Abel Vang & Burlee Vang
Fresno, CA
SCRIPT: The Tiger's Child
When his father is suddenly killed after being coerced into the CIA's Secret Army, twelve-year-old Tou must decide whether or not to follow in the same footsteps in order to provide for Cheng, his five-year-old brother.
Chris Bessounian & Tianna Langham
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Guns and Saris
They’ve been oppressed and brutalized at the bottom of India’s caste system for 3000 years, but now the “untouchable” women of India have found an unlikely source of hope - and she’s armed.
Dion Cook
Altus, OK
SCRIPT: Cutter
After surviving the nightmare of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Patrice Gasana has made a new life in the United States. A dedicated Miami trauma physician, Patrice lives the American dream with his loving fiancé and her daughter...
John Macinnes
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Outside the Wire
An ex-Marine working in Iraq saves a young, single-mom in US Army from assassination by his powerful employers. Two Americans on the run in the most dangerous place on the planet with hostile insurgents, militiamen...
Matthew Murphy
Culver City, CA
SCRIPT: Unicorn
A by-the-book FBI profiler must track down a serial killer with the help of an illiterate 24-year-old psychic.
Aaron Marshall
SCRIPT: Fig Hunt: The Quest for Battle Armor Star Captain
Ehud Lavski
SCRIPT: Parasite
K.E. Greenberg
SCRIPT: Blood Bound
Khurram Mozaffar
SCRIPT: A Man of Clay
Paul Vicknair and Chris Shafer
SCRIPT: A Many Splintered Thing
2011 Nicholl Semifinalists
Kristina Anderson, "Forever Jiaying, 1937"
John Ashbrook, "Warwolf"
Zac Atkinson, "Finding Normal"
Travis Baker, "Chi-Town Takedown"
Stuart Baur, "Secret City"
Lindsey Beer, "If Wishes Were Fishes"
Aaron Berg, "Assault"
Alex Berger, "Onu"
Chris Bessounian and Tianna Langham, "Butcher of Bosnia"
Brian Boesl, "This Little Piggy"
Adriana Brad Schanen, "Podium"
Rebecca Bryant and William Bryant, "Ross"
Andrew Bumstead, "Real Men Play Futebol"
Craig Cambria, "False Sense"
Christian Canterbury, "Lovers a'Go-Go"
Robert Carter, "A.W.O.L."
Kegan Chandler, "The Hunters"
Barbara Chepaitis and Steve Sawicki, "To Save an Eagle"
Robert Cholette, "Deflection"
George Chumo II, "The Iconoclast"
TJ Cimfel, "The Beneath"
James Corns, "Hell Hath No Furry"
Jared S Cowie, "Drowning Sorrows"
Jeremy Craig, "Violent Light"
Christine A Cyr Clisset, "Spruce Soldier"
Paul Davis-Miller and Toby Gillingham, "T minus 90"
Gina DeAngelis, "Private Thompson's Secret War"
Limor Diament, "Metamorphosis"
John Dummer, "The Moonbeam Fisherman"
Andrew Duncan, "Nature's Fittest"
Evan Endicott, "Thirteenth Grade"
Matthew Nolte Evans, "The Wizard of Sussex"
Emiliano Flores, "The Exterminating Angel"
Richard Flynn, "The Spartan Takes New York"
Sean Lyman Frasier, "Grimlock"
Melissa Gage, "Hope and Salvation"
Andrew Gilbert, "After This"
Andrew Godoski, "Kirkwood, Joshua, D.O.B. June 17th 1983"
James Grayford, "Remy"
James Grayford, "The Franchise"
Rory Haines and Sohrab Noshirvani, "Black Rivers"
Arthur Halpern, "Legends From the Golden Age"
Bryce Hammons, "Artifice"
Peter Hanrahan, "Last Island"
Joseph Hartstone, "Party Lines"
John Hatch, "Blood Roots"
Tasha Huo, "The Darkness"
Evan Kilgore and Sebastian Twardosz, "Made in China"
Kristin Kirby, "Maze"
Matthew Kohnen and Sean Kohnen, "Trunk"
Kim Kookendoffer, "Wanted: Prince Charming"
Wolf Kraft, "Silent Night"
Susu Langlands, "How Do I Love Thee"
Christie LeBlanc, "Single Mother's Guide to Killing Your Teen"
Eric Litra, "The Cicada's Song"
James S. Loos and Steven Schoen, "Missing"
David Luna, "The Collector"
Zach Luna and Spenser Cohen, "The Driver"
Nolan Bryan Lynch, "Starsfall"
Kate Maney, "Shakepeare's Daughter"
Matthew Manson, "Wannabe"
Thom Maurer, "Linda"
Harmoni McGlothlin, "Dumping Dick"
J. O. McLeod, "Mermaid"
D. M. Moehrle, "Spiraling"
Marc Moody, "Land of Lincoln"
Donald Moore, "The Regular Heavens"
Yon Motskin, "Ethel"
Afia Nathaniel, "Neither the Veil nor the Four Walls"
Matthew Nelson, "Unseen"
Peter Newell, "Music For Castles"
Billy Noon, "The Cause"
Ai Shahar, "Breakable Things"
Danielle Barros, "The Executioner"
Natasha Pincus, "Clive"
Jackson Raders, "The Good."
