Andrew Lanham
Austin, TX
SCRIPT: The Jumper of Maine
A paramedic with Tourette’s Syndrome is forced to come to terms with his life and condition when he falls in love with a single mother who has ties to his past.
Cinthea Stahl
North Hollywood, CA
SCRIPT: Identifying Marks
A despondent tattoo artist’s life is changed forever when he makes a house call to a dying woman’s bedside. In the precious time remaining, she fights to revive his art, spirit and life.
Destin Daniel Cretton
San Diego, CA
SCRIPT: Short Term 12
A 25-year-old girl working as a supervisor at a teen group home struggles to care for her teenage patients while desperately avoiding the residue of her own dark past. Based on his short film of the same title.
Marvin Krueger
North Hollywood, CA
SCRIPT: And Handled with a Chain
A delusional homeless woman and a young drug dealer have to help each other to recover the money from a drug deal gone bad. In the process, they save each others’ lives.
Micah Ranum
Beverly Hills, CA
SCRIPT: A Good Hunter
In an unforgiving wilderness, a reformed hunter tracks a vicious killer who may have kidnapped his daughter
Art Corriveau
SCRIPT: Nicky Flynn Finally Gets a Life
Logan Steiner
SCRIPT: The Promise of Spring
Sage Vanden Heuvel
SCRIPT: Inner Earth
Sebastian Davis
SCRIPT: Drunk-Dialing
Tim Macy
SCRIPT: The Last Queen
2010 Nicholl Semifinalists
Michael Albanese, “McCleskey”
Alex J Ankrom, “Castles Made of Sand”
Mark Arament, “Death Valley Homecoming”
Steven Arvanites, “Impression”
Chris Bessounian & Tianna A Langham, “Guns and Saris”
Nancy C Bilyeau, “Zenobia”
Robert W Bowden, “A Child Of Our Time”
Kevin S Brodie, “Season of Mists”
William H Bryant, “Before the Fall”
Rebecca N Bryant and William H Bryant, “Ross”
Stephan Vladimir Bugaj, “Welcome To Akron”
Ryan D Cannon, “The Hanging Man”
Richard L Carr, “A Tru Fairytale”
Tristan Carrasco, “The Prayer”
Soo-Hyun Chung, “Groupie”
Alexander Davidson, “Riding a Rocket Ship Into the Sun”
Alexander Davidson, “May the Devil Be Kinder”
Jack Davidson, “The Great Sign”
Gabriel de Jesus, “Wraith”
Jenny Deller, “Future Weather”
Clifford M Deller, “Break - The George Fullerton Story”
Matthew Dessem & Adam Price, “Good Humor”
Matthew Dessem & Adam Price, “The Conquered”
Lauri Donahue, “Whiplash”
Eirene F Donohue, “Stand Up Straight”
John Dummer, “The Moonbeam Fisherman”
Allan L Durand, “Willie Francis Must Die Again”
Alvin F Easter, “The Venetian Equivalency”
Bobak Esfarjani, “The Water Tower”
C.M. Ferguson, “The Last Trip”
Matthew E Fox, “The River of Life and Death”
Wade Gasque, “Half Truth”
Lisa M Gold, “The Poker Wars”
Todd Goodlett, “Friend of the Devil”
Kristin Gosney, “Manhandled”
Andrea Hardie, “Dakota Bound”
Deb Havener, “Midnight Swing”
Scott Hawthorne, “Rigged”
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, “The Binary Man”
Jane K Henderson, “The Toll at Forked River”
Tania R James, “Mattie, or Mathilda”
Jordan Jennings, “The Honeysuckle Jubilee”
Nicolle C Jones, “Nickel & Dime”
Nancy Joseph, “No Reflection”
Brad Kane, “The Yarrow King”
Michael Kinney, “Skyjacked”
David Kosh, “Grand Cru”
Michael J LaCombe, “Shockwaves”
Malcolm A Lawson, “Blackout”
Thomas N LeBlanc, “Nauts of the Astros”
Robert E Maloney, “The Sensational Count Guitarcula”
Chris Mandia, “Outside The Wire”
Daniel J Marshall, “Tigg”
Steve Martinez, “The Geritol Gang”
Nicholas M May & Brandon E Reavis, “Overcome”
Rebekah M McDaniel, “Kingdom of Daylight”
Mike K McGeever, “Rough Justice”
Rob Meyer & Luke Matheny, “A Birder's Guide to Everything”
Ryan D Miles, “Big Smile”
Kevin L Miller, “Mother's Day”
Timothy Miller, “Six Characters in Search of a Killer”
Mark A Moody, “Land of Lincoln”
Cathryn J Morris, “Bleeding Kansas”
Clark E Morrow, “Shot”
Matthew A Nelson, “The Adversary”
George R Nicholis, “Holmes”
Jeffrey R Norton, “Woodland”
Sohrab Noshirvani & Rory J H Haines, “Among The Dead”
Andrew Pritzker, “Her White Wedding”
Matthew B Raffa, “A Dying Sun”
Daniel Ragussis, “Freud”
Tamuira M Reid, “Luna's Highway”
Andrew Rothschild, “Sequoia National Park”
Andrew Rothschild, “The Hitler Family Reunion”
Sarah M Rothschild, “Most Likely To”
April Rouveyrol, “American Child”
James W Russo, “The Great Billington Booze Heist”
Alex K Schemmer, “The Furies”
Michael Schock, “Morrigan”
Arthur Schurr, “Coal Hard Cash”
Paul V Seetachitt, “Cancerland”
Todd M Serlin, “Represent!”
