SCRIPT: “Brownie Mary"
SCRIPT: “Nat Cady's Boys"
SCRIPT: “Slugger"
SCRIPT: “Boy, Girl, Fig"
SCRIPT: “Emocja"
SCRIPT: “Barbara the Barbarian"
SCRIPT: “The Funny He-She Ladies!"
SCRIPT: “Signature Photo"
SCRIPT: “Gobbledygook"
SCRIPT: “The Pink Triangle"
SCRIPT: “The Migrant"
SCRIPT: “Showstopper"
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Adam J. Kreps - Unrecognizable
Adam Sharp - The War Unheard
Ahmed Zaato Uthman - Kwaku Anansi
Aidan West - V. Debs
Alex Haven - Of A Tribe
Alex Murawski - Walking in Iowa
Alexander Rose - Strange Currents
Alyson Gomeau & Selina Gomeau - Outrageous
Amar Singh - We're Going to be Okay
Andrew Case - The Cockfighter
Anisa Ahmed - Riot
Arianna Muñoz - Mary Shelley
Ben Fickes - The Ashes of Orleans
Ben Long - Lady of the Knight
Ben Samuels - Different From The Others
Benjamin Lewis - Goodbye Everybody
Blair Cosby - John Wayne Must Die!
Brendan Prost - #KillAllMen
C.J. Woodring & Geoff Allison - Sean Bean Won't Die
C.L. Feldman - It's Me
Cedric Petitcollin - The Hold
Charlotte Gajek - The Ride
Chris Gudgeon - Song of Kosovo
Chris Lui - Tigress
Christopher James Murray - Sojourn
Dan Kavanagh - The Playboy's Doctor
Daniel J. Egbert - The Ways Our Bodies Burn
Danielle Autumn Stratton - Woman-Ochre
David DeGrow Shotwell - Homestead
David Kane - Boat People
David Michael Milwee - American Crime
David Scala - The Pill and the Fury
Debbie Castanha - White Knight
Derek Pastuszek - The Myth of Autumn
Devon Bostick - Where the Rainbow Ends
Dezi Gallegos - Time-Rex
Douglas E. Spaltro - Cigar Box Letters
Eileen Dennehy - Le Bon Temps
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan - The Boy on the Cover
Elle León Nostas & Ronald Johnson - MOM
Emily McGregor & Sam Weller - The Tabby
Eric Kallevig - Citizen
F.R. Drakaea - Our Imagined Place
Farbod Ardebili - Forbidden to See Us Scream
Frederick Schultz & Darren Richard Anderson - Retrospective
G. Michelle Robinson - Plaçage
Genevieve Cramsie - Umbra
George Grant - Bonnie Prince Davy
Greg Borzilleri - The Night Shift
Hayley Tibbenham - Songs Without Words
Isaac Louis García - Skin to Skin
Isaiah Mouw - Ball Don't Lie
J. Florence Jones - Kiss Me Like That
Jack Dannibale & Anne Kim - All Along The Watchtower
Jacob H. Crotinger - Government Men
Jacy Mairs - Trash Baby
James Foye - Revolutionary Spy
Jamie Lincoln - Silver
Jamison Timothy Silverman - Ghost in a Uniform
Jason McBeth - Torch
Jeannette Manning & Joseph Yuan - The Mountain Lion
Jess Elise Sanders - The Dark Art of Self-Preservation
Jill Greenwood - Kismet
Joe Veix - Wandersluts
Johanna Salloum - The Unexpected Bliss of Strangers
John Matteson & Scott R. Halvorson - Louisa
John Swartz - Titan
Jon Spurney - Tribe of Thieves
Jonathan Todd Ross - Captain New Jersey
Jordyn Giddens - The Dark Eleventh Hour
Josh Flanagan & Ben Hurst - The Horse Killers
Josh Leong - Lost Boys
Josh Wimble - Millstone
Joshua Clark - Leopard
Joshua Knoller & Eric S. Grant - Dybbuk
Justin McFarr - The Bear Who Broke the World
Justin Rodart - The Last Magician
Karl White - The Henchman
Katerina Munis - Beasts
Kathy Li - Refuge
Kerry Glamsch - Buried Treasures
Kevin Caruso - The Rut
Kevin Kunz - Gunner
Kevin Lenihan - Unfinished
Kevin Long - The Remnants
Kimberly Manky - Magnus the Magnificent
Landon McDonald - Corsican Vendetta Knife with Floral Detail
Lara Palmqvist - The Garden
Liam van den Hoek - Aimo
Lucas Miller - Always, Forever
Matt Hartman - Tragic!