Matthew Raffa, "A Dying Sun"
Sandeep Rao, "At First Dose"
Christine Reklaitis, "The Battle of Washingtons"
Corey Resnick, "Fixer"
Peter Gamble and Matthew King, "The Harrowing"
Noelle Roso, "Wreckage"
Alan Roth, "Hang Time"
Graham Sack and Adam Perlman, "The Morgan Principle"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "No Running"
Paul Seetachitt, "CancerLand: A Cancer Comedy"
Lisa Seipel, "Kilkara"
Tom Shea, "Botany Brown"
Jill Sim, "Teenage Detective Outcast"
Emily Bentley Solomon, "Which Way Is Not Death"
Steve Sparks, "Land of Snows"
Luke Stanhope, "The Unforgotten"
Chris Starr, "The Voice of God"
Stephen Statler, "Little Dan"
Caleb James Stenzinger, "Benjamin Aether: Sky Painter"
Rachel Stevens, "Blasphemy"
Rachel Stevens, "Earline"
Renee Stock, "Goldfish and Minotaur"
Matt Straquadine, "F_ck You Money"
Bettie Styfurak, "Forget Jane"
Christopher Tedrick, "April Flowers"
Blaine Tyler, "Maggie's Dawn"
Sara Van Acker, "Bloodlust"
Sage Vanden Heuvel, "Inner Earth"
Lou Voiler, "Jackalope"
Matthew Scott Weiner, "Ghosts of Kiev"
Tracy Whitaker and Brian Spain, "A Marriage of Inconvenience"
Richard Willett, "9/10"
Robert Williams, "Wheels"
Amanda B. Winn Lee, "Deathzilla"
2011 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Ted Adams, "The Druggist"
Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews, "The Announcement"
Catalina Aguilar Mastretta, "Everybody Loves Somebody"
Alex Ankrom Castles, "Made of Sand"
Brian Anthony, "Sum Zero"
Victoria Augustine, "The Audition"
Andrew Badeker, "War Behind Wire"
John Baker, "Matatoro: The Bull Killer"
Alec Banks, "Killing Marilyn"
Alec Banks, "Bloody Monday"
Jennifer Barclay, "The Right Track"
Deborah Baxtrom, "Mary Shelley"
Carlisha Tennille Bell, "Wild and Free"
Richard Stephen Bell, "Bean Sprout"
Blake Berris and Andrew Shafer, "This Shining City"
Asmara Bhattacharya, "Names on Paper"
Kenny Bias, "Stoney Creek Road"
Amitabh Bihari , "The Gold of Atalanta"
Mickey Blaine, "Hammer Down"
Valerie Brandy, "Dying with Daisy"
Steven Brechtel, "Unhedged"
Alisha Brophy and Scott Miles, "Manic Pixie Dream Girl"
Susan Brunig, "Total Girlfriend"
Brooke Buffington and Maddy Curley, "For Elise"
David Buik, "Nogales"
Philip Buiser, "Twelve"
Scott Burkhardt, "Slipstream"
Patricia K. Camden, "Abelard and Heloise"
Severiano Canales, "The Book of Casey"
Andy Cannistra, "Army Ants"
Kevin Caruso, "Ground Stop"
Max Cavanaugh and Todd Robinson, "Car Number 20"
Marissa Jo Cerar, "Conversion"
Deborah Chesher, "My First Kiss"
Victoria Chiarello, "The Queen's Spies"
Carol Clippinger, "Timber McKenna"
Rachel Conard, "Things Said in Bed"
Sarah A. Conradt, "Dead of Winter"
Fergus Cook, "Nine Down"
Keridwen Cornelius, "John Muir"
Sean Corrigan, "Confession"
Blair Cosby, "Sand Devils"
Jason Costa, "The Abduction"
Alex Cramer, "How I Survived High School"
Alex Cramer, "Bad Boyfriends"
Lia Critchley, "Smallwood"
James Croke, "The Room"
Dennis Curlett Jr., "The Wingman"
Carla Custance, "Resurrecting Jane Doe"
Mark Daneri, "Deep Springs Station"
John Dart and Jeff Swanson, "The Snowmen"
Alexander Davidson, "The Ferryman"
Stacey Davis, "Halfway Home"
Andrew Davis and Jennifer Montgomery, "The Last Amsterdam"
Frank del Aguila, "Queen of Angels"
