SCRIPT: “Tape 22"
SCRIPT: “Operation Gemini"
SCRIPT: “Into The Deep Blue"
SCRIPT: “Ojek"
SCRIPT: “Tyrone and The Looking Glass"
SCRIPT: “We Sing"
SCRIPT: “The Supremes"
SCRIPT: “Madame"
SCRIPT: “8 Habits of Highly Murderous People"
SCRIPT: “The Stratford Wife"
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Aaron Lovett - Night of Slow Tears
Aaron Mobley - Nits
Adam Keleman and Brian Trichon - Long Days
Adisa Septuri and Steven Palmer Peterson - Black Ivory
Adrian Prospero - Heartbeat Billionaires
Alastair Collinson - The Beasts of Ramree
Alessandra Bautze - Racing the Wolf God
Alex Haven - Of A Tribe
Alexander Thompson - The Sisters
Alexandra Qin - Thirstygirl
Amy Huckabay - Paul is Dead
Anderson Boyd - Mescalero
Andrew Case - The Cockfighter
Andrew James Adams - Cicada Summer
Andy Walker - Belle
Ann Hawker - Aviemore
Annie Grace - Beauty King
Annika Pampel - Angelmaker
Anthony Karim Garland - Mimic
Austin Formato - The Death and Life of Angiolina Grasso
Becca Roth - Margo & Perry
Benedict Cohen - Ability
Benjamin Lewis - Goodbye Everybody
Bryan Regan and Chen Zhen - Beacon Beyond the Bay
Caleb Seibert - Channel Fever
Carmen Emmi - Plainclothes
Chaseedaw Giles - The Final Cut
Christin Finch - Raised by Dogs
Christine Garver - The Pepper
Christopher James Murray - Sojourn
Christopher Robertson - Jeffrey The Barbarian
CJ Jones - Dawn Chorus
Clint Williams - Enemy
Cyn Harris - Big Girl
D.A. Everett - Only Ruins Remain
Dani Milton - Devil's Mouth
Daniel Kavanagh - In Dreams
David Jacks and Jeff Grimm - FMK
David Shotwell - Homestead
Edith D. Rodriguez - South Side Girls
Eliesha Steel - Weightless
Elizabeth Chatelain - Sundogs
Elizabeth Corbett - A More Certain Light
Eric Jordan Baker - Bullfrog
Erin Brown Thomas - The Body of Chris
Faizan Kareem - Astray
Fred Nutter - The Fairest Of Them All
Greg Swong - The Printer
Guilherme Viegas - The Life We Chose
H.A. Young - Run On
Hayley Tibbenham - Songs Without Words
J.R. Rappaport - Trial In The Trenches
Jared Pascoe - The Ride
Jeff Burgett - Here's Lookin' At You
Jeff Galante - The Beast of Lake Lambton
Jessica Leonard - Bone Music
John Biolsi - Shotfire
Jon Bershad - Cuffing Season
Jon Shaivitz - Chó
Josh Flanagan - The Six-Day Detective
Joshua Sonny Harris - Deaf
Kahlil Maskati - Alim Uncle
Katie Crone - Youth in Asia
Katie Murphy - BAREFEET
Kelsey Taylor - The Bad Things
Kerry L. M. Russell - Sexual Selection in Females of the Species: A Case Study
Kris A. Holmes - Seeds of Truth
Laura Valin-Peñalba and Elise Patterson-Merritt - Pledge
Lindsey Dodge Gudritz - Politically Incorrect
Lindsey Galloway - The Last Queen's Painter
Lorenzo Colonna - Pearl
Maciej Turczynski - The Teeth, Dead Dog and the Discovery of Anesthesia
Malcolm Badewitz - Muck
Marina Michelson - Anoushka
Mario G. Lopez - Pata Palo: The Pursuit of Goldie Pearls
Marisa Torelli-Pedevska - Jesus Goes to Goodland
Matt Mitchener - A Case For Purple
Matt Ocks - Bella Vista
Matthew Sterling - Home Video
Matthew Tennant - The Wyrm
Max Kaplow - Fire on the Line
McKenzi Vanderberg - Din
Megan Green - Eleanor & Jack
Melanie Schiele - Butterfly Children
Michael Baker and Javier Ortiz - Las Excavadoras (The Diggers)
Michael Lee Barlin - Final Journey
Michael McCoy - Under the Rising Sun
Michael S. Yuen - The Golden City
N. Fituri Scown - Come Back King
Nadav Heyman and Erez Heiman - Jackie & The Rats
Nancy Safavi - Cheer 1st
Nate Patton - Acquaintances
Nathan Jon Wetherington - Sendgeance!