Matt Mitchener - A Case For Purple
Matt Sweeney - The Unwelcome
Matt Umbarger - Ruby and the Sky
Matthew Stewart - Capable People
Maxwell Dutch Sires - The Fellowship
Mayanka Goel - The Best We Could Do
Meara Owen-Griffiths - Peking to Paris, 1907
Melissa Puente & Ryan Sonderegger - Moose Jaw
Michael Aloyan & Benjamin Scott - Hidden
Michael Doshier - Ronita Rambo
Michael McClung - Kiss Of Darkness
Michael Winingham - Dead Man's Deed
Mike Jupp - Acquisition
Mike Sheriff - Dilation
Monika Moreno-Lapp - Whirlwind
Moxie Peng - Tender Is The Night
Nadia Osman - The Chicken Murders
Naishe Nyamubaya - Chimbo Chebere
Nicholas Schmid - Hare
Nicole Donadio - Upside Downers
Noemie Nakai - Nana Blues
Patrick T. Dorsey - Stack Eights
Paul Ingoldsby - Analytica
Phil Hamer - Entangled
Rachel Rogers - Comfort Women
Randi Barros - The Chicken Festival
Rosemary Lokhorst - Flat Martha
Ryan OLeary - Hungry Hearts
Samuel Harvey - Queen Sue
Samuel Theodros - Zinab
Sean Gallagher - Shelter
Sebastian Davis - Roy G. Biv
Simon Littlejohn - In Darkness Dwell
Spencer Wardwell - Tillman
Steve Coy & John Ferraro - Detention
Steve Parady - The Box
Terry Offnemer - Remain
Tex Gresham - Sometimes The Devil Wins
Tim Auld - Minotaur
Timothy A. Fasano - Hoods
Tony Ferrendelli - Saigon Doll
Tori Time - Wizard
Trent Johnson - Sovereign Citizen
Valerie Bischoff - True Patriots
Zoey Towner - Colette le Chanteuse
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Adam Albanese - The Assignment
Adele Smaill - Dust On Dirt
Akiva Cohen - Rage Against the Night
Alex Guaglianone - One
Alex Tamaki - Armistice Day
Alexandre Carrière - Charlie Copperpot
Amy Haeussler - Crazy Girl
Amy Whittenberger - Daughter Universe
Andrew James Adams - The Exit Counselor
Andrew Kolker - Changeover
Andrew Sherman - Once Upon a Time in Detroit
Anna K. Espada - This Is Our Home
Annabel Swangard - To Hell and Back, My Dear Anastasha
Ariella Blum-Lemberg - The Underworld Queen
Arlan Rowe - Aldon
Arlo Thompson - The Springs
Austen Lott - The Book of Bronzeville
Bailey Gold - The Rest
Ben Weiss & Will Thede - Talk Shit
Bernhard Pucher - Oxygéne
Bill Osinski Victoria - The First
Bishrel Mashbat - Cargo
Blaire Baron - Reckless, Hysterical and Wholly Mad
Boris Vesselinov - Zero
Brad Starr - The Mandrake Of Merryweather Woods
Brady Guy - Go Fish!