Philip Tarl Denson, "Lucid"
Joshua David DeSonier, "Valhalla"
Nadia Desyatnikova, "Selva"
Donald Diego, "Game Over"
Chad Diez, "Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles"
Jessica DiGiacinto, "Giving Up The Ghost"
Andrew Dignan, "Dirty Thirty"
Stacey Dodge, "Interstital"
Michael Donegan and Stephen Kerr, "David Versus"
Hart Eddy, "Nature Boy"
Steven Edell and Charlene Sun, "Shrapnel"
Shanee Edwards, "Dolley"
Matthew Elwell, "Green Skies Falling"
Lea Endres and Robin Scovill, "Riverwalk"
Jordan Engle and Oren Goldman, "Survivors"
Stan Evans, "Lord Ockley and the Alien"
Mike Farris, "The Incident on Ni'ihau"
Dadrian Flavors, "Little Creators"
Austin Formato, "AmeriLife"
Claire Fowler, "Snapper"
Matthew Edward Fox, "The River"
Jenna Friedenberg, "The Wish and the Thing"
Shephali Frost, "O Shaped Mouth"
Steve Gehrke, "The Futurist"
Ryan Gilmour, "Firebug"
Lisa Gold, "The Secret of Shangri-La"
Javier Gonzalez and Amethyst Katz, "The Dragon and The Lion"
Patrick Grandaw and Meher Gourjian, "Dust"
Andrea Wallace Grant, "Ruined"
Michael Grebb, "A Christmas Scheme"
Blake H. Greenbaum, "Passport to Paradise "
Michael Gunn, "Capital Crime"
Christina Hammonds Reed, "The Last Two People on Earth"
Kristin Andrea Hanratty, "Tyler's Revolution"
Robert Hansen, "Dawn Patrol"
John Harden, "Occupant"
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, "Dead Air"
Blaise Hesselgren, "Albion"
Kelly Hickey, "Madulu"
Christopher Hlas, "Those Who Don't Learn From History Are Doomed to Las Vegas"
Erick Hogan, "O'Bannon"
Jason Holborn, "Mr. Orchard"
Kristin Holdgrafer, "True Love and Hot Yoga"
L.J. Wright, "A Dance with Mephisto"
Jordan Jennings, "Forever or Whatever"
Nancy Joseph, "No Reflection"
Svilen Kamburov, "King's Heart"
Scott Kassel, "The God Particle"
Darby Kealey, "You and Hank"
Terry Keefe and Michael Wechsler, "Mat Wars"
Anna Keizer, "Serial Dater"
Elspeth Eva Keller, "The Pros and Cons of Cancer"
Michelle Kelly, "I Was a Dominatrix Zombie"
T. E. Kendall, "Georgia Skies"
Rob Kennedy, "Pass the Night"
Fred Kim, "Bulletproof Hearts"
Peter Kimball, "This Far and No Further"
Brian Kindregan, "The Last Witch"
Vanessa King and Michael Palmisciano, "Once More Eden"
Michael Klein and Brian Hartstein, "95 North"
Victor Konstant, "Hutch"
Christopher Kruse, "Samurai"
Gary Laipply, "Traveler in the Dark"
Max Lance, "Detention"
Ove Langevei, "Revival"
Ji Hyun le, "The Superfriends of Flushing Queens"
Calvin Leung, "Black Russian"
J. Neff Lind, "The Hammer"
Jimmy Lindgren, "Mercy"
Bruce Luchsinger, "The Dogcatcher"
Karen Lukesh, "Next Door"
Daniel Mahon and Gregory Peduto, "Stealing Kismet"
Michael Mahoney, "Death's Vacation"
Louisa Makaron, "I Found Myself on eBay"
Stu Marks, "Soil"
Carol Masciola, "Secrets of the World News Service"
Graham Mason, "Art Thieves"
Edward Mason, "Procedure 51"
Breanne Mattson, "Red Sky Institution"
Breanne Mattson, "Warning Shot"
Meghann McCracken, "A Forest for the Trees"
Mark McDevitt, "A Complete Unknown"
Sandy McDougall, "Valhalla Dawn"
Damian McNicholl, "The Aberrant Son"
Sean McPharlin, "Clem And Cletus Go To The Moon"
Chris McQuade, "Enslaved"
Garth Meyer, "Back of My Mind"
Kelly Michels, "Devlin"
T.J. Misny, "Comeback City"
Nico Monetti, "DUIvers"
