joy
Adrienne Weisz - Free
Alex Clark - The Weight
Alex Wilson - Arson's Wake
Alison Rayner - Spud
Allison Margaret Reid - Lovely Evil
Amy Haeussler - Crazy Girl
Amy Jo Johnson - Ends of The Earth
Andrew Kaberline - End Of Day
Angela Franklyn - Mozart's Don Jane
Angie Comer - Spitting Fire
Anita J. Justice - Mine
Anne Richey - If Marlowe
Asabi Lee and Paul Hart-Wilden - DeadMe
Ayla Xuan Chi - My Slave Dave
Ban Kulin - Abel James
Basil Argento - Oathbreakers
Benjamin Christopher - The Backup
Billy Zeinert - Frankie and Ellie Save the World
Blair Cosby - John Wayne Must Die!
Bobby Duncan - Hippos Underwater
Brandon Steiner - Oliver and the Firefly
Brian Peter Falk - Roxy Druze
Briana Cox - The Sum of Our Parts
Bryan Fierro - True North
Caden Stayner - Tigress of Cremona
Cairo Smith - Lord of Space
Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris - The Girl with the Red Hair
Cara Danielle Brown - Gray Area
Cara-Lynn Branch - Out of the Box
Chadd Alciati - Carnivores
Chance Thomas Garcia - The Ol' Home Place
Chris Willis - Say His Name
Christina Tucker - Unmarked
Christopher Alvarez - Lil Boy
Christopher Hlas - A Vampire, a Werewolf, and a Zombie Walk Into a Bar
Christopher Hwisu Kim - E.S.L.
Claire Utley - Cadence
Conner Bell - The Vein
Connor McDonald - The Fury
Connor Ryan - Northkill
Craig Hanna - Flake
Craig Peters - The 49th Day
Dana Brown and Larry Tabor - Sgt. Reckless: Pride of the Marines
Daniel Kirkham - The Dusting Hour
Danny Howell - The Paper Route 2024
David Barbeschi and Vee Kumari - Yatra
David Huffman - The Best Life
David I. Jenkins - Stenfinn
David Scott Martin - The High Hard One
Dean Jaloudi - 11:59
Debbie Castanha - The Debt
Dianna Ippolito - Racing Under the Moon
Duncan Ferguson - Antibody
Dylan Gallimore - The Money Game
Edward Ryan - The Counteroffensive
Elias Campbell - House Guest
Elissa Elliott - The Paris Concerts
Emilie Blythe McDonald - Aman and Flor Against the Motherfucking World
Emilio Medina - The City of Ash
Eoghan Heneghan - Shoot the Crows
Eric Yang - Pick the Line
Erik Michael - Cloudline
Erin Mick - Ben & Ronnie
Farrah Pereira - Isabela's Revolution
George Carlos - The Mulligans
Giles Carwyn - Social Creatures
Graham Byrne - Bicoastal
Henry Harper - House of the Deaf Man
J.R. Halterlein - Planted
J.R. Wicker - In a Room
Jack Cusick - I'm Not Jack
Jackson Miller - Javi Who Vanishes
Jacob Arden - I Will Come to You
Jake Spence Barnes - A Purpose
James Davis - Dafydd's Great Concoction
Jamie Wolpert - The Best Lobster Roll in the World
Jason Habel - Headlights on the Highway
Jay Smith - The Golden Hour
Jeff Goldstone - Every Mother's Son
Jill Greenwood - Kismet
Jill Hoppe - It's For You...
John Bain - Mendings
John Nugent - Oh, You Poor Thing
John Washburn - The Sad and Tawdry Story of Seamus Lynch: A Modern American Nobody
Joshua Foley - The Fall of Mo Chevenko
Joshua Labata - Many Dead, More Taken
Joshua Sheehan - Daddy's Little Girl
Jud Cremata - Whirlpool
Julia Campanelli - The Paisley Witch Trial
Julia Morizawa - Something About the Tide
Julie McKay - The Homestead
Julien Perez - the good guys!