Brendan Ryan - Substance
Brett Bowker - Subversives
Brett Caron - Human Resources
Brian M. Thompson - Casualties of Truth & Lies
Brian Mulligan - Funeral For A Friend
Brittany Wang - Tell Me A Story
C. Jeffery Evans - Crippled Wing
Cameron McGrath - Nobody's Home
Cecile George - After 12
Charlie Crook - Woman Finds Dog
Chris Cogley - Sand Creek
Chris Stetson - Frontwoman
Claire Utley - And Here I Go
Clayton Jordan - A Most Exclusive Event
Cole Friedman - Good Youth
Colin d'Amato - Leaving Eden
Connor Buhagiar - Hajji
Crystal Ro - Raiders of the Lost Art
Dana Levinson - Serafina
Dana Pierre - Protege: A Velvet Revolution Story
Daniel Parino - Green v. City of New Orleans
Dave Miller - Pulgasari
David Zeltser & Joseph Greco - Solo
Dawn Alexander - LA UnCovered
Denise Deegan - Thought I Knew You
Dennis Coleman - Holy Spirit
Dennis O'Flyng - The World Turned Upside Down
Don Cabreana - Coming in Second
Doug Kerner - Doom Boy
Eduardo Presa - The Unfinished War
Emily Frances Kaplan - V Is For Victoria
Eric Han - Centenarian
Eric Jordan Baker - Bullfrog
Eric Maus - Electric Peak
Eric Schabla - The Foal
Erica Rose & Ali Clayton - Titters
Evan Cunningham - Long Live The King
Felix S. Halim - The Sea Of Darkness And Fog
Gavin McGibbon - Old Hand
Gentry Ferrell - In the Land of Monsters and Beggars
Gerald B. Browning - Shadows on Blue Ridge
Gianfranco Fernández-Ruiz - Summer of Mercedes
Grafton Reyes Doyle - Kept Men
Gregg Diller - The Gray Lady
Gregory Collins - Deepest Blue
Hans Bjordahl - Boneyard
Hemant Chaudhary - Kashless Cashmir Boys
Henk Pretorius & Brett Michael Innes - Mountain of the Night
Hunter Hadfield - Spread
Israa Al-Kamali - The Anxious Place
J. Adam Russell - The Sky King
J. Bulluck - Sweetie Pie
Jack Johnson - The Long Fade
James Henry - The Collection
James Van Fleet - The Calling
Jamie Severson - Guilt
Jarad Kopciak - Alferd
Jared Goodman - Buyback
Jason Forbach - Memory Play
Jay Natelle - The Infamous Patriot
Jeff Hindenach - Forgetting Jupiter
Jeff S. Pollard - Live Fast, Die Young, and Leave an Informative Corpse
Jeff Solmundson - Intrepid
Jeff Thurber - Skimmer
Jeffrey Field - Icebox
Jennifer Bonner - Elf Force
Jeremy Doherty - Plaster Saint
Jessica Kane - The Trap
Joe Dzikiewicz - The One.com
Joe Favalaro - The Black Dog
Joel B. Strunk - Still at Large
Joel Potrykus - Sob Noisse
Joey Day Hargrove - Disconnect
John Blue - Charlie Wright - The Long Lost Black Boy Who Saved The Union
John Burr - Bad Date
John Dardis & Willie E. Dawkins - Promised Lands
John Ingle - The Lamb
John McPhaul III - Powder Keg
John Nugent - Oh, You Poor Thing
Jonathan Lill - Civilians
Jose Enrique Cruz - Duchess of Kensington
Joseph X. Casillas - Pink & White Skies
Joshua Keller Katz - Last Flight From Kabul
Joshua Sheehan - Whiz Bang
Juancarlos Feliciano - A Business Proposal
Kari Aiya Barber - The Few
Kari Mote - Crabs In A Mother F*cking Bucket
Karina da Cruz Beltrani - Meteor Strike
Katherine Vaz Our - Lady of the Artichokes
Katie Murphy - Banana Wars!