John Moran, "Lie Detector"
Katelyn Morey, "Thicker Than Blood"
John Morrison, "On Bradbury Street"
Carol Morrison, "Bitter Lessons"
Julian Mountfield, "Torn"
Wolfgang Muchow and Wesley Hirni, "Too Small To Save"
Diane Murakami, "Lady Shadow Warrior"
Eddie Murphy, "Twice Buried"
Matt Nasatir, "Man of Clay"
Matthew Nelson, "Last Retreat"
John Nugent and Jennifer Morgan, "The Rainy Season
David O'Leary, "Subliminal"
Glennyce Paetzmann, "Queenie"
Barbara Palmer, "Special"
Robert Paulsen and Larry Ring, "Arkadia"
Kathryn Paulsen, "The Season"
Brian Penn, "One Minute To Midnight"
Aaron Pollock, "The Theory of Everything"
Colin Preston, "Mallory's Compass"
Johanna Rader, "Elevation 7000"
Vincent J. Raisa, "The Mourning Star"
Lydia Rawlings, "Saving Carlos"
Mark Reinman, "Bushido"
David Renaud, "Handicap Heist"
Adam Sezzen Reuben, "The Raven and the Swan"
Rob Rex, "Soul Survivor"
Austin Reynolds, "Stranded"
Kenneth Richards, "Peace On Earth (and goodwill to all men)"
Diana Richardson and Laurel Aarsvold, "White Coyote"
Russ Riggins, "Siskel Sparks"
Paul Rock, "The Shepherd's Daughter"
Scott Rosenstein, "Gurgl"
Brad Rote, "Dark Moon in the 12th House"
Ian Roumain, "The Last Divide"
Robert Rue, "Knowing Jack"
Marc Samson, "I'll sleep when you're dead"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Splitting Shadows"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "Par 3"
Adam Schindler and Brian Netto, "Sundown"
Elana Schor, "The Markup"
Christopher Schuepbach, "Ricky Don't Lose That Number"
Todd Serlin, "Disruption"
Lizz-Ayn Shaarawi, "Moss Eaters"
Ariadne Shaffer, "Vicky and Veronica"
Grace Shalhoub Yazbek, "Gibran"
Dan Shea, "Shiny Penny"
M. Esther Sherman, "A Thin Layer of Cheap Paint"
Fred Skupenski, "Rise of the Tiger"
Andrew B. Smith, "Santa on the Spot!"
Janice Smith, "Ab Originals"
Paula Smith, "Caruso and the Sword"
Jack Sommars, "Semper Fi, Sugar"
Dan Southard, "Company"
Joshua Staman and Alex Eby, "Girl/Friend"
Sabatino Stefanile, "Nectar"
Kati Stevens, "Loverude"
Sam Strachman, "The Roof"
Jim Strong, "Sammy & Janey"
William T. Sutphin, "Booker And Olivia"
Max Taxe, "Goodbye, Felix Chester"
Tyler Theofilos, "Black & White"
Terrance Thibideaux, "The Scythe"
Penelope Thomas, "Baby Doll"
Jessica Topacio Long, "In the City of Subdued Excitement"
David Trotti, "East Wind"
Tom Turner, "Sweet Jane"
Shohn Turner, "Hurricane Killers"
Jan-Willem van der Vaart, "Hard Drop"
Jennifer Villarina, "Llywelyn"
Michael Vitale, "Patriots' Day"
Brian Warshawsky, "A Man of Florence"
Dan Wedeking, "Beat the Monarchs"
Michael Werwie, "The Lottery"
Brook West, "Route 17"
Damian Weston, "The Age of Amazing"
David Widdicombe, "Ice Mice"
Tantri Wija, "The Wolf at the Door"
D. Jay Williams, "The Spartan"
Dwayne Wilson, "Hitting Close to Home"
James Windeler and Ed Blythe, "Man with Van"
John Woodard, "The Floating Of Hayes"
Jim Yang, "Inked"
Chris Younger, "Naked Valley"
Matthew Zimmerman, "Great Fire"

Abel Vang & Burlee Vang
Fresno, CA
SCRIPT: The Tiger's Child
When his father is suddenly killed after being coerced into the CIA's Secret Army, twelve-year-old Tou must decide whether or not to follow in the same footsteps in order to provide for Cheng, his five-year-old brother.

