Nicholl Fellow Alan Roth
Nicholl Fellows Frank DeJohn & David Alton Hedges
Nicholl Fellowships Committee member Peter Samuelson
Alan Roth
Suffern, NY
SCRIPT: Jersey City Story
A basketball star faces his bitter past when he's pursued by a young boy growing up in his old room in the projects.
Barbara Stepansky
Burbank, CA
SCRIPT: Sugar In My Veins
When a mutual attraction blossoms between a fourteen year old violin prodigy and her sister's much older boyfriend, it leads to a risky forbidden affair that has both liberating and disastrous consequences for their lives.
Frank DeJohn & David Alton Hedges
Santa Ynez, CA
SCRIPT: Legion
Just days before he is to leave a life of warfare behind him, a Roman Centurion must assume command of a group of misfit soldiers trapped deep within hostile country.
Patty Jones
Vancouver, BC, Canada
SCRIPT: Joe Banks
The son of a Nobel Prize–winning novelist via a genius sperm bank is determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but suddenly finds himself on a wild odyssey with his real father...
Stephanie Shannon
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Queen of Hearts
Inspired by true events, this is the story of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" author Lewis Carroll (aka Charles L. Dodgson) and how his relationship with the real Alice Liddell...
Brian Forrester
SCRIPT: Heart of the Monstyr
Erin KLG
SCRIPT: Lost Children
Noah Thomas Grossman
SCRIPT: The Cupid Code
Scott Adams
SCRIPT: Slingshot
William Casey
2013 Nicholl Semifinalists
Robin Roy Alexander, "The Riverman"
Alex Ankrom, "Castles Made of Sand"
John Arends, "Trice"
Nicole Avenia, "The Killing Moon"
Christopher D. Bacon, "The Renegade Mesmerist"
Lynda Balsama, "Jenti Girl"
Beanie Barnes, "Bon Ton Roulér"
Blaire Baron Larsen, "The Troubles"
Thomas Berry, "Red Road"
Thomas Brandon, "The Guest"
Deirdre Brenner and Jillian Reilly, "Black Sea Rose"
Barnett Brettler, "Vinegar Hill"
Alisha Brophy and Scott Miles, "United States of Fuckin' Awesome"
Eric M. Brown, "Hemingway Boy"
Sameer Butt, "Off Duty"
Daniel Cameron, "Pinch"
Kevin Caruso, "The Shook Ones"
Susan Chiu, "Rock and a Hard Place"
Elizabeth Chomko, "What They Had "
Christian, "Fuck Her"
Jeff Cocco, "Jersey Blue"
Thomas Ryan Cuming, "Swing"
Steven D'Arcangelo, "Canary in a Coal Mine"
Amanda M. Darling, "Children of Honor"
John Dart and Jeff Swanson, "The Snowmen"
Jack Davidson, "Clouds of Sorrow"
Kristen Davila, "Counterintelligence"
B. Rosson Davis, "Sweetly Deadly"
Alissa Dean, "Cricket"
Bryan DeGuire, "Wasteland Vacation"
John Dexter, "The Weeping Trees"
Michael Donald, "Critical"
Debra Eisenstadt, "Close to Me"
Dean Espinoza, "Forty Dead Men"
Hannah Feller, "War Love"
Jonathan Ferrara, "Rough Draft"
Jeffrey Field, "Bobby Da Bomb and the Short Putts"
Matt K. Firpo and David Ethan Shapiro, "The Last Maccabee"
Roelie F. Fopma, "The Coincidence Factor"
William Garcia, "Killing Willie Davis"
Lynn Esta Goldman, "How I Unleashed Mayhem and Saved the Free World"
Ben Gouldthorpe, "Eve"
M.O. Green, "Renegade Scar"
Michael Lloyd Green, "The Decayed"
Kelleigh Greenberg-Jephcott and Dominic Jephcott, "Sleep No More"
Gina Guerrieri, "Enduring Freedom"
Cynthia Hagan, "The Disappearance of Daniel Klein"
Will Hare, "Second Place Hero"
Aaron Harper and Paul Harper, "Big Sky"
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, "The Binary Man"
Keith Hendrick, "Dragon Tail"
Karen Hope, "Ladykilaz"
Byron Hudson, "Freedom"
Joanne Hudson and Spencer Eldridge, "The Toymaker"
Harry Hunsicker, "Texas Red"
Q. Terah Jackson, "Rustin"
Linda Caryn Jenkins, "A Restoration Comedy"
Bryce Wolfgang Joiner, "Giants of the Valley"
David Kaneen, "Ceasefire"
Jaimie Kanwar, "The Fall of a Sparrow"
C.J. Keeler, "Manahawkin"
Rob Kotecki, "Fault"
David Krissman, "Black Site 5"
Evan Laughlin, "Kerry Dunbar"
Malcolm A. Lawson, "Blackout"
David J. Lee, "Found"
Eric Litra, "The Cicada's Song"
Chris Lopata, "Horseshoes and Hand Grenades"
Gary Lundy, "A Happening of Monumental Proportions"
Bryan Madole and Ronan MacRory, "Mono"
Patrick Mahon, "Even"
Nick Malik, "Year of the Woodcock!"