Neil Saul - American Odyssey
P.J. Wolff - The Road To Damascus
Pacifico Geronimo and Andrew Saunderson - Where The Oceans Meet
Patrick Duffy - Bastards of Manchester
Paul Ingoldsby - Analytica
Pearse Lehane - More Than One Idiot Brother
Peter Groynom - Toward the End of Time
Richard Mauro - Angel Eyes
Richard Norris - A Trick Of The Light
Rob Rufus - Die Young With Me
Robert Simpson - A Story of the London Fog
Russell Koos - Action Figures
Sabeen Amanat - Burn Your Idols
Salvatore Liuzzi - Last Summer Ever
Sam Gasch and Harry Valentine - Stuck
Samuel Godfrey - On Account of a Goat
Scott Fleishman and Evan Wake - Barrier
Scott Grierson - Metallica vs. Napster, Inc.
Scott Hamilton - The City of Lost Children
Scott Hipp and Zoe Broad - Beyond Sight
Sender Tarlovsky - Speak of the Wolf
Serge Bodnarchuk - The Feral Child
Shohreh Amirzafari Harris - Yankee Goes Home
Stephen Bell and J. Brett VanderMale - Raw Materials
Suzi Bach - Lexi and the Lion
Tavis Gray Vannucci - The Widows Club
Tommy Lombardi - Hizzoner
Tony Ferrendelli - Saigon Doll
Tristan Bellawala - Medusa
Victoria Rivera and Leticia Akel Escarate - Malpelo
Wade Wofford - Urban Ed
Willie Dawkins - Banished
Woody Bess - Irish Goodbye
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Aarthi Ramanathan - Maiden Warrior
Adele Smaill - Dust on Dirt
Adrian Cunningham - Bender
Adrian Parks - After The Gold Rush
Adrian Urbina - Being Women
Adrienne Thorne - Stones
AJ Briones - The Visiting Stone
Alex Benis - Red Was My Favorite Color
Alex Fotopoulos - A.K.A Bernie Madoff
Alex Guaglianone - Everything Between Us
Alex Simon - Baron of Havana
Alexander Hendler - The Storm King
Alexandra Turner - The Girl from Deagard
Alfredo Rodriguez-Allen - The Silvia Show
Allison Mattox - Échappé
Andreea Irina Moise - The Time Battle
Andrew Alexander - The Gravedigger
Andrew Anthony - Ghosts
Andy Silverman - Squonk
Anil Jacob Kunnel - Aeon
Ann Thurber - The Patron Saints of Lost Causes
Ariel Ehrlich - The Rental
Arun Lakra - Fortunato Heist
Ashley Hiller - Mother
Ava Simone - Our Own Little Something
Avishai Weinberger - Drift Off
Bailey Moore - Paint!
Barry Eitel - The Clarinet
Barry Leach - Dauntless
Ben Davis and Tyler Hiott - Phoenix to Kyiv
Ben Luben - I Am Become Death
Ben Samuels and Oliver Justin Samuels - The Great Dismal Swamp
Beth Drenning - Jane Being Jane
Blair Cosby - John Wayne Must Die!