Chris Bessounian & Tianna Langham
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Guns and Saris
They’ve been oppressed and brutalized at the bottom of India’s caste system for 3000 years, but now the “untouchable” women of India have found an unlikely source of hope - and she’s armed.

Dion Cook
Altus, OK
SCRIPT: Cutter
After surviving the nightmare of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Patrice Gasana has made a new life in the United States. A dedicated Miami trauma physician, Patrice lives the American dream with his loving fiancé and her daughter...

John Macinnes
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Outside the Wire
An ex-Marine working in Iraq saves a young, single-mom in US Army from assassination by his powerful employers. Two Americans on the run in the most dangerous place on the planet with hostile insurgents, militiamen...

Matthew Murphy
Culver City, CA
SCRIPT: Unicorn
A by-the-book FBI profiler must track down a serial killer with the help of an illiterate 24-year-old psychic.
Aaron Marshall
SCRIPT: Fig Hunt: The Quest for Battle Armor Star Captain
Ehud Lavski
SCRIPT: Parasite
K.E. Greenberg
SCRIPT: Blood Bound
Khurram Mozaffar
SCRIPT: A Man of Clay
Paul Vicknair and Chris Shafer
SCRIPT: A Many Splintered Thing
2011 Nicholl Semifinalists
Kristina Anderson, "Forever Jiaying, 1937"
John Ashbrook, "Warwolf"
Zac Atkinson, "Finding Normal"
Travis Baker, "Chi-Town Takedown"
Stuart Baur, "Secret City"
Lindsey Beer, "If Wishes Were Fishes"
Aaron Berg, "Assault"
Alex Berger, "Onu"
Chris Bessounian and Tianna Langham, "Butcher of Bosnia"
Brian Boesl, "This Little Piggy"
Adriana Brad Schanen, "Podium"
Rebecca Bryant and William Bryant, "Ross"
Andrew Bumstead, "Real Men Play Futebol"
Craig Cambria, "False Sense"
Christian Canterbury, "Lovers a'Go-Go"
Robert Carter, "A.W.O.L."
Kegan Chandler, "The Hunters"
Barbara Chepaitis and Steve Sawicki, "To Save an Eagle"
Robert Cholette, "Deflection"
George Chumo II, "The Iconoclast"
TJ Cimfel, "The Beneath"
James Corns, "Hell Hath No Furry"
Jared S Cowie, "Drowning Sorrows"
Jeremy Craig, "Violent Light"
Christine A Cyr Clisset, "Spruce Soldier"
Paul Davis-Miller and Toby Gillingham, "T minus 90"
Gina DeAngelis, "Private Thompson's Secret War"
Limor Diament, "Metamorphosis"
John Dummer, "The Moonbeam Fisherman"
Andrew Duncan, "Nature's Fittest"
Evan Endicott, "Thirteenth Grade"
Matthew Nolte Evans, "The Wizard of Sussex"
Emiliano Flores, "The Exterminating Angel"
Richard Flynn, "The Spartan Takes New York"
Sean Lyman Frasier, "Grimlock"
Melissa Gage, "Hope and Salvation"
Andrew Gilbert, "After This"
Andrew Godoski, "Kirkwood, Joshua, D.O.B. June 17th 1983"
James Grayford, "Remy"
James Grayford, "The Franchise"
Rory Haines and Sohrab Noshirvani, "Black Rivers"
Arthur Halpern, "Legends From the Golden Age"
Bryce Hammons, "Artifice"
Peter Hanrahan, "Last Island"
Joseph Hartstone, "Party Lines"
John Hatch, "Blood Roots"
Tasha Huo, "The Darkness"
Evan Kilgore and Sebastian Twardosz, "Made in China"
Kristin Kirby, "Maze"
Matthew Kohnen and Sean Kohnen, "Trunk"