June Escalante - The Tenements
Kai David - The Mask of the Dragonfly
Katerina Bakolias - Salvage
Katie Fahey - Widowed
Keith Hayasaka - The Wayward Son
Kelly Campbell - Michelangelo vs. Giants
Kevin Talley - Snake Oil
Kevin Yang - Assembly Required
Khaled Ridgeway and Noah Cooper - Lucid Summer
Klaudia Lipinska and Lukasz Lipinski - The Philatelist
Kris A. Holmes - Seeds of Truth
Kristin Goodman - The Cold Between
Laura McHugh and Ian McHugh - Make You Believe
Lauren M. Silverman - Brother Virtue
Liam B. McEneaney - Red Thunder
Liam Mathison Farmer - Crosswater
Lindsay Stidham - A Real Pair
Lisa Garvey - Walter Vs Himself
Lora Gray - A Box of Tomorrows
Lukas Hassel - Into the Dark
Marc Cubelli - The Prairie Lawyer
Marc Moody - Ordung
Marcia Chandler Rhea and Margaret Ford Rogers - The Carolina Storyteller
Marcus Crawford Guy - Malcolm & May
Mariana R. Serra - You and You Too
Mary Albanese - The Wild Heart of Alaska
Matt Ott - Hotline
Megan Breen - The Porter
Meghan Lajewski - The Erased Girls
Menelek Lumumba - Green
Michael Burke - My Best Friend's Parents
Michael E. Pitts - The Devil Will Drive You Mad
Michael Hahn and Elisabeth Meurer - Savage Instruments
Michael Martino Machin - Maknama
Michael Reeder - Hang It Up
Mike Fairbrass - Liquid and Dust
Mike Sheriff - Dilation
MikeBoaks - The Decolonizers
Misha Vertkin - Latent
Molly Ann Hale - Clutch
Nathan Wilcoxen - The Line
Nicholas Paxton - The Heavens and the Earth
Nick Taylor Buck - Concerto
Ningyi Sun - Si Si
Noah Kim - Raised on Hoops
Nti Aning - Time Will Tell
Oliver Arnoldi - Hail Daisy
P. Raymond and Eric Michael Johnson - Not Forever
Patrick Monger - Half Way Down
Paul J Vogel - Family Business
Paul Kennedy Jr. - Scrap
Paul Pawlowski - Montaperti
Penn Javdan - River Kings
Peter Roach - Rainier
Philip Alexander Mills - The Waste Land
Rahul Vijay - Sleeper
Ray Gettman Bush - The Future
Ray Keller and Richard Schmidt - The Astrologer
Ria Fend - Squatters
Robert Armanyous - Coptic
Robert Bridge - Il Coltello
Roberta Rovner Pieczenik - Coyote Warrior
Robin Farmer - Malcolm and Me
Roses Urquhart - This Is My Body
Ryan Ederer - A Forest Through the Trees
Sam Sortino - On The Way
Scott Rickels - Reckless
Sean M Dugan - SmartPeople
Selina Chignall - Burdened with Bloodshed
Sherice Griffiths - Highland Stag
Siddhant Goswami - Pagol
Simon Smith - In Defense of a Married Man
Soma Helmi - Daydreamers
S-R Meredith - I-80 West
Stacie Shellner - The Deal Breaker
Stef Smith and Maxine Mellor - Anna Robi and The House of Dogs
Stephanie Kiluk - The Motivator
Stephanie Palacino and Scott Porterfield - 5 Things
Summera - Big, Strong, and Brave
Svilen Kamburov - King's Heart
T.J. Marine - Beware the Miniwashitu
Takeo Hori - American Infamy
Talbot Hall - King of Children
Tannaz Hazemi - Dean The Drummer
Terry Heyman - The Alien In The Cul-de-Sac
Terry Rietta - It Gets Worse
Tèry Nem - Los asesinos
Thomas Ronca - Sophie and the Bluebird
Tim Drain - Life in Wartime
Tom Nowak - Child of the Terror
Tony Bustamante - Suffer the Act
Tony Lucadamo - Brokered
Tvli Jacob - The Startling Adventure of Andi Jackson
Tyler Geditz - Gunslinger
Tyler Rivenbark - How the Sun Rises Wrong on the River
Vincent Bain - Collapsed
Wagner Au - Future Tense, Past Imperfect
Walker MacDonald - Tomato Frog
Wally Lurz - Spectre Six
Will Moran - Coaldale
William Alexander Boyd III - My Mother's Land
Willis Kuelthau - The Marmot & The Devil