Blue Spruell - Taro: Legend of Japan
Bob Reynolds - The Dying of the Light
Boris Vesselinov - A Dose of Arsenic
Brad A. Mason - Cage-Fed
Braeden Ayub - Alex Goes to Paris
Brett Lawlor and Madison Lawlor - Finding Clarity
Brian Christopher Quinn - Dreamworld
Brian Dutt - Timmy
Brian G. White and Laura Napoli - A Jersey Christmas Movie
Brooks Reynolds - Left & Leaving
Casey Beck - The Valley
Charles W. Chambers - Night Song
Chase Drummond - A Flightless Bird Upon Falling
Chris Hicks - The Butter Street Hitchhiker
Christopher McKee - Naked in the City of Heroes
Christopher T. Wood - Harris, The Hitman
Christopher Thomas - The Memory Dancer
Colin Moore - Trouble Will Find Me
Courtney Hull - Ghost Writer
Craig Houchin - Ludlow
Cressandra Thibodeaux - The Hanging Tree
Cynthia De Souza - Swipe Right to Save the World
D.C. Fairhurst - Lone
Daniel Garber - Part Time Lover
Daniel Grasskamp - The Ark Beneath the Sea
Daniel Younger - Escape from Starry Night
David Buik - A Legacy
David Landskroener - Paradise Lost
David Page - King of Pain
Daviesha Rice - Like A Boy
Devin Peluso - Dennis, MA
Dominic Burgess - Belle's Not Well
Dominic Flint - The Burning Hill
Don Santiago - The Perfect Suicide
Ed Bonilla - 5 Clones
Ed Cha - Electric Lights
Eliana Victoria Alcouloumre - In The Mouth of the Wolf
Eoghan Heneghan - Neverland
Eric Alejandro Reis - The One
Erik Louis Smith - Improvidently Accepted
Esteban Bailey - The Strange Monster at the Rivera House
Gabriel DiMilo - EDEN
Garison Piatt - A Place of Madness
Gayatri Kumar - The Day Before Being Sold
Geo Bradley - And Scene!
Gustavo Melo - Where There's A Will
Hassan Ildari - A Thousand Splendid Things
Heather Farlinger - No Good Deed
J. Noonan - Phantom
Jacob Dorn - Labor Pain
Jacobo Fe - Halsted: Between Pleasure & Pain
Jahir M. Johnson - Robinhood: An African Tale
Jake Ross - The Director's Cut
James King - Tusk
Jamie Trevino - Nothing Sacred
Jamison Timothy Silverman - Ghost in a Uniform
Jared Gentile - Place to Be
Jaskaran Singh - Jersey Boy
Jason Director and Kalena Ranoa - Kiss & Fly
Jeannette Manning and Joseph Yuan - The Mountain Lion
Jeff Kennedy - Of Flesh And Bone
Jeffrey Craine - Backwaters
Jeffrey William Reebie - The Last Western
Jeremiah Blackman and Dakota Friesen - Consumed
Jeremy Wadzinski - The Last Surrender
Jerold Wallace - Iggies
Jill Bayor - Hesse
Joe Collevecchio - The Other Woman
Joey Day Hargrove - Disconnect
John Doble - The Rommel Gambit
John McCarney - Blood and Roses
Johnny Ngo - Ivy Dragon
Jonathan Todd Ross - The Chaperone
Jordan Lazieh - Piledriver
Joseph Foulk and Casey Stegman - Object
Joseph Helms - Snatched & Held
Joseph Ramunni - Sunrise
Josh Zammit and Samuel Loveridge - Seeder
Joshua Sheehan - Asesino
Joshua Tate - The Orphan
Justin Norman and Jacob Withers - Roy of Sealand
Karen Ann Wilson - Dear Mama
Katrina Kudlick and Mercedes Bryce Morgan - ESC
Kelly Abbott - Raindrops
Ken Henderson and John Day - Brave
Kevin Bash - Sweet Lou McGinnty
Kristin VanValkenburg Risner - Divided Brother
Kumi Krishna - Footnote
Larry Bogad - Orwell's War
Laurie Conrad - Roach Clips and Steak Knives
Lindsay Clift - Roadkill
Lyndal Simpson - The Gravedigger
M. Driscoll - Ellis Island
Mac Grant - In Here With Us
Madi Stine - Emery & Ellsworth Make a Picture
Maggie Budzyna and Christian Tasiopoulos - Rapt
Mark von Sternberg - Mama Stevie
Marleine Pacilio - Born Elizabeth Jane
Matt Foss and Carlos Washington - Trice
Matt Hartman - Tragic!