Kimberly Manky, "Magnus the Magnificent"
John Robert Marlow, "Brothers"
Eric Martin, "Can't Think Straight"
Scott M. Martin, "Invisible Man"
Robert Matthews and Mike Marriage, "The Grid"
Jason McCulloch, "Save the Pieces"
Mark McDevitt, "A Complete Unknown"
Walker McKnight, "Splinter Rose"
H. Woods McLaughlin, "The Secret Adventures of Mark Twain: The Treasure of Columbus"
Neal McLaughlin, "The Sunshine Ward"
Neal McLaughlin, "Beauty and the Barista"
Erica A. Meredith and Daniel Rizzotto, "The North Star"
Joshua Montcalm, "The Plasticine Butler"
Davey Morrison, "Ben & the Art of Regret"
Colin Mummery, "Petrology"
Simon Nagel, "Baja '62"
Sarah Nerboso, "The Adventures of Awesome Girl"
Asher Noël, "Butterbody"
Joe Ollinger, "10,000 Bones"
Travis Opgenorth, "Gridiron"
David Palliser, "The Count St. Germain"
Amanda Parham, "Galapagos"
Samuel Park, "Speak of Love"
Evan Parter, "The Independent"
Sono Patel, "Platonic"
Fred Perry, "Crossings"
Kaz Phillips Safer, "Waterline"
Stacey Pierce van Gelder, "Lavender Vine"
Ashley P Quach, "Leave"
Daniel Ragussis, "Haber"
Charles Raiteri, "Starless Midnight"
Sam Regnier, "Free Agent"
Will Reichel, "Hot Air"
Yale Rice, "Nikola"
Ryan Riley, "Last Knight of Sudan"
Fergal Rock, "Calvin & Skye"
Louis Rosenberg, "Monkey Room"
Patrick Ryan, "Darkness on the Edge of Town"
Christian Ryden, "Safeguard"
Samina Sami, "The Art of Reinvention"
Tim Schildberger, "His Son"
Colleen Schukei and Heather Petersen, "The Important Man"
Nick Scown, "Crossing the Line"
Atif Shaikh, "Gross Misconduct"
Josh Shayne, "You're the Ones"
Dan Shea, "The P.A.N.D.A. War"
Dan Shea, "Shiny Penny"
Jacqueline Sinclair, "Thicker Than Blood"
Ruckus Skye and Lane Skye, "Rattle the Cage"
J.P. Smith, "Flicker"
Philip Smith, "Phineas Barnum and the Serpent's Cup"
Dan Southard, "Swimming in Bali"
Tom Stein, "Berserker"
Andrea Stewart, "The Danish Ambassador's Wife"
Anthony Stitt, "Oldfellas"
Anthony Stitt and Jeff Trently, "The Rocket Man"
Lane Thomas and Kristoffer McMillan, "Caged"
Susan Triem, "Justice Denied"
Mike Van Waes, "Grave Hearts"
Erica Warnock, "Ladies in Black"
Brian Lee Weakland, "Last Waltz of Vienna"
Richard Willett, "The Flid Show"
Greg Wolfe, "Bob the Amazon Princess"
Kelly Yaksich, "Beckham's Gold"
2013 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Daniel Abts and Simon Nagel, "The Last Day"
Scott Adams, "Dead & Gone"
Amit Aggarwal, "Provenance"
Adriana Alexandrova, "Portraits of Ophelia"
San Alini, "A Husband by Midnight"
Kristina Anderson, "Forever Jiaying, 1937"
Mark Anderson, "A Mississippi Murder"
Alex Ankrom and Il Cho, "Jin"
Damir Anton and Dario Konjicija, "Take-A-Wish"
Brandon Barker, "Strike"
Josh Barkey, "Killing Harper"
Patrick Barrett, "Twas the Lights Before Christmas"
Michael Barry, "The Weeping Virgins of Ogallala"
Clementine Bastow, "Farewell Tour"
Jim Lair Beard, "Occupying Ed"
Michael Begg, "The Milk Route"
Nicholas Begnaud, "The Farmer and the Blue Moon"
Toni Achebe Bell, "The Seeress"
Steve Bensinger, "Plan B"
Alex Berger, "Little Armenia"
Asmara Bhattacharya, "Twice Dead"
Lisa Birth, "Where Honor Lies"
Barbara Blomquist, "That Man's Maid"
Jay Boll, "Undercover Crazy"
Annabeth Bondor-Stone, "Fix It! With Frances"
Michael Bott, "Erin Go Bragh"
Dan Brice, "Thread"
Susan Brunig, "Quinn the Eskimo"
David Burg, "Rothschild's Guilty Conscience"
Christina Capra, "A Long, Long Time"
Shane Nevin Carl, "Animal"
Jay Castle, "Zen & the Art of Senioritis"
Emily Ball Cicchini, "Eliza's Ferry"
Shannon L. Clair, "Lost to Me"
Kevin Cleary and Patti Vasquez, "Wedding Belles"
Amanda Cole, "The Primality of One"
Rick Conti, "The Squatter"
Drew Cosdon, "Seaworthy"
Brad Crowe and Cat Youell, "Tussaud"
John Cruz and Mark Dormitorio, "The Cause of It All"
Neil Chase, "Iron Dogs"
Chris Dauer, "Faith"
Sebastian Davis, "How to Break into the Art World"
Eric M Day, "Arktos"
Nadia Desyatnikova, "Selva"
Ted Dewberry, "The Last Meal Project"
Robert Dossa, "The Camera"
Dan-Dorian Druhora, "Elie's Overcoat"
George Ducker, "Harry!"