Yvette Underwood and Eryk Lenartowicz - The Border
Zach Grossman - North Star

Alysha Chan and David Zarif
SCRIPT: Miss Chinatown

Colton Childs
SCRIPT: Fake-A-Wish

Charmaine Colina
SCRIPT: Gunslinger Bride

Ward Kamel
SCRIPT: If I Die in America

Wendy Britton Young
SCRIPT: The Superb Lyrebird & Other Creatures

Kelly Beck-Byrnes
SCRIPT: Where The Boxelders Grow

Tate Hamilton
SCRIPT: Delivery Girl

Jamie Murphy
SCRIPT: Lights Over Idaho

Adele Smaill
SCRIPT: No Ghosts Tonight

Justine Suh
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
A. Alhendyani - Zawja
Adam J. Kreps - A Novel Murder
Adam Sharp - The War Unheard
Adam Terence Bailey - Vainglorious
Aleksandr Bashkirov - Sledge Patrol
Alexandre Mullen - Amani
Amy Huckabay - Forty-Eight Steps
Andrea Turner - The Rule of Thirds
Annelise Odders - Wish Kid
Anthony Rainone - Highway 83
Anthony Short and David Ince - Six Mile Wayfarer - The Legend of John & Lavinia Fisher
Ari Merkin - Ridesolo
Ariel Sayegh - Breaking Up The Beatles
Ben Pickles - Of Glass and Golden Clockwork
Bishon Hart - Sucks to Be Stacey
Brett Bowker - The Dark Candle
Brittni Brown - The Turn
Cal J.T. Moreno - The Last Tortilla
Carrie Anderson - The Breakaway
Chloe Hatherley - Anchorite
Christian Hearn - The Hiding
Christian Walsh - Fallen
Christina Hulen - La Maupin
Clint Williams - Enemy
Connor Martin - Golden Boy
Conor King Devitt - Graves of Lesser Men
Conrad Rothbaum - The Videographers
Dan Abramovici - Searching for Marceau
Dan Southard - Depth Of Field
Daniel Cooper and Adam Cooper - The Corpse Dresser
Darren Teo - After the Fall
David Herzfeld - Gold Rush
David Ward - Tiananmen
Denys Patrashku - Seven sins of war
Dominic Burgess - Out of Mind
Don Downie - The Spirit of Detroit
Elizabeth Lunday - Rite of Spring
Ernestina Juarez - The Banner
George Tarr - Son of Africa
Gerry Kim and Ming Jin Woo - The Camford Experiment
Gina DeAngelis - The Knocking at the Marsh
Greta Harrison and Matthew C. Vaughan - Pony Up
Harry Hunsicker - Buttercup
Hunter Doohan - Fate
J Stuart - Two Suns
Jack Delaney - No Man's Land
Jackie Goncalves - You Broke My Car Window
Jacobo Fe - Ambergris
James Tison - I Don't Want To Fight Anymore
James Williams - Gifted Savages
Jamison Timothy Silverman - Ghost in a Uniform
Jeana Harris - I'm Not Okay
Jeff Nowak - Saigon Falling
Jennifer Renner - The Long March
Jesse Thompson - Burn Valley
Jocelyn Osier - Talk to Me
John Biolsi - Shotfire
John Cerrito - Road Closure
John Dart and Jeff Swanson - The Snowmen
Jon Bershad - Join Us
Joon Cho - sometimes, i wish i was a fish
Josette Eales - Life at the End of the World
Josh Kalven - In The Minarets
Justin Ballheim - The Deadhead
Justin Dobies - Gunnar on The Grassland Sea
Kaley Mamo - The Well
Kali Baker-Johnson - Church of a Black God
Kari Mote - Crabs In A Mother F*cking Bucket
Keith Currivean - The Tale of Bunny, the Lamb
Kevin Walsh - Josefina
Kolby Runager - Real Men Play Football
Leah Moth - Hostess
Lee Bentley - Harrow
LeeAnn Patrick and Daniel Shinners - Daphne and Althea Save Greece
Leonora Pitts and Emily Robinson - Mad Bad Dangerous to Know
Liam Durcan - Morningstar
Liam van den Hoek - Devil Soldier
Lizzie Jiang Roberts - Devil's Peak
LJ McPherson - Secrets the River Kept
Martin Walsh - Storming St Nazaire
Martina Muhoberac - Nola's Last Heist
Matt McCarron - Ten Cent Beer Night
Maureen McEly - Golden Hour
Megan Weaver - The Shapeshifter In Your Chest
Melissa Fonzino - And They Lived...