Max Chernov - 51 Above
Megan Breen - The Widow Mrs. Widger
Megan J. Wilson - Avalanche Express
Melinda Saranchock and Chris Saranchock - Saving Cinderella
Michael Graf - The Last Indian War
Michael Kimber - How To Make Friends
Michael Noonan - Floaters
Miguel Orozco - Mixteco Kid
Mike Battle - Hail Mary
Mike Powell - Liberté
Mikhail Saburov - Silver
Mikko Tormala - Big Sister
Minh-Anh Vo Dinh - Homesick, Home
Mishki Vaccaro - #FreeBritney
Natalia Vengerova - Maestro
Nichol Simmons - Baby Fat
Nicholas Oktaras - This Old Man
Nick Lemaster - A Bump Named Andy
Nick Perlman - Love Is Simple
Nolan Webster - Almost Heaven
Oliver John Rowe - Mr. One Day
Patrick McGrady - The Road Not Taken
Paul Knauer - Wait Till Next Year
Paul Mroczka - Illicit
Paula Caine - Encore
Pedro Suarez and Jose Yapur - Pretty Things
Peter Rex Feuchtwanger - The Last Siren
Phil Hamer - Side Step
Phil Mell and Casandra Wasaff - The Other Family
Rachel Ward - Typhoid Mary
Raul Sharma - Turnstile
Rebecca Benzell - The Girl and The Ghost
Rebecca Brewer - Story of My Life
Rick Jones - Extended Family
Rick McGovern - Black Powder
Rob Haffey - End His Bloodline
Robert D'Orazio - Creatures Down Below
Robert Hayhurst - The Madness of Poe
Robert M. Sheppe - Ghost/Writer
Roger Hart - A Better Future
Rosemary Griggs - Wounded Sky
Ryan Mekenian - The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair
Ryan Shrime - Please Don't Die, Roger Berman
Samantha Lee - Damoureux
Sarah Mokh - Diary of a Muslim Cynic
Sasha Lebedeva - The Red Roommates
Shawn Austin - Mother of All Living
Shawn Mahan - Saint Louis
Shayan Lotfi - Leave to Remain
Simon Phelps - The Highwaypersons
Skye Emerson - Salt & Honey
Spencer Janes - Adolescent Eschatology
Steve Utaski - Supermassive
Steven Howell and Jeffrey Howell - Fearless
Steven Snell - Punchbag
Steven Wilson - Reset
Suhashini Krishnan - Legends
Susan Polk - Maestra
Svilen Kamburov - King's Heart
Sydney Blackburn and Michael Waller - What Falls Between Us
Tammy Riley-Smith and Cigdem Hassan - Green Lanes
Taylor Grant - Savage By Nature
Theresa Carey - Mestengo
Thuy Hugens - Love, CF
Todd Crittenden and Vince Robbins - The Pirate Queen
Todd Scheiperpeter - Par 3
Tony Clemente Jr. - Marconiville
Tony Perez - Everything Goes
Toofun West and Anna West - Asylum
Tovya Jacobs - Piano Man
Trey Livingston - A Hunt Through Hell
Tricia Cerrone - The Skeleton Watch
Ty Hosler - Telluride's Fine Books
Ty Strange - Life On The Curb
Tyler Burke - To Care For
Tyler MyCale Young - Body Count
Varun Bhuchar - The Descent
Vimbai Ushe - Lagos
William Berlin - Navigating Julie Fisher
William Casey Moreton - Fight Like Hell
Zach Roe - Slash This!