Hank Dumont, "The Dreaming Tree"
Jennifer Griffith Dunbar, "Reverse Migration"
Andrew Duncan, "Nature's Fittest"
Andrew Duncan, "The Maze"
Joel Dunn and Trey Livingston, "Leo and the Onolicious Adventure"
Farley Dunsmuir, "The Red Paragon"
Donna Edmond, "Shadow of the Bear"
Tamara Farsadi, "Tall, Dark & Persian"
Rich Figel, "Lost in the Supermarket"
Linda C Fisher, "A Little Fire"
Jacqueline C. Fitzgerald, "Hooking Up"
Keely Flanagan, "Pyro"
Stephany Folsom, "Dangerously Subversive"
Steve Foo, "Fade to Black"
Tucker Forbes, "Abaddon"
Austin Formato, "Lilith"
Robin D. Fox, "The Bright and Hollow Sky"
Andrew Friedhof, "New Year"
Ryan Frost, "Les & Lynn"
Nicholas Funes, "Blade"
Robert Funke, "Get Off My Mountain!"
Nanci Gaglio, "Oh...God!"
Carl Garcia, "A Dog Named Muchacho"
Dana Garrity, "Seeker"
Lydia Genner, "The Long Goodbye"
Craig Ghiglione, "Kill Kringle"
Melissa Leigh Gilmer, "Mother Figure"
Ryan Gilmour, "Mikey and Pud"
DW Glicksman, "Paradise House"
Lynn Esta Goldman, "The End of Time"
Steven T. Gottlieb and Howard Walper, "The Rainbow Passage"
Kevin Graham-Caso, "Good People with Guns"
A.W. Grant, "Ruined"
Johnny G, "Would You Like an Extra Shot?"
Laura Hainke, "Suicide Boy"
David L Hamilton, "Cargo Cult"
Jen Hammond, "Ultra"
Diane Hanks, "Retrofit"
Jake Lee Hanne, "Goat"
Zack Harding, "Quiet Storm "
Damian John Harper, "Los Ángeles - The Angels"
Deborah Havener and Neal Havener, "Blood Land"
Brennig Hayden, "Big Red"
Mark Heatley, "Division"
Chai Hecht, "Real Time Days"
Steve Heim, "Among the Ashes"
Mike Hellige, "Powerless"
Anne-Marie Hess, "State of Correction"
Matthew Hickman, "East of L.A."