Gene F Smith, “The Pursued”
Jack Sommars, “Semper Fi, Sugar”
Anthony Sommo, “This Year's Game”
Ricky Staub & Dan J Walser, “A Whisper Against the Madness”
Joel B Strunk, “Anatomy of the Tide”
Mark Tachovsky, “The Story of A Simple Man”
Stephan Talty, “Nightingale Fever”
Kay J Tuxford & Prarthana Mohan, “Whore”
Kerry Valderrama, “Memories of a Hundred”
Debra A Vance, “The Secret Sex Life of Sister Janie Dare”
Evette Vargas, “Kingnapped”
Michael Ventre, “Starlight Falls”
Louise M Wadley, “She Sells Seashells by the Seashore”
Brian M Warshawsky, “A Man of Florence”
Andy Watts, “Massachusetts”
J. Nicholas Weber, “Be Something”
Michael Werwie, “What's Ailing Spencer Frayley”
Michael J Wightman, “Indian Summer”
Alan T Williamson, “Cardboard Cowboys”
James S Windeler, “Sweet Little Lies”
Douglas H Wolfe, “Murder in Auschwitz”
Lisa L Worth, “The Frankincense Tree”
2010 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Joseph R Abisso, “The Death of Christopher Marlowe”
Kevin L Adkins, “Red Medicine”
James P Allen, “The Toy Stealer”
Alexander D Allrich, “Forger”
Matthew J Altman, “The Last Age of Heroes”
Leonard F Anderson IV, “Gut Hook”
John A Arlotto, “Unretired”
Zac Atkinson, “Finding Normal”
Victoria Augustine, “The Audition”
Andrew W Badeker, “Tallgrass”
William E Baer, “Three Generations of Imbeciles”
John R Baker, “Zombie Xmas”
Dan R Barton, “Broomstick”
Dan R Barton, “Ladies and Gentlemen, John Wilkes Booth”
Pamela K Basey, “Boogie-Napped”
Matthew T Bell, “Lighthouse”
Jessica Bennett, “Figment”
Jeff Beres, “Bumma”
Darren Bevill, “Appetites”
Gary Bickal, “Racing the Dead”
Melissa A Birks, “Uncaged”
Matthew L Blackburn, “The Janitor”
Macon Blair, “Summer Villains”
Tony Boland, “Sleeping Beauty”
Katrina J Bouza, “Helen's Daughters”
Adriana Brad Schanen, “Podium”
Michelle Brooks, “Minus One”
Ana N Brown, “How Do We Look?”