Zack Rybak - Wasteland
Ziyad Saadi - Loss for Words

SCRIPT: “Tape 22"

SCRIPT: “Operation Gemini"

SCRIPT: “Into The Deep Blue"

SCRIPT: “Ojek"

SCRIPT: “Tyrone and The Looking Glass"

SCRIPT: “We Sing"

SCRIPT: “The Supremes"

SCRIPT: “Madame"

SCRIPT: “8 Habits of Highly Murderous People"

SCRIPT: “The Stratford Wife"
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Aaron Lovett - Night of Slow Tears
Aaron Mobley - Nits
Adam Keleman and Brian Trichon - Long Days
Adisa Septuri and Steven Palmer Peterson - Black Ivory
Adrian Prospero - Heartbeat Billionaires
Alastair Collinson - The Beasts of Ramree
Alessandra Bautze - Racing the Wolf God
Alex Haven - Of A Tribe
Alexander Thompson - The Sisters
Alexandra Qin - Thirstygirl
Amy Huckabay - Paul is Dead
Anderson Boyd - Mescalero
Andrew Case - The Cockfighter
Andrew James Adams - Cicada Summer
Andy Walker - Belle
Ann Hawker - Aviemore
Annie Grace - Beauty King
Annika Pampel - Angelmaker
Anthony Karim Garland - Mimic
Austin Formato - The Death and Life of Angiolina Grasso
Becca Roth - Margo & Perry
Benedict Cohen - Ability
Benjamin Lewis - Goodbye Everybody
Bryan Regan and Chen Zhen - Beacon Beyond the Bay
Caleb Seibert - Channel Fever
Carmen Emmi - Plainclothes
Chaseedaw Giles - The Final Cut
Christin Finch - Raised by Dogs
Christine Garver - The Pepper
Christopher James Murray - Sojourn
Christopher Robertson - Jeffrey The Barbarian
CJ Jones - Dawn Chorus
Clint Williams - Enemy
Cyn Harris - Big Girl
D.A. Everett - Only Ruins Remain
Dani Milton - Devil's Mouth
Daniel Kavanagh - In Dreams
David Jacks and Jeff Grimm - FMK
David Shotwell - Homestead
Edith D. Rodriguez - South Side Girls
Eliesha Steel - Weightless
Elizabeth Chatelain - Sundogs
Elizabeth Corbett - A More Certain Light
Eric Jordan Baker - Bullfrog
Erin Brown Thomas - The Body of Chris
Faizan Kareem - Astray
Fred Nutter - The Fairest Of Them All
Greg Swong - The Printer
Guilherme Viegas - The Life We Chose
H.A. Young - Run On
Hayley Tibbenham - Songs Without Words
J.R. Rappaport - Trial In The Trenches
Jared Pascoe - The Ride
Jeff Burgett - Here's Lookin' At You
Jeff Galante - The Beast of Lake Lambton
Jessica Leonard - Bone Music
John Biolsi - Shotfire
Jon Bershad - Cuffing Season
Jon Shaivitz - Chó
Josh Flanagan - The Six-Day Detective
Joshua Sonny Harris - Deaf
Kahlil Maskati - Alim Uncle
Katie Crone - Youth in Asia
Katie Murphy - BAREFEET
Kelsey Taylor - The Bad Things
Kerry L. M. Russell - Sexual Selection in Females of the Species: A Case Study
Kris A. Holmes - Seeds of Truth
Laura Valin-Peñalba and Elise Patterson-Merritt - Pledge
Lindsey Dodge Gudritz - Politically Incorrect
Lindsey Galloway - The Last Queen's Painter
Lorenzo Colonna - Pearl
Maciej Turczynski - The Teeth, Dead Dog and the Discovery of Anesthesia
Malcolm Badewitz - Muck
Marina Michelson - Anoushka
Mario G. Lopez - Pata Palo: The Pursuit of Goldie Pearls
Marisa Torelli-Pedevska - Jesus Goes to Goodland
Matt Mitchener - A Case For Purple
Matt Ocks - Bella Vista
Matthew Sterling - Home Video
Matthew Tennant - The Wyrm
Max Kaplow - Fire on the Line
McKenzi Vanderberg - Din
Megan Green - Eleanor & Jack
Melanie Schiele - Butterfly Children
Michael Baker and Javier Ortiz - Las Excavadoras (The Diggers)
Michael Lee Barlin - Final Journey
Michael McCoy - Under the Rising Sun
Michael S. Yuen - The Golden City
N. Fituri Scown - Come Back King
Nadav Heyman and Erez Heiman - Jackie & The Rats
Nancy Safavi - Cheer 1st
Nate Patton - Acquaintances
Nathan Jon Wetherington - Sendgeance!