Kel Vance - Wrong Shade of Blue
Kelly Jean Karam - Kid Soldier
Kemp Lee - Bind Our Hearts
Kevin Stuart Brodie - Leviathan
Khurram Mozaffar - We Were Poets
Kirk Evans - Crossing Pass
Kirk Muesse - Black Sunshine
Lance Larson - Horn Bird
Laura McHugh & Ian McHugh - Make You Believe
Laurent Lambert - This Land is my Land
Lee Brandt & Bryan Daniel Snowden - The 23rd Hour
Lilli Kay - Gaslite
Louis Allen - The Sacred Band
Louisa Makaron - An Increasingly Improbable Détente (on the 2:15 to Paris)
Lyra Xhoci - Adet
Macaulay Hinrichs Richards - City America
Makenson Severe - A Florida Man
Mark Schwartz - Inquisition
Matthew Kaundart - My Best Friend Is A Dinosaur
Maureen McEly - Golden Hour
Megan Breen - The Porter
Meghan Maugeri - Lady Shakespeare
Melissa Harkness - Ashes
Mezan Ayoka - Country Cousin
Michael Casimir Welch & Chuck Schumacher - The Way of Baseball
Michael Colucci - Catholic Boy In Paradise
Michael Dean - Regression Test
Michael Leung - The Angel
Michael Yuen - The Golden City
Michelle Lee - Gonggi
Miguel Parga - Hate is Hate
Miida Chu - See You In My Dreams
Nancy Lin - Darkling
Naomi Brodkin - Mary Sybil Hall House
Natalie Wong - Gor Gor
Nathan Patton - The Garden
Nerris Nevarez-Nassiri - No Te Olvides: A New Musical
Nic Cohen - Always We Begin Again
Nick Adams - Landmark
Nitzan Mager - Run Amok
Nora Alameddin - Hurriya (Freedom)
Olive Blackmon & Gavin Benham - Halfsisters
Pat Cavanaugh - Unconditional
Pavel Wine - T.R.Y.
Peter Horgan - Fine Optics
Puja - Lakshmi
Rachel Coomes - Skimming Down to Camelot
Rachel Stevens - The Monsters of Saint Margaret
Ray Grewal - Highland Games
Rebecca Berrih - Glitch
Rex A. Provost - Past Perfect
Rhonda Jean Seiter - Left-Hand Turns: Driving Lessons For The Not Faint Of Heart
Rich Vecchione - Livestream
Richard Apletree - Lancastria
Richard Mauro - Angel Eyes
Rick J. Lucas - Targets
Robert Braunstein - Luo Shente
Robert G. Rhyne - Falling From The Sky
Ruvym Gilman - Leave
Ryan Werner - Parallel
Saleh Karaman - The Tutor
Sarah Walker - American Girl
Scott Crowder - The Black and the Red
Scott Fleishman & Evan Wake - Barrier
Sean McPharlin - The Cancer Eater
Sean Slater - The Devil and Dick Gregory
Shaun M. Raad - Saint Pete
Shayan Lotfi - Leave to Remain
Spencer Janes - Red Letter Days
Steve Howell & Jeffrey Howell - Untitled Catherine Leroy Project
Sumant Joshi - Kavita
Susan Brunig - Generation Zed
Tamara Svirskis - Jasmine
Tiffanie Hsu - Wonderland
Tim Drain - Life In Wartime
Tima Mosta - Road Trip script you won't read but will charge me $90 Anyway
Timothy Jay Smith - Istanbul Crossing
Tom Wholey - A Green Place
Tony Akio Cohen - Cecilia
Travis Carr - Bobtail
Troy Tradup - The Forsaken Boy
Tyler Geditz - Gunslinger
Tyler Riggs - Blue Boy
Tyler True - Slave Ship
Vandon Gibbs - The Forever Winter
Vik Singh - Lounge Act
Vincent Bain - Collapsed
Vincent Xie - Two Sunsets
Warren Lam - The Mou Yongers Avenge Vincent Chin
Wesley Wang - nothing, except everything.
Will Schneider - Fire in Arms
William Schreiber - Chasing Echoes
Yasmin Bakhtiari - Liar's Spring
Yvonne Paulin - The Lazarus Syndrome
Zach Grossman - The Green House
Zane Pena - The Hands of Masters
Zein Alameddine - Between the Shadows
Zoë Klar - I Can Fix Him

SCRIPT: “Brownie Mary"


SCRIPT: “Nat Cady's Boys"

SCRIPT: “Slugger"

SCRIPT: “Boy, Girl, Fig"

SCRIPT: “Emocja"

SCRIPT: “Barbara the Barbarian"

SCRIPT: “The Funny He-She Ladies!"