Molly Brown Pennington, “Rashae Likes Me (Somehow)”
Ryan J Buckley, “To Kill an Angel”
David Buik, “To Die in Iraq”
Sameer Butt & Loren-Paul Caplin, “Off Duty”
Timothy D Cairo, “Born Again”
Stephen P Callen, “Down Under”
Andy Cannistra, “Army Ants”
Janet R Cassels, “The Mischlinge”
Daniel R Cauterucci, “Verdugo (The Executioner)”
Marissa J Cerar, “Conversion”
Deborah Chesebro & Tyson FitzGerald, “Prom Queen”
Susan S Chiu, “Say Uncle”
Susan S Chiu, “Re/Surfacing”
Rachel Conard, “Things Said in Bed”
Jennifer A Connell, “Playing House”
Thomas Connors, “Here and There”
Brandie Coonis, “The Wings of Dr. Oddvar”
David W Cooper, “Promy: A Gorilla's Tale”
Michael C Costner, “Devil's Lake”
Elizabeth R Cotone, “Madame Curie”
John M D'Arco, “Barely Lethal”
Michael T Daniel, “A Circle In The Water”
Jeffrey R Davis, “A Simple Man With a Simple Plan”
Jeffrey R Davis, “Boys In Red”
Patrick L DeLeon, “The Cosgrove Conspiracy”
Ted W Dewberry, “The Last Meal Project”
Paul M DeWolf, “Seventy-Three”
Katelynn E Dey, “Red Light Go”
Anthony A Dodd, “White Knuckle Roads”
Michael Donegan, “The Mighty Force”
Emiliana M Dore & Adrienne Lusby, “Interstate”
Andrew Duncan, “My Name Is Bob”
Adam C Dunlop-Farkas, “The Mad Ones”
Chad Edwards, “The Valley of Kings”
Christine Ellis, “Star X + Debris”
Brooks Elms & Glenn Sanders, “Wright or Wrong”
Leigh F Emshey, “Pribe City”
Chandler Evans, “The Adventures of Kid Quick”
Marquis J Ewing, “The Descent of Man and Other Unpredictable Journeys”
Matthew Fantaci, “Lights! Camera! Mrs. Miller!”
Jeffrey R Field, “Hoosier Daddy”
Jason Fischer, “Jealous Guys”
Emiliano M Flores, “The Exterminating Angel”
Glenn Forbes, “The Future Prime”
Justin C Foster, “Arrival Unknown”
Jason Fraley, “Cinemagic”
Jacqueline A Frazier, “Number 8 Wire”
Jesse Freedman & Danny Belinkie, “Ironically, Of Course”
Nancy D Froeschle, “Blood of the Lamb”
Shariya Lynn Frye & Christopher Beau Johnson, “Grey Matter”
Grainne M Godfree, “Blood and Ivory”
Irina Goundortseva, “Dog Club”
Markus Griesshammer, “Bellwether”
Kimberly E Griffin, “Johnson's Hill”
Jonathan R Groom, “Hayseed”
Tilton Hack, “You Must Remember This”
Cynthia Irene Hagan, “The Disappearance of Daniel Klein”
Jacob S Hall, “George Builds a Time Machine”
Julian Harker, “Rules to Live By”
Patrick T Hasson, “Blood Shed”
Carolyn Haywood, “Coonbone”
Gavin B Heffernan, “Fraudster”
Michelle Herrin, “Acts of Obedience”
Shannon Hile & Richard Eden, “How Not to Bury Your Mother”
Andrew C Hiss, “The Sun King of Eastbook, Maine”
Michele E Hogan, “Kelly's Bar”
Ricki Holmes, “There Is No Second”
John D Howell, “The Authentic History of the Terrible Harpes”
Chris Howlett, “Rogue Element”
Winston H Huff, “Mammalian Advocate”
Ryan R Jackson, “Fix”
Judy Johns, “Merlin's Prophecy”
Gregory Johnson, “Dead Son”
Kranti Kanade & Sagar Haveli, “Against Itself”
Montana Kane, “Isabel Kowalski Rides the 36 Broadway Bus”
Les Kanekuni, “Mr. Christian”
Scott Kassel, “Hands of Freedom”
Clete C Keith, “Ginormous”
Dylan Kilgour, “Hackettstown”
Kyle Kinsella, “Just My Imagination”
Andrejs Kovalovs, “Antipode”
Ulvrik S Kraft, “Silent Night”
Carolyn Kras, “Magnetic”
Steven G Labeille, “Haddegon Tails”
Michael J LaCombe, “Anvil”
Jenée N LaMarque, “The Pretty One”
David C Lambertson, “The Last Statesman”
Kurt Larson, “My Life Is A Corporation”
Richard J LeBlanc Jr., “Strobelight”
Elizabeth Lee, “Krismas Island”
Larry Leinoff, “Loose Ends”
Gregory Lind, “The Butcher Is Crazy”
Danny Llewelyn, “Adversary”
Silka Luisa, “Keep Them Close”
Andre Lyon, “Piety”