Walter High, "Believe"
Melissa London Hilfers, "Biological Cock"
Thomas Hill, "Survey"
Michele Hogan, "Kelly's Bar"
Terry Huang, "The Mayor of Silicon Valley"
Heather Hughes and Kate Wharton, "Zig Zag"
Murat Izmirli, "Grimwood"
Michael Jasper, "America's Sweetheart"
Michael Johnson, "Obsessive Behavior"
Kosta K, "Lowlife"
Jaimie Kanwar, "Blood"
Jordan Kaufman, "And the Beast"
Suzanne Kelman and Susannah Rose Woods, "Held"
Roberta Kenney, "The Photographer"
Alexandra Kopstals, "The Balloonist"
Ephrem Kossaify, "Midnight Mass"
Will Lamborn, "Lost God"
Christopher Landers, "Cowboy's Revenge"
Nate Lane, "Dime Store Saint"
Katiedid Langrock, "Morning Sickness"
Ryan LaSalle, "Kaleider"
James Lavino and Sam Neave, "The Mirror"
Mike Lawson, "The Deadbeat"
Casey Leblang, "My Biologicals "
Mauricio Leiva-Cock, "The Life and Death of Espiritu Perdomo"
James Leslie, "OKC"
John Scott Lewinski, "Souls on Board"
Katherine Lewis, "Valedictorian"
Scott Libbey, "The Glove"
Dennis A Liu, "Hacked"
Silka Luisa, "Cacique"
Jared Macary, "Beyond the Zone"
Emily Marcuson, "One Under"
Lisa Marks, "Best Woman"
Susan Marks, "Finding Poppy Pepperdine "
Shane McCabe, "Probable Cause"
Jim McDermott, "A Sacrifice of Praise"
Mark McDevitt, "Growing Up Fast"
Ryan McGlone, "The Learning Curve"
Laura Mcphillips, "Regarding Phoenix"
Michael Meinecke, "Backing Over Lucky"
Evan Wright Menzel, "Summer of the Gun"
Dan Merwin, "The Kids Fought Back"
Shannon Michael Mier, "Reservoir of Darkness"
Jimmy Miller, "Slugger"
Thomas Mogle, "A River Story"
Nico Monetti, "DUIvers"
Anthony Moore, "The Unity Trigger"
Peter Newell, "Music for Castles"
Brett Nicholson, "Vampiconda!"
Alex Noury, "Cash for Gold"
Dan Ochwat, "Drive-Thru Romance"
William Oksner, "The Man Who Flew Too High"
Doug Olander, "I'm in Love with your Mom!"
Rebecca Ortese, "Estranged"
Chris Osborn, "Forst"
Jocelyn Osier, "Documented"
Bryn Owen, "Signal Fire"
Sita Chandrika Palepu, "Reflections"
Deva Palmier, "Finding Clive"
Scott Parisien, "Incision"
Mark Partridge, "Wreckers"
David Paster, "Super/Market"
Craig Peters, "The 49th Day"
Adrian R. Pillai and Renee C. Pillai, "God Killer"
Ian Pugh, "Taipan"
Brad Quick, "Lion of God"
Shaun Raad, "Due Process"
Shiva Ramanathan, "The Unseen"
Eugene Ramos, "Newton's Laws of Emotion"
Louise Ransil, "Marlowe"
Nived Ravikumar, "The FOB Four"
Nived Ravikumar and Ben Stebor, "Space Cadet"
James Raynor, "The Code of Hammurabi"
James Raynor, "The Comedian"
Ryan Riley, "The Meek"
Matt Ringler, "Delusions of Grandeur"
Patrick J. Rodio, "The Accidents"
Ryan Roe, "Time Loves a Hero"
April Rouveyrol, "Life Copy"
Joshua Rubin, "2084"
James Russo, "The Saints of Brooksville "
Leo Sardarian, "Nicholas"
Melanie Schiele, "Butterfly Children"
William Schreiber, "Frozen Stiff"
Jon Seamans and Mark Riley, "Penalty Box"
Nile Seguin, "Heist the Dead"
Jace Serrano, "The Savior"
Oren Shai and Webb Wilcoxen, "The Frontier"
Mark Shostrom, "Black Sleep"
Joyce Simons, "Under Sail and Gone Tonight"
Zachary Sims, "Going to See the King"
Sarah Skibinski, "The Punishing Business"
Sarah Skibinski, "The Rhythm of Chaos"
Srdjan Smajic, "Diving into the Wreck"
Chad Smith, "Catastrophic"
Greg Ivan Smith, "More Brains"
Lexia Snowe, "Infirm Terrain"
Nuno Soler, "Curtains"
Michael Soll, "Peas and Cues"
Bert Sperling, "The Cynic"
Michael Spohr, "Avengement"
Mark J Stasenko Jr, "Continuum"
Amanda Stern, "Pool Boy"
Patrick Sweeney, "Ghost Train"
David Taylor, "Night Watch"
Taylor Tetreau, "A Distant Rumor"
Eric Toms, "Best Served Cold"
David Trotti, "East Wind"
Shohn Turner, "Speller"
Craig Ugoretz, "The Mercy Ward"
Deborah Vajda, "The Bitter Bush"
Limary Vargas, "Escape to Planet Earth"
Limary Vargas, "The Hero"
JWare, "Out of the Woods"
Robert Keith Watson, "Lousy Lay"
Ian M. Weber, "Arinna"
Ethan Wellin, "Figment"
Jeff Whitfill, "Mom and Dad are Dating"
David Widdicombe, "Junkyard Dogs"
Robert Williams, "Hungry"
Samuel J. Winokur, "The Observer"
Mishna Wolff, "I'm Down"
Ali Imran Zaidi, "The Greener Grass of Molly Montaigne"
David Zarif, "Spank Me"

Alan Roth
Suffern, NY
SCRIPT: Jersey City Story
A basketball star faces his bitter past when he's pursued by a young boy growing up in his old room in the projects.