SCRIPT: “Signature Photo"

SCRIPT: “Gobbledygook"

SCRIPT: “The Pink Triangle"

SCRIPT: “The Migrant"

SCRIPT: “Showstopper"
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Adam J. Kreps - Unrecognizable
Adam Sharp - The War Unheard
Ahmed Zaato Uthman - Kwaku Anansi
Aidan West - V. Debs
Alex Haven - Of A Tribe
Alex Murawski - Walking in Iowa
Alexander Rose - Strange Currents
Alyson Gomeau & Selina Gomeau - Outrageous
Amar Singh - We're Going to be Okay
Andrew Case - The Cockfighter
Anisa Ahmed - Riot
Arianna Muñoz - Mary Shelley
Ben Fickes - The Ashes of Orleans
Ben Long - Lady of the Knight
Ben Samuels - Different From The Others
Benjamin Lewis - Goodbye Everybody
Blair Cosby - John Wayne Must Die!
Brendan Prost - #KillAllMen
C.J. Woodring & Geoff Allison - Sean Bean Won't Die
C.L. Feldman - It's Me
Cedric Petitcollin - The Hold
Charlotte Gajek - The Ride
Chris Gudgeon - Song of Kosovo
Chris Lui - Tigress
Christopher James Murray - Sojourn
Dan Kavanagh - The Playboy's Doctor
Daniel J. Egbert - The Ways Our Bodies Burn
Danielle Autumn Stratton - Woman-Ochre
David DeGrow Shotwell - Homestead
David Kane - Boat People
David Michael Milwee - American Crime
David Scala - The Pill and the Fury
Debbie Castanha - White Knight
Derek Pastuszek - The Myth of Autumn
Devon Bostick - Where the Rainbow Ends
Dezi Gallegos - Time-Rex
Douglas E. Spaltro - Cigar Box Letters
Eileen Dennehy - Le Bon Temps
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan - The Boy on the Cover
Elle León Nostas & Ronald Johnson - MOM
Emily McGregor & Sam Weller - The Tabby
Eric Kallevig - Citizen
F.R. Drakaea - Our Imagined Place
Farbod Ardebili - Forbidden to See Us Scream
Frederick Schultz & Darren Richard Anderson - Retrospective
G. Michelle Robinson - Plaçage
Genevieve Cramsie - Umbra
George Grant - Bonnie Prince Davy
Greg Borzilleri - The Night Shift
Hayley Tibbenham - Songs Without Words
Isaac Louis García - Skin to Skin
Isaiah Mouw - Ball Don't Lie
J. Florence Jones - Kiss Me Like That
Jack Dannibale & Anne Kim - All Along The Watchtower
Jacob H. Crotinger - Government Men
Jacy Mairs - Trash Baby
James Foye - Revolutionary Spy
Jamie Lincoln - Silver
Jamison Timothy Silverman - Ghost in a Uniform
Jason McBeth - Torch
Jeannette Manning & Joseph Yuan - The Mountain Lion
Jess Elise Sanders - The Dark Art of Self-Preservation
Jill Greenwood - Kismet
Joe Veix - Wandersluts
Johanna Salloum - The Unexpected Bliss of Strangers
John Matteson & Scott R. Halvorson - Louisa
John Swartz - Titan
Jon Spurney - Tribe of Thieves
Jonathan Todd Ross - Captain New Jersey
Jordyn Giddens - The Dark Eleventh Hour
Josh Flanagan & Ben Hurst - The Horse Killers
Josh Leong - Lost Boys
Josh Wimble - Millstone
Joshua Clark - Leopard
Joshua Knoller & Eric S. Grant - Dybbuk
Justin McFarr - The Bear Who Broke the World
Justin Rodart - The Last Magician
Karl White - The Henchman
Katerina Munis - Beasts
Kathy Li - Refuge
Kerry Glamsch - Buried Treasures
Kevin Caruso - The Rut
Kevin Kunz - Gunner
Kevin Lenihan - Unfinished
Kevin Long - The Remnants
Kimberly Manky - Magnus the Magnificent
Landon McDonald - Corsican Vendetta Knife with Floral Detail
Lara Palmqvist - The Garden
Liam van den Hoek - Aimo
Lucas Miller - Always, Forever
Matt Hartman - Tragic!