Travis Maruska, “Prison One”
Jason May, “Lone Star and Stripes”
Trevor L McCall, “Broken Vessels”
Chris McKee, “Naked in the City of Heroes”
Kevin McKeever, “The Last Knight”
Veronica McKenzie, “Nine Nights”
Svetlana V McShane, “The Birch Swingers”
Russ Meyer, “Jenna's Gone”
Dinah D Miller, “The Chameleon of Camerone”
Andrew Miller, “Paradise Limited”
Suneeta S Millington & Emily T Sztabzyb, “Mother India”
Arlene E Monnier, “The Bird, The Bull and The Fistulated Cow”
Jeff Moonie Jr., “Power: The Seven Day Theory”
Donald R Moore, “The Regular Heavens”
William Moran, “Racing a Ghost”
Lewaa Nasserdeen, “The Star Kingdom”
Nancy Noever, “Words of War”
David O'Leary, “Disappearance”
Matt O'Reilly, “Warlord”
Ung G Park, “Forever”
Perry H Patterson, “LSOF”
Jason Patti, “Coordinates for Unhinging”
Paul Peditto, “Skin Deep”
Shannon E Pestock, “Flesh and Blood”
Joseph M Petrick, “Exploder”
Bradley A Pontecore & Mitch Levine, “Back of the Yards”
Andrew Pritzker, “Iced”
David W Radcliff, “Learning to Stand”
Jacqueline Radley, “Thicker Than Blood”
Chris Raymond, “Daughter of Heaven”
Adam S Reuben, “Surviving the Fall”
Alveraz Ricardez, “The Fall Of Shadows”
Kenneth W Richards, “Peace On Earth (and goodwill to all men)”
Jenna Ricker & Greg Stuhr, “Security”
Patrick J Rodio, “Union”
Sarah M Rothschild, “Side Effects May Include”
James W Russo, “The Saints of Brooksville”
Samantha Ryan, “Flight World”
Ramesh S Santanam, “Our Enemies”
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, “Splitting Shadows”
Erica L Schreiber, “Ariel”
Hugh Scott & Aaron Stanford, “Bruce & Mitchell”
Paul V Seetachitt, “Heist: A Documentary”
Lizz-Ayn Shaarawi, “Iris of the Garden”
Stacie A Shellner, “Release”
Jeff Shevlowitz, “Do No Harm”
R. Ian Simpson, “Below the Waist”
Anita J Skibski, “Mine”
Henderson Smith, “The Ugly Princess”
Tyler Lee Spangler, “Love And War”
Jon Stahl, “How to Save America Without Really Trying”
Eric Stein & Michael S Bandy, “White Water”
Kimberly M Stewart, “Hazel”
Stephan R Stinson, “The Middle of Everywere”
Addison Stofle-Anderson, “The Robust Enhanced Alternative”
Jennifer June Strawn, “A Sea Like Glass”
Douglas J Summers, “Washington Circle”
Joshua K Susie, “The Elysian Bow”
Joseph Swanson, “Fergie The Ferocious”
William A Tanner Jr., “Solace”
Max J Taxe, “Goodbye, Felix Chester”
David S Teodosio Jr., “Little Red Dot”
Erica Thomas, “The Resurrection”
F Delano R Thompson Jr., “The Time Killers”
Thomas Tieche, “In My Country”
Richard Tillotson, “Mandalay”
John Todd, “Circle of Fire”
Jeff Trently & Tony Stitt, “Chances”
John E Uth, “Moon Camp”
Chris Velasco, “The Last Noel”
Paul Vicknair & Chris Shafer, “The Saboteurs”
Dominika Waclawiak, “In from the Cold”
Benjamin A Wagner, “Baja”
David M Warnock, “Runaway Colt”
James Watts, “Beckwourth”
Matthew Wedge, “A Man of No Consequence”
Richmond Weems, “Inhuman Resources”
Ryan Wellington, “Bang, Bang, Pop”
Charles J Whitesell, “Salamander Dali”
Alan T Williamson, “Nunley”
Wenonah E Wilms, “Nest”
Wenonah E Wilms, “Sleeping With the Lutefisk”
Kevin C Wilson, “Down By One - A Little League Story”
Jeffrey A Wright, “Vanished”
Cody Yarbrough, “River Road”
Joshua P Yonkin, “The Roselands”
Phil G Yuhas, “The Crockettville Kid”
Roland L Zaleski, “The Omega Lottery”
Lillian A Zvanovec, “Tii and the Kingdom of Lost Objects”

Andrew Lanham
Austin, TX
SCRIPT: The Jumper of Maine
A paramedic with Tourette’s Syndrome is forced to come to terms with his life and condition when he falls in love with a single mother who has ties to his past.