Barbara Stepansky
Burbank, CA
SCRIPT: Sugar In My Veins
When a mutual attraction blossoms between a fourteen year old violin prodigy and her sister's much older boyfriend, it leads to a risky forbidden affair that has both liberating and disastrous consequences for their lives.

Frank DeJohn & David Alton Hedges
Santa Ynez, CA
SCRIPT: Legion
Just days before he is to leave a life of warfare behind him, a Roman Centurion must assume command of a group of misfit soldiers trapped deep within hostile country.

Patty Jones
Vancouver, BC, Canada
SCRIPT: Joe Banks
The son of a Nobel Prize–winning novelist via a genius sperm bank is determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but suddenly finds himself on a wild odyssey with his real father...

Stephanie Shannon
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Queen of Hearts
Inspired by true events, this is the story of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" author Lewis Carroll (aka Charles L. Dodgson) and how his relationship with the real Alice Liddell...
Brian Forrester
SCRIPT: Heart of the Monstyr
Erin KLG
SCRIPT: Lost Children
Noah Thomas Grossman
SCRIPT: The Cupid Code
Scott Adams
SCRIPT: Slingshot
William Casey
2013 Nicholl Semifinalists
Robin Roy Alexander, "The Riverman"
Alex Ankrom, "Castles Made of Sand"
John Arends, "Trice"
Nicole Avenia, "The Killing Moon"
Christopher D. Bacon, "The Renegade Mesmerist"
Lynda Balsama, "Jenti Girl"
Beanie Barnes, "Bon Ton Roulér"
Blaire Baron Larsen, "The Troubles"
Thomas Berry, "Red Road"
Thomas Brandon, "The Guest"
Deirdre Brenner and Jillian Reilly, "Black Sea Rose"
Barnett Brettler, "Vinegar Hill"
Alisha Brophy and Scott Miles, "United States of Fuckin' Awesome"
Eric M. Brown, "Hemingway Boy"
Sameer Butt, "Off Duty"
Daniel Cameron, "Pinch"
Kevin Caruso, "The Shook Ones"
Susan Chiu, "Rock and a Hard Place"
Elizabeth Chomko, "What They Had "
Christian, "Fuck Her"
Jeff Cocco, "Jersey Blue"
Thomas Ryan Cuming, "Swing"
Steven D'Arcangelo, "Canary in a Coal Mine"
Amanda M. Darling, "Children of Honor"
John Dart and Jeff Swanson, "The Snowmen"
Jack Davidson, "Clouds of Sorrow"
Kristen Davila, "Counterintelligence"
B. Rosson Davis, "Sweetly Deadly"
Alissa Dean, "Cricket"
Bryan DeGuire, "Wasteland Vacation"
John Dexter, "The Weeping Trees"
Michael Donald, "Critical"
Debra Eisenstadt, "Close to Me"
Dean Espinoza, "Forty Dead Men"
Hannah Feller, "War Love"
Jonathan Ferrara, "Rough Draft"
Jeffrey Field, "Bobby Da Bomb and the Short Putts"
Matt K. Firpo and David Ethan Shapiro, "The Last Maccabee"
Roelie F. Fopma, "The Coincidence Factor"
William Garcia, "Killing Willie Davis"
Lynn Esta Goldman, "How I Unleashed Mayhem and Saved the Free World"
Ben Gouldthorpe, "Eve"
M.O. Green, "Renegade Scar"
Michael Lloyd Green, "The Decayed"
Kelleigh Greenberg-Jephcott and Dominic Jephcott, "Sleep No More"
Gina Guerrieri, "Enduring Freedom"
Cynthia Hagan, "The Disappearance of Daniel Klein"
Will Hare, "Second Place Hero"
Aaron Harper and Paul Harper, "Big Sky"
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, "The Binary Man"
Keith Hendrick, "Dragon Tail"
Karen Hope, "Ladykilaz"
Byron Hudson, "Freedom"
Joanne Hudson and Spencer Eldridge, "The Toymaker"
Harry Hunsicker, "Texas Red"
Q. Terah Jackson, "Rustin"
Linda Caryn Jenkins, "A Restoration Comedy"
Bryce Wolfgang Joiner, "Giants of the Valley"
David Kaneen, "Ceasefire"
Jaimie Kanwar, "The Fall of a Sparrow"
C.J. Keeler, "Manahawkin"
Rob Kotecki, "Fault"
David Krissman, "Black Site 5"
Evan Laughlin, "Kerry Dunbar"
Malcolm A. Lawson, "Blackout"
David J. Lee, "Found"
Eric Litra, "The Cicada's Song"
Chris Lopata, "Horseshoes and Hand Grenades"
Gary Lundy, "A Happening of Monumental Proportions"
Bryan Madole and Ronan MacRory, "Mono"
Patrick Mahon, "Even"
Nick Malik, "Year of the Woodcock!"