Neil Saul - American Odyssey
P.J. Wolff - The Road To Damascus
Pacifico Geronimo and Andrew Saunderson - Where The Oceans Meet
Patrick Duffy - Bastards of Manchester
Paul Ingoldsby - Analytica
Pearse Lehane - More Than One Idiot Brother
Peter Groynom - Toward the End of Time
Richard Mauro - Angel Eyes
Richard Norris - A Trick Of The Light
Rob Rufus - Die Young With Me
Robert Simpson - A Story of the London Fog
Russell Koos - Action Figures
Sabeen Amanat - Burn Your Idols
Salvatore Liuzzi - Last Summer Ever
Sam Gasch and Harry Valentine - Stuck
Samuel Godfrey - On Account of a Goat
Scott Fleishman and Evan Wake - Barrier
Scott Grierson - Metallica vs. Napster, Inc.
Scott Hamilton - The City of Lost Children
Scott Hipp and Zoe Broad - Beyond Sight
Sender Tarlovsky - Speak of the Wolf
Serge Bodnarchuk - The Feral Child
Shohreh Amirzafari Harris - Yankee Goes Home
Stephen Bell and J. Brett VanderMale - Raw Materials
Suzi Bach - Lexi and the Lion
Tavis Gray Vannucci - The Widows Club
Tommy Lombardi - Hizzoner
Tony Ferrendelli - Saigon Doll
Tristan Bellawala - Medusa
Victoria Rivera and Leticia Akel Escarate - Malpelo
Wade Wofford - Urban Ed
Willie Dawkins - Banished
Woody Bess - Irish Goodbye
Writer(s) - Screenplay Title
Aarthi Ramanathan - Maiden Warrior
Adele Smaill - Dust on Dirt
Adrian Cunningham - Bender
Adrian Parks - After The Gold Rush
Adrian Urbina - Being Women
Adrienne Thorne - Stones
AJ Briones - The Visiting Stone
Alex Benis - Red Was My Favorite Color
Alex Fotopoulos - A.K.A Bernie Madoff
Alex Guaglianone - Everything Between Us
Alex Simon - Baron of Havana
Alexander Hendler - The Storm King
Alexandra Turner - The Girl from Deagard
Alfredo Rodriguez-Allen - The Silvia Show
Allison Mattox - Échappé
Andreea Irina Moise - The Time Battle
Andrew Alexander - The Gravedigger
Andrew Anthony - Ghosts
Andy Silverman - Squonk
Anil Jacob Kunnel - Aeon
Ann Thurber - The Patron Saints of Lost Causes
Ariel Ehrlich - The Rental
Arun Lakra - Fortunato Heist
Ashley Hiller - Mother
Ava Simone - Our Own Little Something
Avishai Weinberger - Drift Off
Bailey Moore - Paint!
Barry Eitel - The Clarinet
Barry Leach - Dauntless
Ben Davis and Tyler Hiott - Phoenix to Kyiv
Ben Luben - I Am Become Death
Ben Samuels and Oliver Justin Samuels - The Great Dismal Swamp
Beth Drenning - Jane Being Jane
Blair Cosby - John Wayne Must Die!