Cinthea Stahl
North Hollywood, CA
SCRIPT: Identifying Marks
A despondent tattoo artist’s life is changed forever when he makes a house call to a dying woman’s bedside. In the precious time remaining, she fights to revive his art, spirit and life.

Destin Daniel Cretton
San Diego, CA
SCRIPT: Short Term 12
A 25-year-old girl working as a supervisor at a teen group home struggles to care for her teenage patients while desperately avoiding the residue of her own dark past. Based on his short film of the same title.

Marvin Krueger
North Hollywood, CA
SCRIPT: And Handled with a Chain
A delusional homeless woman and a young drug dealer have to help each other to recover the money from a drug deal gone bad. In the process, they save each others’ lives.

Micah Ranum
Beverly Hills, CA
SCRIPT: A Good Hunter
In an unforgiving wilderness, a reformed hunter tracks a vicious killer who may have kidnapped his daughter
Art Corriveau
SCRIPT: Nicky Flynn Finally Gets a Life
Logan Steiner
SCRIPT: The Promise of Spring
Sage Vanden Heuvel
SCRIPT: Inner Earth
Sebastian Davis
SCRIPT: Drunk-Dialing
Tim Macy
SCRIPT: The Last Queen
2010 Nicholl Semifinalists
Michael Albanese, “McCleskey”
Alex J Ankrom, “Castles Made of Sand”
Mark Arament, “Death Valley Homecoming”
Steven Arvanites, “Impression”
Chris Bessounian & Tianna A Langham, “Guns and Saris”
Nancy C Bilyeau, “Zenobia”
Robert W Bowden, “A Child Of Our Time”
Kevin S Brodie, “Season of Mists”
William H Bryant, “Before the Fall”
Rebecca N Bryant and William H Bryant, “Ross”
Stephan Vladimir Bugaj, “Welcome To Akron”
Ryan D Cannon, “The Hanging Man”
Richard L Carr, “A Tru Fairytale”
Tristan Carrasco, “The Prayer”
Soo-Hyun Chung, “Groupie”
Alexander Davidson, “Riding a Rocket Ship Into the Sun”
Alexander Davidson, “May the Devil Be Kinder”
Jack Davidson, “The Great Sign”
Gabriel de Jesus, “Wraith”
Jenny Deller, “Future Weather”
Clifford M Deller, “Break - The George Fullerton Story”
Matthew Dessem & Adam Price, “Good Humor”
Matthew Dessem & Adam Price, “The Conquered”
Lauri Donahue, “Whiplash”
Eirene F Donohue, “Stand Up Straight”
John Dummer, “The Moonbeam Fisherman”
Allan L Durand, “Willie Francis Must Die Again”
Alvin F Easter, “The Venetian Equivalency”
Bobak Esfarjani, “The Water Tower”
C.M. Ferguson, “The Last Trip”
Matthew E Fox, “The River of Life and Death”
Wade Gasque, “Half Truth”
Lisa M Gold, “The Poker Wars”
Todd Goodlett, “Friend of the Devil”
Kristin Gosney, “Manhandled”
Andrea Hardie, “Dakota Bound”
Deb Havener, “Midnight Swing”
Scott Hawthorne, “Rigged”
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, “The Binary Man”
Jane K Henderson, “The Toll at Forked River”
Tania R James, “Mattie, or Mathilda”
Jordan Jennings, “The Honeysuckle Jubilee”
Nicolle C Jones, “Nickel & Dime”
Nancy Joseph, “No Reflection”
Brad Kane, “The Yarrow King”
Michael Kinney, “Skyjacked”
David Kosh, “Grand Cru”
Michael J LaCombe, “Shockwaves”
Malcolm A Lawson, “Blackout”
Thomas N LeBlanc, “Nauts of the Astros”
Robert E Maloney, “The Sensational Count Guitarcula”
Chris Mandia, “Outside The Wire”
Daniel J Marshall, “Tigg”
Steve Martinez, “The Geritol Gang”
Nicholas M May & Brandon E Reavis, “Overcome”
Rebekah M McDaniel, “Kingdom of Daylight”
Mike K McGeever, “Rough Justice”
Rob Meyer & Luke Matheny, “A Birder's Guide to Everything”
Ryan D Miles, “Big Smile”
Kevin L Miller, “Mother's Day”
Timothy Miller, “Six Characters in Search of a Killer”
Mark A Moody, “Land of Lincoln”
Cathryn J Morris, “Bleeding Kansas”
Clark E Morrow, “Shot”
Matthew A Nelson, “The Adversary”
George R Nicholis, “Holmes”
Jeffrey R Norton, “Woodland”
Sohrab Noshirvani & Rory J H Haines, “Among The Dead”
Andrew Pritzker, “Her White Wedding”
Matthew B Raffa, “A Dying Sun”
Daniel Ragussis, “Freud”
Tamuira M Reid, “Luna's Highway”
Andrew Rothschild, “Sequoia National Park”
Andrew Rothschild, “The Hitler Family Reunion”
Sarah M Rothschild, “Most Likely To”
April Rouveyrol, “American Child”
James W Russo, “The Great Billington Booze Heist”
Alex K Schemmer, “The Furies”
Michael Schock, “Morrigan”
Arthur Schurr, “Coal Hard Cash”
Paul V Seetachitt, “Cancerland”
Todd M Serlin, “Represent!”