Matt Mitchener - A Case For Purple
Matt Sweeney - The Unwelcome
Matt Umbarger - Ruby and the Sky
Matthew Stewart - Capable People
Maxwell Dutch Sires - The Fellowship
Mayanka Goel - The Best We Could Do
Meara Owen-Griffiths - Peking to Paris, 1907
Melissa Puente & Ryan Sonderegger - Moose Jaw
Michael Aloyan & Benjamin Scott - Hidden
Michael Doshier - Ronita Rambo
Michael McClung - Kiss Of Darkness
Michael Winingham - Dead Man's Deed
Mike Jupp - Acquisition
Mike Sheriff - Dilation
Monika Moreno-Lapp - Whirlwind
Moxie Peng - Tender Is The Night
Nadia Osman - The Chicken Murders
Naishe Nyamubaya - Chimbo Chebere
Nicholas Schmid - Hare
Nicole Donadio - Upside Downers
Noemie Nakai - Nana Blues
Patrick T. Dorsey - Stack Eights
Paul Ingoldsby - Analytica
Phil Hamer - Entangled
Rachel Rogers - Comfort Women
Randi Barros - The Chicken Festival
Rosemary Lokhorst - Flat Martha
Ryan OLeary - Hungry Hearts
Samuel Harvey - Queen Sue
Samuel Theodros - Zinab
Sean Gallagher - Shelter
Sebastian Davis - Roy G. Biv
Simon Littlejohn - In Darkness Dwell
Spencer Wardwell - Tillman
Steve Coy & John Ferraro - Detention
Steve Parady - The Box
Terry Offnemer - Remain
Tex Gresham - Sometimes The Devil Wins
Tim Auld - Minotaur
Timothy A. Fasano - Hoods
Tony Ferrendelli - Saigon Doll
Tori Time - Wizard
Trent Johnson - Sovereign Citizen
Valerie Bischoff - True Patriots
Zoey Towner - Colette le Chanteuse
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Adam Albanese - The Assignment
Adele Smaill - Dust On Dirt
Akiva Cohen - Rage Against the Night
Alex Guaglianone - One
Alex Tamaki - Armistice Day
Alexandre Carrière - Charlie Copperpot
Amy Haeussler - Crazy Girl
Amy Whittenberger - Daughter Universe
Andrew James Adams - The Exit Counselor
Andrew Kolker - Changeover
Andrew Sherman - Once Upon a Time in Detroit
Anna K. Espada - This Is Our Home
Annabel Swangard - To Hell and Back, My Dear Anastasha
Ariella Blum-Lemberg - The Underworld Queen
Arlan Rowe - Aldon
Arlo Thompson - The Springs
Austen Lott - The Book of Bronzeville
Bailey Gold - The Rest
Ben Weiss & Will Thede - Talk Shit
Bernhard Pucher - Oxygéne
Bill Osinski Victoria - The First
Bishrel Mashbat - Cargo
Blaire Baron - Reckless, Hysterical and Wholly Mad
Boris Vesselinov - Zero
Brad Starr - The Mandrake Of Merryweather Woods
Brady Guy - Go Fish!