Kim Kookendoffer, "Wanted: Prince Charming"
Wolf Kraft, "Silent Night"
Susu Langlands, "How Do I Love Thee"
Christie LeBlanc, "Single Mother's Guide to Killing Your Teen"
Eric Litra, "The Cicada's Song"
James S. Loos and Steven Schoen, "Missing"
David Luna, "The Collector"
Zach Luna and Spenser Cohen, "The Driver"
Nolan Bryan Lynch, "Starsfall"
Kate Maney, "Shakepeare's Daughter"
Matthew Manson, "Wannabe"
Thom Maurer, "Linda"
Harmoni McGlothlin, "Dumping Dick"
J. O. McLeod, "Mermaid"
D. M. Moehrle, "Spiraling"
Marc Moody, "Land of Lincoln"
Donald Moore, "The Regular Heavens"
Yon Motskin, "Ethel"
Afia Nathaniel, "Neither the Veil nor the Four Walls"
Matthew Nelson, "Unseen"
Peter Newell, "Music For Castles"
Billy Noon, "The Cause"
Ai Shahar, "Breakable Things"
Danielle Barros, "The Executioner"
Natasha Pincus, "Clive"
Jackson Raders, "The Good."
Matthew Raffa, "A Dying Sun"
Sandeep Rao, "At First Dose"
Christine Reklaitis, "The Battle of Washingtons"
Corey Resnick, "Fixer"
Peter Gamble and Matthew King, "The Harrowing"
Noelle Roso, "Wreckage"
Alan Roth, "Hang Time"
Graham Sack and Adam Perlman, "The Morgan Principle"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "No Running"
Paul Seetachitt, "CancerLand: A Cancer Comedy"
Lisa Seipel, "Kilkara"
Tom Shea, "Botany Brown"
Jill Sim, "Teenage Detective Outcast"
Emily Bentley Solomon, "Which Way Is Not Death"
Steve Sparks, "Land of Snows"
Luke Stanhope, "The Unforgotten"
Chris Starr, "The Voice of God"
Stephen Statler, "Little Dan"
Caleb James Stenzinger, "Benjamin Aether: Sky Painter"
Rachel Stevens, "Blasphemy"
Rachel Stevens, "Earline"
Renee Stock, "Goldfish and Minotaur"
Matt Straquadine, "F_ck You Money"
Bettie Styfurak, "Forget Jane"
Christopher Tedrick, "April Flowers"
Blaine Tyler, "Maggie's Dawn"
Sara Van Acker, "Bloodlust"
Sage Vanden Heuvel, "Inner Earth"
Lou Voiler, "Jackalope"
Matthew Scott Weiner, "Ghosts of Kiev"
Tracy Whitaker and Brian Spain, "A Marriage of Inconvenience"
Richard Willett, "9/10"
Robert Williams, "Wheels"
Amanda B. Winn Lee, "Deathzilla"
2011 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Ted Adams, "The Druggist"
Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews, "The Announcement"
Catalina Aguilar Mastretta, "Everybody Loves Somebody"
Alex Ankrom Castles, "Made of Sand"
Brian Anthony, "Sum Zero"
Victoria Augustine, "The Audition"
Andrew Badeker, "War Behind Wire"
John Baker, "Matatoro: The Bull Killer"
Alec Banks, "Killing Marilyn"
Alec Banks, "Bloody Monday"
Jennifer Barclay, "The Right Track"
Deborah Baxtrom, "Mary Shelley"
Carlisha Tennille Bell, "Wild and Free"
Richard Stephen Bell, "Bean Sprout"
Blake Berris and Andrew Shafer, "This Shining City"
Asmara Bhattacharya, "Names on Paper"
Kenny Bias, "Stoney Creek Road"
Amitabh Bihari , "The Gold of Atalanta"
Mickey Blaine, "Hammer Down"
Valerie Brandy, "Dying with Daisy"
Steven Brechtel, "Unhedged"
Alisha Brophy and Scott Miles, "Manic Pixie Dream Girl"
Susan Brunig, "Total Girlfriend"
Brooke Buffington and Maddy Curley, "For Elise"
David Buik, "Nogales"
Philip Buiser, "Twelve"
Scott Burkhardt, "Slipstream"