Gene F Smith, “The Pursued”
Jack Sommars, “Semper Fi, Sugar”
Anthony Sommo, “This Year's Game”
Ricky Staub & Dan J Walser, “A Whisper Against the Madness”
Joel B Strunk, “Anatomy of the Tide”
Mark Tachovsky, “The Story of A Simple Man”
Stephan Talty, “Nightingale Fever”
Kay J Tuxford & Prarthana Mohan, “Whore”
Kerry Valderrama, “Memories of a Hundred”
Debra A Vance, “The Secret Sex Life of Sister Janie Dare”
Evette Vargas, “Kingnapped”
Michael Ventre, “Starlight Falls”
Louise M Wadley, “She Sells Seashells by the Seashore”
Brian M Warshawsky, “A Man of Florence”
Andy Watts, “Massachusetts”
J. Nicholas Weber, “Be Something”
Michael Werwie, “What's Ailing Spencer Frayley”
Michael J Wightman, “Indian Summer”
Alan T Williamson, “Cardboard Cowboys”
James S Windeler, “Sweet Little Lies”
Douglas H Wolfe, “Murder in Auschwitz”
Lisa L Worth, “The Frankincense Tree”
2010 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Joseph R Abisso, “The Death of Christopher Marlowe”
Kevin L Adkins, “Red Medicine”
James P Allen, “The Toy Stealer”
Alexander D Allrich, “Forger”
Matthew J Altman, “The Last Age of Heroes”
Leonard F Anderson IV, “Gut Hook”
John A Arlotto, “Unretired”
Zac Atkinson, “Finding Normal”
Victoria Augustine, “The Audition”
Andrew W Badeker, “Tallgrass”
William E Baer, “Three Generations of Imbeciles”
John R Baker, “Zombie Xmas”
Dan R Barton, “Broomstick”
Dan R Barton, “Ladies and Gentlemen, John Wilkes Booth”
Pamela K Basey, “Boogie-Napped”
Matthew T Bell, “Lighthouse”
Jessica Bennett, “Figment”
Jeff Beres, “Bumma”
Darren Bevill, “Appetites”
Gary Bickal, “Racing the Dead”
Melissa A Birks, “Uncaged”
Matthew L Blackburn, “The Janitor”
Macon Blair, “Summer Villains”
Tony Boland, “Sleeping Beauty”
Katrina J Bouza, “Helen's Daughters”
Adriana Brad Schanen, “Podium”
Michelle Brooks, “Minus One”
Ana N Brown, “How Do We Look?”