Brendan Ryan - Substance
Brett Bowker - Subversives
Brett Caron - Human Resources
Brian M. Thompson - Casualties of Truth & Lies
Brian Mulligan - Funeral For A Friend
Brittany Wang - Tell Me A Story
C. Jeffery Evans - Crippled Wing
Cameron McGrath - Nobody's Home
Cecile George - After 12
Charlie Crook - Woman Finds Dog
Chris Cogley - Sand Creek
Chris Stetson - Frontwoman
Claire Utley - And Here I Go
Clayton Jordan - A Most Exclusive Event
Cole Friedman - Good Youth
Colin d'Amato - Leaving Eden
Connor Buhagiar - Hajji
Crystal Ro - Raiders of the Lost Art
Dana Levinson - Serafina
Dana Pierre - Protege: A Velvet Revolution Story
Daniel Parino - Green v. City of New Orleans
Dave Miller - Pulgasari
David Zeltser & Joseph Greco - Solo
Dawn Alexander - LA UnCovered
Denise Deegan - Thought I Knew You
Dennis Coleman - Holy Spirit
Dennis O'Flyng - The World Turned Upside Down
Don Cabreana - Coming in Second
Doug Kerner - Doom Boy
Eduardo Presa - The Unfinished War
Emily Frances Kaplan - V Is For Victoria
Eric Han - Centenarian
Eric Jordan Baker - Bullfrog
Eric Maus - Electric Peak
Eric Schabla - The Foal
Erica Rose & Ali Clayton - Titters
Evan Cunningham - Long Live The King
Felix S. Halim - The Sea Of Darkness And Fog
Gavin McGibbon - Old Hand
Gentry Ferrell - In the Land of Monsters and Beggars
Gerald B. Browning - Shadows on Blue Ridge
Gianfranco Fernández-Ruiz - Summer of Mercedes
Grafton Reyes Doyle - Kept Men
Gregg Diller - The Gray Lady
Gregory Collins - Deepest Blue
Hans Bjordahl - Boneyard
Hemant Chaudhary - Kashless Cashmir Boys
Henk Pretorius & Brett Michael Innes - Mountain of the Night
Hunter Hadfield - Spread
Israa Al-Kamali - The Anxious Place
J. Adam Russell - The Sky King
J. Bulluck - Sweetie Pie
Jack Johnson - The Long Fade
James Henry - The Collection
James Van Fleet - The Calling
Jamie Severson - Guilt
Jarad Kopciak - Alferd
Jared Goodman - Buyback
Jason Forbach - Memory Play
Jay Natelle - The Infamous Patriot
Jeff Hindenach - Forgetting Jupiter
Jeff S. Pollard - Live Fast, Die Young, and Leave an Informative Corpse
Jeff Solmundson - Intrepid
Jeff Thurber - Skimmer
Jeffrey Field - Icebox
Jennifer Bonner - Elf Force
Jeremy Doherty - Plaster Saint
Jessica Kane - The Trap
Joe Dzikiewicz - The One.com
Joe Favalaro - The Black Dog
Joel B. Strunk - Still at Large
Joel Potrykus - Sob Noisse
Joey Day Hargrove - Disconnect
John Blue - Charlie Wright - The Long Lost Black Boy Who Saved The Union
John Burr - Bad Date
John Dardis & Willie E. Dawkins - Promised Lands
John Ingle - The Lamb
John McPhaul III - Powder Keg
John Nugent - Oh, You Poor Thing
Jonathan Lill - Civilians
Jose Enrique Cruz - Duchess of Kensington
Joseph X. Casillas - Pink & White Skies
Joshua Keller Katz - Last Flight From Kabul
Joshua Sheehan - Whiz Bang
Juancarlos Feliciano - A Business Proposal
Kari Aiya Barber - The Few
Kari Mote - Crabs In A Mother F*cking Bucket
Karina da Cruz Beltrani - Meteor Strike
Katherine Vaz Our - Lady of the Artichokes
Katie Murphy - Banana Wars!