Patricia K. Camden, "Abelard and Heloise"
Severiano Canales, "The Book of Casey"
Andy Cannistra, "Army Ants"
Kevin Caruso, "Ground Stop"
Max Cavanaugh and Todd Robinson, "Car Number 20"
Marissa Jo Cerar, "Conversion"
Deborah Chesher, "My First Kiss"
Victoria Chiarello, "The Queen's Spies"
Carol Clippinger, "Timber McKenna"
Rachel Conard, "Things Said in Bed"
Sarah A. Conradt, "Dead of Winter"
Fergus Cook, "Nine Down"
Keridwen Cornelius, "John Muir"
Sean Corrigan, "Confession"
Blair Cosby, "Sand Devils"
Jason Costa, "The Abduction"
Alex Cramer, "How I Survived High School"
Alex Cramer, "Bad Boyfriends"
Lia Critchley, "Smallwood"
James Croke, "The Room"
Dennis Curlett Jr., "The Wingman"
Carla Custance, "Resurrecting Jane Doe"
Mark Daneri, "Deep Springs Station"
John Dart and Jeff Swanson, "The Snowmen"
Alexander Davidson, "The Ferryman"
Stacey Davis, "Halfway Home"
Andrew Davis and Jennifer Montgomery, "The Last Amsterdam"
Frank del Aguila, "Queen of Angels"
Philip Tarl Denson, "Lucid"
Joshua David DeSonier, "Valhalla"
Nadia Desyatnikova, "Selva"
Donald Diego, "Game Over"
Chad Diez, "Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles"
Jessica DiGiacinto, "Giving Up The Ghost"
Andrew Dignan, "Dirty Thirty"
Stacey Dodge, "Interstital"
Michael Donegan and Stephen Kerr, "David Versus"
Hart Eddy, "Nature Boy"
Steven Edell and Charlene Sun, "Shrapnel"
Shanee Edwards, "Dolley"
Matthew Elwell, "Green Skies Falling"
Lea Endres and Robin Scovill, "Riverwalk"
Jordan Engle and Oren Goldman, "Survivors"
Stan Evans, "Lord Ockley and the Alien"
Mike Farris, "The Incident on Ni'ihau"
Dadrian Flavors, "Little Creators"
Austin Formato, "AmeriLife"
Claire Fowler, "Snapper"
Matthew Edward Fox, "The River"
Jenna Friedenberg, "The Wish and the Thing"
Shephali Frost, "O Shaped Mouth"
Steve Gehrke, "The Futurist"
Ryan Gilmour, "Firebug"
Lisa Gold, "The Secret of Shangri-La"
Javier Gonzalez and Amethyst Katz, "The Dragon and The Lion"
Patrick Grandaw and Meher Gourjian, "Dust"
Andrea Wallace Grant, "Ruined"
Michael Grebb, "A Christmas Scheme"
Blake H. Greenbaum, "Passport to Paradise "
Michael Gunn, "Capital Crime"
Christina Hammonds Reed, "The Last Two People on Earth"
Kristin Andrea Hanratty, "Tyler's Revolution"
Robert Hansen, "Dawn Patrol"
John Harden, "Occupant"
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, "Dead Air"
Blaise Hesselgren, "Albion"
Kelly Hickey, "Madulu"
Christopher Hlas, "Those Who Don't Learn From History Are Doomed to Las Vegas"
Erick Hogan, "O'Bannon"
Jason Holborn, "Mr. Orchard"
Kristin Holdgrafer, "True Love and Hot Yoga"
L.J. Wright, "A Dance with Mephisto"
Jordan Jennings, "Forever or Whatever"
Nancy Joseph, "No Reflection"
Svilen Kamburov, "King's Heart"
Scott Kassel, "The God Particle"
Darby Kealey, "You and Hank"
Terry Keefe and Michael Wechsler, "Mat Wars"
Anna Keizer, "Serial Dater"
Elspeth Eva Keller, "The Pros and Cons of Cancer"
Michelle Kelly, "I Was a Dominatrix Zombie"
T. E. Kendall, "Georgia Skies"
Rob Kennedy, "Pass the Night"
Fred Kim, "Bulletproof Hearts"
Peter Kimball, "This Far and No Further"
Brian Kindregan, "The Last Witch"