Molly Brown Pennington, “Rashae Likes Me (Somehow)”
Ryan J Buckley, “To Kill an Angel”
David Buik, “To Die in Iraq”
Sameer Butt & Loren-Paul Caplin, “Off Duty”
Timothy D Cairo, “Born Again”
Stephen P Callen, “Down Under”
Andy Cannistra, “Army Ants”
Janet R Cassels, “The Mischlinge”
Daniel R Cauterucci, “Verdugo (The Executioner)”
Marissa J Cerar, “Conversion”
Deborah Chesebro & Tyson FitzGerald, “Prom Queen”
Susan S Chiu, “Say Uncle”
Susan S Chiu, “Re/Surfacing”
Rachel Conard, “Things Said in Bed”
Jennifer A Connell, “Playing House”
Thomas Connors, “Here and There”
Brandie Coonis, “The Wings of Dr. Oddvar”
David W Cooper, “Promy: A Gorilla's Tale”
Michael C Costner, “Devil's Lake”
Elizabeth R Cotone, “Madame Curie”
John M D'Arco, “Barely Lethal”
Michael T Daniel, “A Circle In The Water”
Jeffrey R Davis, “A Simple Man With a Simple Plan”
Jeffrey R Davis, “Boys In Red”
Patrick L DeLeon, “The Cosgrove Conspiracy”
Ted W Dewberry, “The Last Meal Project”
Paul M DeWolf, “Seventy-Three”
Katelynn E Dey, “Red Light Go”
Anthony A Dodd, “White Knuckle Roads”
Michael Donegan, “The Mighty Force”
Emiliana M Dore & Adrienne Lusby, “Interstate”
Andrew Duncan, “My Name Is Bob”
Adam C Dunlop-Farkas, “The Mad Ones”
Chad Edwards, “The Valley of Kings”
Christine Ellis, “Star X + Debris”
Brooks Elms & Glenn Sanders, “Wright or Wrong”
Leigh F Emshey, “Pribe City”
Chandler Evans, “The Adventures of Kid Quick”
Marquis J Ewing, “The Descent of Man and Other Unpredictable Journeys”
Matthew Fantaci, “Lights! Camera! Mrs. Miller!”
Jeffrey R Field, “Hoosier Daddy”
Jason Fischer, “Jealous Guys”
Emiliano M Flores, “The Exterminating Angel”
Glenn Forbes, “The Future Prime”
Justin C Foster, “Arrival Unknown”
Jason Fraley, “Cinemagic”
Jacqueline A Frazier, “Number 8 Wire”
Jesse Freedman & Danny Belinkie, “Ironically, Of Course”
Nancy D Froeschle, “Blood of the Lamb”
Shariya Lynn Frye & Christopher Beau Johnson, “Grey Matter”
Grainne M Godfree, “Blood and Ivory”
Irina Goundortseva, “Dog Club”
Markus Griesshammer, “Bellwether”
Kimberly E Griffin, “Johnson's Hill”
Jonathan R Groom, “Hayseed”
Tilton Hack, “You Must Remember This”
Cynthia Irene Hagan, “The Disappearance of Daniel Klein”
Jacob S Hall, “George Builds a Time Machine”
Julian Harker, “Rules to Live By”
Patrick T Hasson, “Blood Shed”
Carolyn Haywood, “Coonbone”
Gavin B Heffernan, “Fraudster”
Michelle Herrin, “Acts of Obedience”
Shannon Hile & Richard Eden, “How Not to Bury Your Mother”
Andrew C Hiss, “The Sun King of Eastbook, Maine”
Michele E Hogan, “Kelly's Bar”
Ricki Holmes, “There Is No Second”
John D Howell, “The Authentic History of the Terrible Harpes”
Chris Howlett, “Rogue Element”
Winston H Huff, “Mammalian Advocate”
Ryan R Jackson, “Fix”
Judy Johns, “Merlin's Prophecy”
Gregory Johnson, “Dead Son”
Kranti Kanade & Sagar Haveli, “Against Itself”
Montana Kane, “Isabel Kowalski Rides the 36 Broadway Bus”
Les Kanekuni, “Mr. Christian”
Scott Kassel, “Hands of Freedom”
Clete C Keith, “Ginormous”
Dylan Kilgour, “Hackettstown”
Kyle Kinsella, “Just My Imagination”
Andrejs Kovalovs, “Antipode”
Ulvrik S Kraft, “Silent Night”
Carolyn Kras, “Magnetic”
Steven G Labeille, “Haddegon Tails”
Michael J LaCombe, “Anvil”
Jenée N LaMarque, “The Pretty One”
David C Lambertson, “The Last Statesman”
Kurt Larson, “My Life Is A Corporation”
Richard J LeBlanc Jr., “Strobelight”
Elizabeth Lee, “Krismas Island”
Larry Leinoff, “Loose Ends”