Michael A. Bina - Bahar, Born At Night
Michael Grebb - Survivors of the Wolves
Michele Love Santoro and Shyaam Karra - Baby Daddy
Miida Chu - Sound of My Dreams
Mitch Collier - Providence
Mutaurwa Mapondera - Rumble
Nana Okamoto - Kikoku
Nick Annas - Herschel
Nick Chen - Let's Unrelate
Nick Hurwitch - Jumpman: The Legend of Shigeru Miyamoto
Pearse Lehane - Punic
Phillip Roquemore - The Duplicity of Well-Being
Rali Chaouni and Arthur Elias Gay - When the Goats Came
Rich Ragsdale - Lenora
Richard Stephen Bell - The Tale Collector
Rob Fresco - Visalia
Robert G. Rhyne - Falling From The Sky
Rosario Pellerito and Manuel J Valdivia - Wolfer
Russell Christian Wojtusiak - The Letter
Ryan Bright - High Rise
Sage Wells - Lullaby
Sam Dawe - This Is a Horror Story
Sam Miller - Dutchkill
Sam Robotham - Purebred
Sandra L. Rostirolla - Making Friends With Monsters
Sean-Paul Thomas Cairns - The Old Man and The Princess
Sierra Hall - Trick or Treat Forever
Simon Cheyne - Them Monsters
Stacey Davis - A Eulogy for Evelyn
Stella Ruggiero and Heidi Dugan - Biography of the Bones
Steven L. Fournier - War Woman
Suzi Bach - Malem
Suzy Miller - The Nuns' Referendum
T. Alistair Stromme - In God's Hands
Taj Jenkins Musco - Trillium
Tammy Lynne Stoner - The Life and Assumed Death of the Baroness
Taylor Tejada - Cariño
Timothy Kontje - Zero Line
Tom Cain - Joseki
Tom Reynolds - Seven Screaming Diz-Busters
Tom Sullivan - Heaven and Back
Tova Swartz - Light
Tricia Lee - Good Chance
Troy L. Mann - Sheep's Clothing
Trysta Bissett - Erzsébet
Tucker Forbes - The Last Stand of Everett McClain
Vandon Gibbs - The Forever Winter
Vince Raisa - The Wheel
Virginia Austin - Who Let the Wallflowers Out?
Virginia Tucker - A Little Cracked
Wesley Du - Forever My Child
Woody Bess - Watching Eels Fuck
Zach Bandler - Land of the Young
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Aaron Seelman - Box Brown
Aaron Yeung - Vermilion
Adam Branson - What Remains
Adam Sandel - Bessie's Place
Addy Davies - Something Like Joy
Adrienne Weisz - Free
Alex Clark - The Weight
Alex Wilson - Arson's Wake
Alison Rayner - Spud
Allison Margaret Reid - Lovely Evil
Amy Haeussler - Crazy Girl
Amy Jo Johnson - Ends of The Earth
Andrew Kaberline - End Of Day
Angela Franklyn - Mozart's Don Jane
Angie Comer - Spitting Fire
Anita J. Justice - Mine
Anne Richey - If Marlowe
Asabi Lee and Paul Hart-Wilden - DeadMe
Ayla Xuan Chi - My Slave Dave
Ban Kulin - Abel James
Basil Argento - Oathbreakers
Benjamin Christopher - The Backup
Billy Zeinert - Frankie and Ellie Save the World
Blair Cosby - John Wayne Must Die!