Kimberly Manky, "Magnus the Magnificent"
John Robert Marlow, "Brothers"
Eric Martin, "Can't Think Straight"
Scott M. Martin, "Invisible Man"
Robert Matthews and Mike Marriage, "The Grid"
Jason McCulloch, "Save the Pieces"
Mark McDevitt, "A Complete Unknown"
Walker McKnight, "Splinter Rose"
H. Woods McLaughlin, "The Secret Adventures of Mark Twain: The Treasure of Columbus"
Neal McLaughlin, "The Sunshine Ward"
Neal McLaughlin, "Beauty and the Barista"
Erica A. Meredith and Daniel Rizzotto, "The North Star"
Joshua Montcalm, "The Plasticine Butler"
Davey Morrison, "Ben & the Art of Regret"
Colin Mummery, "Petrology"
Simon Nagel, "Baja '62"
Sarah Nerboso, "The Adventures of Awesome Girl"
Asher Noël, "Butterbody"
Joe Ollinger, "10,000 Bones"
Travis Opgenorth, "Gridiron"
David Palliser, "The Count St. Germain"
Amanda Parham, "Galapagos"
Samuel Park, "Speak of Love"
Evan Parter, "The Independent"
Sono Patel, "Platonic"
Fred Perry, "Crossings"
Kaz Phillips Safer, "Waterline"
Stacey Pierce van Gelder, "Lavender Vine"
Ashley P Quach, "Leave"
Daniel Ragussis, "Haber"
Charles Raiteri, "Starless Midnight"
Sam Regnier, "Free Agent"
Will Reichel, "Hot Air"
Yale Rice, "Nikola"
Ryan Riley, "Last Knight of Sudan"
Fergal Rock, "Calvin & Skye"
Louis Rosenberg, "Monkey Room"
Patrick Ryan, "Darkness on the Edge of Town"
Christian Ryden, "Safeguard"
Samina Sami, "The Art of Reinvention"
Tim Schildberger, "His Son"
Colleen Schukei and Heather Petersen, "The Important Man"
Nick Scown, "Crossing the Line"
Atif Shaikh, "Gross Misconduct"
Josh Shayne, "You're the Ones"
Dan Shea, "The P.A.N.D.A. War"
Dan Shea, "Shiny Penny"
Jacqueline Sinclair, "Thicker Than Blood"
Ruckus Skye and Lane Skye, "Rattle the Cage"
J.P. Smith, "Flicker"
Philip Smith, "Phineas Barnum and the Serpent's Cup"
Dan Southard, "Swimming in Bali"
Tom Stein, "Berserker"
Andrea Stewart, "The Danish Ambassador's Wife"
Anthony Stitt, "Oldfellas"
Anthony Stitt and Jeff Trently, "The Rocket Man"
Lane Thomas and Kristoffer McMillan, "Caged"
Susan Triem, "Justice Denied"
Mike Van Waes, "Grave Hearts"
Erica Warnock, "Ladies in Black"
Brian Lee Weakland, "Last Waltz of Vienna"
Richard Willett, "The Flid Show"
Greg Wolfe, "Bob the Amazon Princess"
Kelly Yaksich, "Beckham's Gold"
2013 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Daniel Abts and Simon Nagel, "The Last Day"
Scott Adams, "Dead & Gone"
Amit Aggarwal, "Provenance"
Adriana Alexandrova, "Portraits of Ophelia"
San Alini, "A Husband by Midnight"
Kristina Anderson, "Forever Jiaying, 1937"
Mark Anderson, "A Mississippi Murder"
Alex Ankrom and Il Cho, "Jin"
Damir Anton and Dario Konjicija, "Take-A-Wish"
Brandon Barker, "Strike"
Josh Barkey, "Killing Harper"
Patrick Barrett, "Twas the Lights Before Christmas"
Michael Barry, "The Weeping Virgins of Ogallala"
Clementine Bastow, "Farewell Tour"
Jim Lair Beard, "Occupying Ed"
Michael Begg, "The Milk Route"
Nicholas Begnaud, "The Farmer and the Blue Moon"
Toni Achebe Bell, "The Seeress"
Steve Bensinger, "Plan B"
Alex Berger, "Little Armenia"
Asmara Bhattacharya, "Twice Dead"
Lisa Birth, "Where Honor Lies"
Barbara Blomquist, "That Man's Maid"
Jay Boll, "Undercover Crazy"
Annabeth Bondor-Stone, "Fix It! With Frances"
Michael Bott, "Erin Go Bragh"
Dan Brice, "Thread"
Susan Brunig, "Quinn the Eskimo"
David Burg, "Rothschild's Guilty Conscience"
Christina Capra, "A Long, Long Time"
Shane Nevin Carl, "Animal"
Jay Castle, "Zen & the Art of Senioritis"
Emily Ball Cicchini, "Eliza's Ferry"
Shannon L. Clair, "Lost to Me"
Kevin Cleary and Patti Vasquez, "Wedding Belles"
Amanda Cole, "The Primality of One"
Rick Conti, "The Squatter"
Drew Cosdon, "Seaworthy"
Brad Crowe and Cat Youell, "Tussaud"
John Cruz and Mark Dormitorio, "The Cause of It All"
Neil Chase, "Iron Dogs"
Chris Dauer, "Faith"
Sebastian Davis, "How to Break into the Art World"
Eric M Day, "Arktos"
Nadia Desyatnikova, "Selva"
Ted Dewberry, "The Last Meal Project"
Robert Dossa, "The Camera"
Dan-Dorian Druhora, "Elie's Overcoat"
George Ducker, "Harry!"