Blue Spruell - Taro: Legend of Japan
Bob Reynolds - The Dying of the Light
Boris Vesselinov - A Dose of Arsenic
Brad A. Mason - Cage-Fed
Braeden Ayub - Alex Goes to Paris
Brett Lawlor and Madison Lawlor - Finding Clarity
Brian Christopher Quinn - Dreamworld
Brian Dutt - Timmy
Brian G. White and Laura Napoli - A Jersey Christmas Movie
Brooks Reynolds - Left & Leaving
Casey Beck - The Valley
Charles W. Chambers - Night Song
Chase Drummond - A Flightless Bird Upon Falling
Chris Hicks - The Butter Street Hitchhiker
Christopher McKee - Naked in the City of Heroes
Christopher T. Wood - Harris, The Hitman
Christopher Thomas - The Memory Dancer
Colin Moore - Trouble Will Find Me
Courtney Hull - Ghost Writer
Craig Houchin - Ludlow
Cressandra Thibodeaux - The Hanging Tree
Cynthia De Souza - Swipe Right to Save the World
D.C. Fairhurst - Lone
Daniel Garber - Part Time Lover
Daniel Grasskamp - The Ark Beneath the Sea
Daniel Younger - Escape from Starry Night
David Buik - A Legacy
David Landskroener - Paradise Lost
David Page - King of Pain
Daviesha Rice - Like A Boy
Devin Peluso - Dennis, MA
Dominic Burgess - Belle's Not Well
Dominic Flint - The Burning Hill
Don Santiago - The Perfect Suicide
Ed Bonilla - 5 Clones
Ed Cha - Electric Lights
Eliana Victoria Alcouloumre - In The Mouth of the Wolf
Eoghan Heneghan - Neverland
Eric Alejandro Reis - The One
Erik Louis Smith - Improvidently Accepted
Esteban Bailey - The Strange Monster at the Rivera House
Gabriel DiMilo - EDEN
Garison Piatt - A Place of Madness
Gayatri Kumar - The Day Before Being Sold
Geo Bradley - And Scene!
Gustavo Melo - Where There's A Will
Hassan Ildari - A Thousand Splendid Things
Heather Farlinger - No Good Deed
J. Noonan - Phantom
Jacob Dorn - Labor Pain
Jacobo Fe - Halsted: Between Pleasure & Pain
Jahir M. Johnson - Robinhood: An African Tale
Jake Ross - The Director's Cut
James King - Tusk
Jamie Trevino - Nothing Sacred
Jamison Timothy Silverman - Ghost in a Uniform
Jared Gentile - Place to Be
Jaskaran Singh - Jersey Boy
Jason Director and Kalena Ranoa - Kiss & Fly
Jeannette Manning and Joseph Yuan - The Mountain Lion
Jeff Kennedy - Of Flesh And Bone
Jeffrey Craine - Backwaters
Jeffrey William Reebie - The Last Western
Jeremiah Blackman and Dakota Friesen - Consumed
Jeremy Wadzinski - The Last Surrender
Jerold Wallace - Iggies
Jill Bayor - Hesse
Joe Collevecchio - The Other Woman
Joey Day Hargrove - Disconnect
John Doble - The Rommel Gambit
John McCarney - Blood and Roses
Johnny Ngo - Ivy Dragon
Jonathan Todd Ross - The Chaperone
Jordan Lazieh - Piledriver
Joseph Foulk and Casey Stegman - Object
Joseph Helms - Snatched & Held
Joseph Ramunni - Sunrise
Josh Zammit and Samuel Loveridge - Seeder
Joshua Sheehan - Asesino
Joshua Tate - The Orphan
Justin Norman and Jacob Withers - Roy of Sealand
Karen Ann Wilson - Dear Mama
Katrina Kudlick and Mercedes Bryce Morgan - ESC
Kelly Abbott - Raindrops
Ken Henderson and John Day - Brave
Kevin Bash - Sweet Lou McGinnty
Kristin VanValkenburg Risner - Divided Brother
Kumi Krishna - Footnote
Larry Bogad - Orwell's War
Laurie Conrad - Roach Clips and Steak Knives
Lindsay Clift - Roadkill
Lyndal Simpson - The Gravedigger
M. Driscoll - Ellis Island
Mac Grant - In Here With Us
Madi Stine - Emery & Ellsworth Make a Picture
Maggie Budzyna and Christian Tasiopoulos - Rapt
Mark von Sternberg - Mama Stevie
Marleine Pacilio - Born Elizabeth Jane
Matt Foss and Carlos Washington - Trice
Matt Hartman - Tragic!