Gregory Lind, “The Butcher Is Crazy”
Danny Llewelyn, “Adversary”
Silka Luisa, “Keep Them Close”
Andre Lyon, “Piety”
Travis Maruska, “Prison One”
Jason May, “Lone Star and Stripes”
Trevor L McCall, “Broken Vessels”
Chris McKee, “Naked in the City of Heroes”
Kevin McKeever, “The Last Knight”
Veronica McKenzie, “Nine Nights”
Svetlana V McShane, “The Birch Swingers”
Russ Meyer, “Jenna's Gone”
Dinah D Miller, “The Chameleon of Camerone”
Andrew Miller, “Paradise Limited”
Suneeta S Millington & Emily T Sztabzyb, “Mother India”
Arlene E Monnier, “The Bird, The Bull and The Fistulated Cow”
Jeff Moonie Jr., “Power: The Seven Day Theory”
Donald R Moore, “The Regular Heavens”
William Moran, “Racing a Ghost”
Lewaa Nasserdeen, “The Star Kingdom”
Nancy Noever, “Words of War”
David O'Leary, “Disappearance”
Matt O'Reilly, “Warlord”
Ung G Park, “Forever”
Perry H Patterson, “LSOF”
Jason Patti, “Coordinates for Unhinging”
Paul Peditto, “Skin Deep”
Shannon E Pestock, “Flesh and Blood”
Joseph M Petrick, “Exploder”
Bradley A Pontecore & Mitch Levine, “Back of the Yards”
Andrew Pritzker, “Iced”
David W Radcliff, “Learning to Stand”
Jacqueline Radley, “Thicker Than Blood”
Chris Raymond, “Daughter of Heaven”
Adam S Reuben, “Surviving the Fall”
Alveraz Ricardez, “The Fall Of Shadows”
Kenneth W Richards, “Peace On Earth (and goodwill to all men)”
Jenna Ricker & Greg Stuhr, “Security”
Patrick J Rodio, “Union”
Sarah M Rothschild, “Side Effects May Include”
James W Russo, “The Saints of Brooksville”
Samantha Ryan, “Flight World”
Ramesh S Santanam, “Our Enemies”
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, “Splitting Shadows”
Erica L Schreiber, “Ariel”
Hugh Scott & Aaron Stanford, “Bruce & Mitchell”
Paul V Seetachitt, “Heist: A Documentary”
Lizz-Ayn Shaarawi, “Iris of the Garden”
Stacie A Shellner, “Release”
Jeff Shevlowitz, “Do No Harm”
R. Ian Simpson, “Below the Waist”
Anita J Skibski, “Mine”
Henderson Smith, “The Ugly Princess”
Tyler Lee Spangler, “Love And War”
Jon Stahl, “How to Save America Without Really Trying”
Eric Stein & Michael S Bandy, “White Water”
Kimberly M Stewart, “Hazel”
Stephan R Stinson, “The Middle of Everywere”
Addison Stofle-Anderson, “The Robust Enhanced Alternative”
Jennifer June Strawn, “A Sea Like Glass”
Douglas J Summers, “Washington Circle”
Joshua K Susie, “The Elysian Bow”
Joseph Swanson, “Fergie The Ferocious”
William A Tanner Jr., “Solace”
Max J Taxe, “Goodbye, Felix Chester”
David S Teodosio Jr., “Little Red Dot”
Erica Thomas, “The Resurrection”
F Delano R Thompson Jr., “The Time Killers”
Thomas Tieche, “In My Country”
Richard Tillotson, “Mandalay”
John Todd, “Circle of Fire”
Jeff Trently & Tony Stitt, “Chances”
John E Uth, “Moon Camp”
Chris Velasco, “The Last Noel”
Paul Vicknair & Chris Shafer, “The Saboteurs”
Dominika Waclawiak, “In from the Cold”
Benjamin A Wagner, “Baja”
David M Warnock, “Runaway Colt”
James Watts, “Beckwourth”
Matthew Wedge, “A Man of No Consequence”
Richmond Weems, “Inhuman Resources”
Ryan Wellington, “Bang, Bang, Pop”
Charles J Whitesell, “Salamander Dali”
Alan T Williamson, “Nunley”
Wenonah E Wilms, “Nest”
Wenonah E Wilms, “Sleeping With the Lutefisk”
Kevin C Wilson, “Down By One - A Little League Story”
Jeffrey A Wright, “Vanished”
Cody Yarbrough, “River Road”
Joshua P Yonkin, “The Roselands”
Phil G Yuhas, “The Crockettville Kid”
Roland L Zaleski, “The Omega Lottery”
Lillian A Zvanovec, “Tii and the Kingdom of Lost Objects”