Bobby Duncan - Hippos Underwater
Brandon Steiner - Oliver and the Firefly
Brian Peter Falk - Roxy Druze
Briana Cox - The Sum of Our Parts
Bryan Fierro - True North
Caden Stayner - Tigress of Cremona
Cairo Smith - Lord of Space
Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris - The Girl with the Red Hair
Cara Danielle Brown - Gray Area
Cara-Lynn Branch - Out of the Box
Chadd Alciati - Carnivores
Chance Thomas Garcia - The Ol' Home Place
Chris Willis - Say His Name
Christina Tucker - Unmarked
Christopher Alvarez - Lil Boy
Christopher Hlas - A Vampire, a Werewolf, and a Zombie Walk Into a Bar
Christopher Hwisu Kim - E.S.L.
Claire Utley - Cadence
Conner Bell - The Vein
Connor McDonald - The Fury
Connor Ryan - Northkill
Craig Hanna - Flake
Craig Peters - The 49th Day
Dana Brown and Larry Tabor - Sgt. Reckless: Pride of the Marines
Daniel Kirkham - The Dusting Hour
Danny Howell - The Paper Route 2024
David Barbeschi and Vee Kumari - Yatra
David Huffman - The Best Life
David I. Jenkins - Stenfinn
David Scott Martin - The High Hard One
Dean Jaloudi - 11:59
Debbie Castanha - The Debt
Dianna Ippolito - Racing Under the Moon
Duncan Ferguson - Antibody
Dylan Gallimore - The Money Game
Edward Ryan - The Counteroffensive
Elias Campbell - House Guest
Elissa Elliott - The Paris Concerts
Emilie Blythe McDonald - Aman and Flor Against the Motherfucking World
Emilio Medina - The City of Ash
Eoghan Heneghan - Shoot the Crows
Eric Yang - Pick the Line
Erik Michael - Cloudline
Erin Mick - Ben & Ronnie
Farrah Pereira - Isabela's Revolution
George Carlos - The Mulligans
Giles Carwyn - Social Creatures
Graham Byrne - Bicoastal
Henry Harper - House of the Deaf Man
J.R. Halterlein - Planted
J.R. Wicker - In a Room
Jack Cusick - I'm Not Jack
Jackson Miller - Javi Who Vanishes
Jacob Arden - I Will Come to You
Jake Spence Barnes - A Purpose
James Davis - Dafydd's Great Concoction
Jamie Wolpert - The Best Lobster Roll in the World
Jason Habel - Headlights on the Highway
Jay Smith - The Golden Hour
Jeff Goldstone - Every Mother's Son
Jill Greenwood - Kismet
Jill Hoppe - It's For You...
John Bain - Mendings
John Nugent - Oh, You Poor Thing
John Washburn - The Sad and Tawdry Story of Seamus Lynch: A Modern American Nobody
Joshua Foley - The Fall of Mo Chevenko
Joshua Labata - Many Dead, More Taken
Joshua Sheehan - Daddy's Little Girl
Jud Cremata - Whirlpool
Julia Campanelli - The Paisley Witch Trial
Julia Morizawa - Something About the Tide
Julie McKay - The Homestead
Julien Perez - the good guys!