Hank Dumont, "The Dreaming Tree"
Jennifer Griffith Dunbar, "Reverse Migration"
Andrew Duncan, "Nature's Fittest"
Andrew Duncan, "The Maze"
Joel Dunn and Trey Livingston, "Leo and the Onolicious Adventure"
Farley Dunsmuir, "The Red Paragon"
Donna Edmond, "Shadow of the Bear"
Tamara Farsadi, "Tall, Dark & Persian"
Rich Figel, "Lost in the Supermarket"
Linda C Fisher, "A Little Fire"
Jacqueline C. Fitzgerald, "Hooking Up"
Keely Flanagan, "Pyro"
Stephany Folsom, "Dangerously Subversive"
Steve Foo, "Fade to Black"
Tucker Forbes, "Abaddon"
Austin Formato, "Lilith"
Robin D. Fox, "The Bright and Hollow Sky"
Andrew Friedhof, "New Year"
Ryan Frost, "Les & Lynn"
Nicholas Funes, "Blade"
Robert Funke, "Get Off My Mountain!"
Nanci Gaglio, "Oh...God!"
Carl Garcia, "A Dog Named Muchacho"
Dana Garrity, "Seeker"
Lydia Genner, "The Long Goodbye"
Craig Ghiglione, "Kill Kringle"
Melissa Leigh Gilmer, "Mother Figure"
Ryan Gilmour, "Mikey and Pud"
DW Glicksman, "Paradise House"
Lynn Esta Goldman, "The End of Time"
Steven T. Gottlieb and Howard Walper, "The Rainbow Passage"
Kevin Graham-Caso, "Good People with Guns"
A.W. Grant, "Ruined"
Johnny G, "Would You Like an Extra Shot?"
Laura Hainke, "Suicide Boy"
David L Hamilton, "Cargo Cult"
Jen Hammond, "Ultra"
Diane Hanks, "Retrofit"
Jake Lee Hanne, "Goat"
Zack Harding, "Quiet Storm "
Damian John Harper, "Los Ángeles - The Angels"
Deborah Havener and Neal Havener, "Blood Land"
Brennig Hayden, "Big Red"
Mark Heatley, "Division"
Chai Hecht, "Real Time Days"
Steve Heim, "Among the Ashes"
Mike Hellige, "Powerless"
Anne-Marie Hess, "State of Correction"
Matthew Hickman, "East of L.A."