Kel Vance - Wrong Shade of Blue
Kelly Jean Karam - Kid Soldier
Kemp Lee - Bind Our Hearts
Kevin Stuart Brodie - Leviathan
Khurram Mozaffar - We Were Poets
Kirk Evans - Crossing Pass
Kirk Muesse - Black Sunshine
Lance Larson - Horn Bird
Laura McHugh & Ian McHugh - Make You Believe
Laurent Lambert - This Land is my Land
Lee Brandt & Bryan Daniel Snowden - The 23rd Hour
Lilli Kay - Gaslite
Louis Allen - The Sacred Band
Louisa Makaron - An Increasingly Improbable Détente (on the 2:15 to Paris)
Lyra Xhoci - Adet
Macaulay Hinrichs Richards - City America
Makenson Severe - A Florida Man
Mark Schwartz - Inquisition
Matthew Kaundart - My Best Friend Is A Dinosaur
Maureen McEly - Golden Hour
Megan Breen - The Porter
Meghan Maugeri - Lady Shakespeare
Melissa Harkness - Ashes
Mezan Ayoka - Country Cousin
Michael Casimir Welch & Chuck Schumacher - The Way of Baseball
Michael Colucci - Catholic Boy In Paradise
Michael Dean - Regression Test
Michael Leung - The Angel
Michael Yuen - The Golden City
Michelle Lee - Gonggi
Miguel Parga - Hate is Hate
Miida Chu - See You In My Dreams
Nancy Lin - Darkling
Naomi Brodkin - Mary Sybil Hall House
Natalie Wong - Gor Gor
Nathan Patton - The Garden
Nerris Nevarez-Nassiri - No Te Olvides: A New Musical
Nic Cohen - Always We Begin Again
Nick Adams - Landmark
Nitzan Mager - Run Amok
Nora Alameddin - Hurriya (Freedom)
Olive Blackmon & Gavin Benham - Halfsisters
Pat Cavanaugh - Unconditional
Pavel Wine - T.R.Y.
Peter Horgan - Fine Optics
Puja - Lakshmi
Rachel Coomes - Skimming Down to Camelot
Rachel Stevens - The Monsters of Saint Margaret
Ray Grewal - Highland Games
Rebecca Berrih - Glitch
Rex A. Provost - Past Perfect
Rhonda Jean Seiter - Left-Hand Turns: Driving Lessons For The Not Faint Of Heart
Rich Vecchione - Livestream
Richard Apletree - Lancastria
Richard Mauro - Angel Eyes
Rick J. Lucas - Targets
Robert Braunstein - Luo Shente
Robert G. Rhyne - Falling From The Sky
Ruvym Gilman - Leave
Ryan Werner - Parallel
Saleh Karaman - The Tutor
Sarah Walker - American Girl
Scott Crowder - The Black and the Red
Scott Fleishman & Evan Wake - Barrier
Sean McPharlin - The Cancer Eater
Sean Slater - The Devil and Dick Gregory
Shaun M. Raad - Saint Pete
Shayan Lotfi - Leave to Remain
Spencer Janes - Red Letter Days
Steve Howell & Jeffrey Howell - Untitled Catherine Leroy Project
Sumant Joshi - Kavita
Susan Brunig - Generation Zed
Tamara Svirskis - Jasmine
Tiffanie Hsu - Wonderland
Tim Drain - Life In Wartime
Tima Mosta - Road Trip script you won't read but will charge me $90 Anyway
Timothy Jay Smith - Istanbul Crossing
Tom Wholey - A Green Place
Tony Akio Cohen - Cecilia
Travis Carr - Bobtail
Troy Tradup - The Forsaken Boy
Tyler Geditz - Gunslinger
Tyler Riggs - Blue Boy
Tyler True - Slave Ship
Vandon Gibbs - The Forever Winter
Vik Singh - Lounge Act
Vincent Bain - Collapsed
Vincent Xie - Two Sunsets
Warren Lam - The Mou Yongers Avenge Vincent Chin
Wesley Wang - nothing, except everything.
Will Schneider - Fire in Arms
William Schreiber - Chasing Echoes
Yasmin Bakhtiari - Liar's Spring
Yvonne Paulin - The Lazarus Syndrome
Zach Grossman - The Green House
Zane Pena - The Hands of Masters
Zein Alameddine - Between the Shadows
Zoë Klar - I Can Fix Him