June Escalante - The Tenements
Kai David - The Mask of the Dragonfly
Katerina Bakolias - Salvage
Katie Fahey - Widowed
Keith Hayasaka - The Wayward Son
Kelly Campbell - Michelangelo vs. Giants
Kevin Talley - Snake Oil
Kevin Yang - Assembly Required
Khaled Ridgeway and Noah Cooper - Lucid Summer
Klaudia Lipinska and Lukasz Lipinski - The Philatelist
Kris A. Holmes - Seeds of Truth
Kristin Goodman - The Cold Between
Laura McHugh and Ian McHugh - Make You Believe
Lauren M. Silverman - Brother Virtue
Liam B. McEneaney - Red Thunder
Liam Mathison Farmer - Crosswater
Lindsay Stidham - A Real Pair
Lisa Garvey - Walter Vs Himself
Lora Gray - A Box of Tomorrows
Lukas Hassel - Into the Dark
Marc Cubelli - The Prairie Lawyer
Marc Moody - Ordung
Marcia Chandler Rhea and Margaret Ford Rogers - The Carolina Storyteller
Marcus Crawford Guy - Malcolm & May
Mariana R. Serra - You and You Too
Mary Albanese - The Wild Heart of Alaska
Matt Ott - Hotline
Megan Breen - The Porter
Meghan Lajewski - The Erased Girls
Menelek Lumumba - Green
Michael Burke - My Best Friend's Parents
Michael E. Pitts - The Devil Will Drive You Mad
Michael Hahn and Elisabeth Meurer - Savage Instruments
Michael Martino Machin - Maknama
Michael Reeder - Hang It Up
Mike Fairbrass - Liquid and Dust
Mike Sheriff - Dilation
MikeBoaks - The Decolonizers
Misha Vertkin - Latent
Molly Ann Hale - Clutch
Nathan Wilcoxen - The Line
Nicholas Paxton - The Heavens and the Earth
Nick Taylor Buck - Concerto
Ningyi Sun - Si Si
Noah Kim - Raised on Hoops
Nti Aning - Time Will Tell
Oliver Arnoldi - Hail Daisy
P. Raymond and Eric Michael Johnson - Not Forever
Patrick Monger - Half Way Down
Paul J Vogel - Family Business
Paul Kennedy Jr. - Scrap
Paul Pawlowski - Montaperti
Penn Javdan - River Kings
Peter Roach - Rainier
Philip Alexander Mills - The Waste Land
Rahul Vijay - Sleeper
Ray Gettman Bush - The Future
Ray Keller and Richard Schmidt - The Astrologer
Ria Fend - Squatters
Robert Armanyous - Coptic
Robert Bridge - Il Coltello
Roberta Rovner Pieczenik - Coyote Warrior
Robin Farmer - Malcolm and Me
Roses Urquhart - This Is My Body
Ryan Ederer - A Forest Through the Trees
Sam Sortino - On The Way
Scott Rickels - Reckless
Sean M Dugan - SmartPeople
Selina Chignall - Burdened with Bloodshed
Sherice Griffiths - Highland Stag
Siddhant Goswami - Pagol
Simon Smith - In Defense of a Married Man
Soma Helmi - Daydreamers
S-R Meredith - I-80 West
Stacie Shellner - The Deal Breaker
Stef Smith and Maxine Mellor - Anna Robi and The House of Dogs
Stephanie Kiluk - The Motivator
Stephanie Palacino and Scott Porterfield - 5 Things
Summera - Big, Strong, and Brave
Svilen Kamburov - King's Heart
T.J. Marine - Beware the Miniwashitu
Takeo Hori - American Infamy
Talbot Hall - King of Children
Tannaz Hazemi - Dean The Drummer
Terry Heyman - The Alien In The Cul-de-Sac
Terry Rietta - It Gets Worse
Tèry Nem - Los asesinos
Thomas Ronca - Sophie and the Bluebird
Tim Drain - Life in Wartime
Tom Nowak - Child of the Terror
Tony Bustamante - Suffer the Act
Tony Lucadamo - Brokered
Tvli Jacob - The Startling Adventure of Andi Jackson
Tyler Geditz - Gunslinger
Tyler Rivenbark - How the Sun Rises Wrong on the River
Vincent Bain - Collapsed
Wagner Au - Future Tense, Past Imperfect
Walker MacDonald - Tomato Frog
Wally Lurz - Spectre Six
Will Moran - Coaldale
William Alexander Boyd III - My Mother's Land
Willis Kuelthau - The Marmot & The Devil
Yvette Underwood and Eryk Lenartowicz - The Border
Zach Grossman - North Star