Walter High, "Believe"
Melissa London Hilfers, "Biological Cock"
Thomas Hill, "Survey"
Michele Hogan, "Kelly's Bar"
Terry Huang, "The Mayor of Silicon Valley"
Heather Hughes and Kate Wharton, "Zig Zag"
Murat Izmirli, "Grimwood"
Michael Jasper, "America's Sweetheart"
Michael Johnson, "Obsessive Behavior"
Kosta K, "Lowlife"
Jaimie Kanwar, "Blood"
Jordan Kaufman, "And the Beast"
Suzanne Kelman and Susannah Rose Woods, "Held"
Roberta Kenney, "The Photographer"
Alexandra Kopstals, "The Balloonist"
Ephrem Kossaify, "Midnight Mass"
Will Lamborn, "Lost God"
Christopher Landers, "Cowboy's Revenge"
Nate Lane, "Dime Store Saint"
Katiedid Langrock, "Morning Sickness"
Ryan LaSalle, "Kaleider"
James Lavino and Sam Neave, "The Mirror"
Mike Lawson, "The Deadbeat"
Casey Leblang, "My Biologicals "
Mauricio Leiva-Cock, "The Life and Death of Espiritu Perdomo"
James Leslie, "OKC"
John Scott Lewinski, "Souls on Board"
Katherine Lewis, "Valedictorian"
Scott Libbey, "The Glove"
Dennis A Liu, "Hacked"
Silka Luisa, "Cacique"
Jared Macary, "Beyond the Zone"
Emily Marcuson, "One Under"
Lisa Marks, "Best Woman"
Susan Marks, "Finding Poppy Pepperdine "
Shane McCabe, "Probable Cause"
Jim McDermott, "A Sacrifice of Praise"
Mark McDevitt, "Growing Up Fast"
Ryan McGlone, "The Learning Curve"
Laura Mcphillips, "Regarding Phoenix"
Michael Meinecke, "Backing Over Lucky"
Evan Wright Menzel, "Summer of the Gun"
Dan Merwin, "The Kids Fought Back"
Shannon Michael Mier, "Reservoir of Darkness"
Jimmy Miller, "Slugger"
Thomas Mogle, "A River Story"
Nico Monetti, "DUIvers"
Anthony Moore, "The Unity Trigger"
Peter Newell, "Music for Castles"
Brett Nicholson, "Vampiconda!"
Alex Noury, "Cash for Gold"
Dan Ochwat, "Drive-Thru Romance"
William Oksner, "The Man Who Flew Too High"
Doug Olander, "I'm in Love with your Mom!"
Rebecca Ortese, "Estranged"
Chris Osborn, "Forst"
Jocelyn Osier, "Documented"
Bryn Owen, "Signal Fire"
Sita Chandrika Palepu, "Reflections"
Deva Palmier, "Finding Clive"
Scott Parisien, "Incision"
Mark Partridge, "Wreckers"
David Paster, "Super/Market"
Craig Peters, "The 49th Day"
Adrian R. Pillai and Renee C. Pillai, "God Killer"
Ian Pugh, "Taipan"
Brad Quick, "Lion of God"
Shaun Raad, "Due Process"
Shiva Ramanathan, "The Unseen"
Eugene Ramos, "Newton's Laws of Emotion"
Louise Ransil, "Marlowe"
Nived Ravikumar, "The FOB Four"
Nived Ravikumar and Ben Stebor, "Space Cadet"
James Raynor, "The Code of Hammurabi"
James Raynor, "The Comedian"
Ryan Riley, "The Meek"
Matt Ringler, "Delusions of Grandeur"
Patrick J. Rodio, "The Accidents"
Ryan Roe, "Time Loves a Hero"
April Rouveyrol, "Life Copy"
Joshua Rubin, "2084"
James Russo, "The Saints of Brooksville "
Leo Sardarian, "Nicholas"
Melanie Schiele, "Butterfly Children"
William Schreiber, "Frozen Stiff"
Jon Seamans and Mark Riley, "Penalty Box"
Nile Seguin, "Heist the Dead"
Jace Serrano, "The Savior"
Oren Shai and Webb Wilcoxen, "The Frontier"
Mark Shostrom, "Black Sleep"
Joyce Simons, "Under Sail and Gone Tonight"
Zachary Sims, "Going to See the King"
Sarah Skibinski, "The Punishing Business"
Sarah Skibinski, "The Rhythm of Chaos"
Srdjan Smajic, "Diving into the Wreck"
Chad Smith, "Catastrophic"
Greg Ivan Smith, "More Brains"
Lexia Snowe, "Infirm Terrain"
Nuno Soler, "Curtains"
Michael Soll, "Peas and Cues"
Bert Sperling, "The Cynic"
Michael Spohr, "Avengement"
Mark J Stasenko Jr, "Continuum"
Amanda Stern, "Pool Boy"
Patrick Sweeney, "Ghost Train"
David Taylor, "Night Watch"
Taylor Tetreau, "A Distant Rumor"
Eric Toms, "Best Served Cold"
David Trotti, "East Wind"
Shohn Turner, "Speller"
Craig Ugoretz, "The Mercy Ward"
Deborah Vajda, "The Bitter Bush"
Limary Vargas, "Escape to Planet Earth"
Limary Vargas, "The Hero"
JWare, "Out of the Woods"
Robert Keith Watson, "Lousy Lay"
Ian M. Weber, "Arinna"
Ethan Wellin, "Figment"
Jeff Whitfill, "Mom and Dad are Dating"
David Widdicombe, "Junkyard Dogs"
Robert Williams, "Hungry"
Samuel J. Winokur, "The Observer"
Mishna Wolff, "I'm Down"
Ali Imran Zaidi, "The Greener Grass of Molly Montaigne"
David Zarif, "Spank Me"