Max Chernov - 51 Above
Megan Breen - The Widow Mrs. Widger
Megan J. Wilson - Avalanche Express
Melinda Saranchock and Chris Saranchock - Saving Cinderella
Michael Graf - The Last Indian War
Michael Kimber - How To Make Friends
Michael Noonan - Floaters
Miguel Orozco - Mixteco Kid
Mike Battle - Hail Mary
Mike Powell - Liberté
Mikhail Saburov - Silver
Mikko Tormala - Big Sister
Minh-Anh Vo Dinh - Homesick, Home
Mishki Vaccaro - #FreeBritney
Natalia Vengerova - Maestro
Nichol Simmons - Baby Fat
Nicholas Oktaras - This Old Man
Nick Lemaster - A Bump Named Andy
Nick Perlman - Love Is Simple
Nolan Webster - Almost Heaven
Oliver John Rowe - Mr. One Day
Patrick McGrady - The Road Not Taken
Paul Knauer - Wait Till Next Year
Paul Mroczka - Illicit
Paula Caine - Encore
Pedro Suarez and Jose Yapur - Pretty Things
Peter Rex Feuchtwanger - The Last Siren
Phil Hamer - Side Step
Phil Mell and Casandra Wasaff - The Other Family
Rachel Ward - Typhoid Mary
Raul Sharma - Turnstile
Rebecca Benzell - The Girl and The Ghost
Rebecca Brewer - Story of My Life
Rick Jones - Extended Family
Rick McGovern - Black Powder
Rob Haffey - End His Bloodline
Robert D'Orazio - Creatures Down Below
Robert Hayhurst - The Madness of Poe
Robert M. Sheppe - Ghost/Writer
Roger Hart - A Better Future
Rosemary Griggs - Wounded Sky
Ryan Mekenian - The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair
Ryan Shrime - Please Don't Die, Roger Berman
Samantha Lee - Damoureux
Sarah Mokh - Diary of a Muslim Cynic
Sasha Lebedeva - The Red Roommates
Shawn Austin - Mother of All Living
Shawn Mahan - Saint Louis
Shayan Lotfi - Leave to Remain
Simon Phelps - The Highwaypersons
Skye Emerson - Salt & Honey
Spencer Janes - Adolescent Eschatology
Steve Utaski - Supermassive
Steven Howell and Jeffrey Howell - Fearless
Steven Snell - Punchbag
Steven Wilson - Reset
Suhashini Krishnan - Legends
Susan Polk - Maestra
Svilen Kamburov - King's Heart
Sydney Blackburn and Michael Waller - What Falls Between Us
Tammy Riley-Smith and Cigdem Hassan - Green Lanes
Taylor Grant - Savage By Nature
Theresa Carey - Mestengo
Thuy Hugens - Love, CF
Todd Crittenden and Vince Robbins - The Pirate Queen
Todd Scheiperpeter - Par 3
Tony Clemente Jr. - Marconiville
Tony Perez - Everything Goes
Toofun West and Anna West - Asylum
Tovya Jacobs - Piano Man
Trey Livingston - A Hunt Through Hell
Tricia Cerrone - The Skeleton Watch
Ty Hosler - Telluride's Fine Books
Ty Strange - Life On The Curb
Tyler Burke - To Care For
Tyler MyCale Young - Body Count
Varun Bhuchar - The Descent
Vimbai Ushe - Lagos
William Berlin - Navigating Julie Fisher
William Casey Moreton - Fight Like Hell
Zach Roe - Slash This!
Zack Rybak - Wasteland
Ziyad Saadi - Loss for Words