Vanessa King and Michael Palmisciano, "Once More Eden"
Michael Klein and Brian Hartstein, "95 North"
Victor Konstant, "Hutch"
Christopher Kruse, "Samurai"
Gary Laipply, "Traveler in the Dark"
Max Lance, "Detention"
Ove Langevei, "Revival"
Ji Hyun le, "The Superfriends of Flushing Queens"
Calvin Leung, "Black Russian"
J. Neff Lind, "The Hammer"
Jimmy Lindgren, "Mercy"
Bruce Luchsinger, "The Dogcatcher"
Karen Lukesh, "Next Door"
Daniel Mahon and Gregory Peduto, "Stealing Kismet"
Michael Mahoney, "Death's Vacation"
Louisa Makaron, "I Found Myself on eBay"
Stu Marks, "Soil"
Carol Masciola, "Secrets of the World News Service"
Graham Mason, "Art Thieves"
Edward Mason, "Procedure 51"
Breanne Mattson, "Red Sky Institution"
Breanne Mattson, "Warning Shot"
Meghann McCracken, "A Forest for the Trees"
Mark McDevitt, "A Complete Unknown"
Sandy McDougall, "Valhalla Dawn"
Damian McNicholl, "The Aberrant Son"
Sean McPharlin, "Clem And Cletus Go To The Moon"
Chris McQuade, "Enslaved"
Garth Meyer, "Back of My Mind"
Kelly Michels, "Devlin"
T.J. Misny, "Comeback City"
Nico Monetti, "DUIvers"
John Moran, "Lie Detector"
Katelyn Morey, "Thicker Than Blood"
John Morrison, "On Bradbury Street"
Carol Morrison, "Bitter Lessons"
Julian Mountfield, "Torn"
Wolfgang Muchow and Wesley Hirni, "Too Small To Save"
Diane Murakami, "Lady Shadow Warrior"
Eddie Murphy, "Twice Buried"
Matt Nasatir, "Man of Clay"
Matthew Nelson, "Last Retreat"
John Nugent and Jennifer Morgan, "The Rainy Season
David O'Leary, "Subliminal"
Glennyce Paetzmann, "Queenie"
Barbara Palmer, "Special"
Robert Paulsen and Larry Ring, "Arkadia"
Kathryn Paulsen, "The Season"
Brian Penn, "One Minute To Midnight"
Aaron Pollock, "The Theory of Everything"
Colin Preston, "Mallory's Compass"
Johanna Rader, "Elevation 7000"
Vincent J. Raisa, "The Mourning Star"
Lydia Rawlings, "Saving Carlos"
Mark Reinman, "Bushido"
David Renaud, "Handicap Heist"
Adam Sezzen Reuben, "The Raven and the Swan"
Rob Rex, "Soul Survivor"
Austin Reynolds, "Stranded"
Kenneth Richards, "Peace On Earth (and goodwill to all men)"
Diana Richardson and Laurel Aarsvold, "White Coyote"
Russ Riggins, "Siskel Sparks"
Paul Rock, "The Shepherd's Daughter"
Scott Rosenstein, "Gurgl"
Brad Rote, "Dark Moon in the 12th House"
Ian Roumain, "The Last Divide"
Robert Rue, "Knowing Jack"
Marc Samson, "I'll sleep when you're dead"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Splitting Shadows"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "Par 3"
Adam Schindler and Brian Netto, "Sundown"
Elana Schor, "The Markup"
Christopher Schuepbach, "Ricky Don't Lose That Number"
Todd Serlin, "Disruption"
Lizz-Ayn Shaarawi, "Moss Eaters"
Ariadne Shaffer, "Vicky and Veronica"
Grace Shalhoub Yazbek, "Gibran"
Dan Shea, "Shiny Penny"
M. Esther Sherman, "A Thin Layer of Cheap Paint"
Fred Skupenski, "Rise of the Tiger"
Andrew B. Smith, "Santa on the Spot!"
Janice Smith, "Ab Originals"
Paula Smith, "Caruso and the Sword"
Jack Sommars, "Semper Fi, Sugar"
Dan Southard, "Company"
Joshua Staman and Alex Eby, "Girl/Friend"
Sabatino Stefanile, "Nectar"
Kati Stevens, "Loverude"
Sam Strachman, "The Roof"
Jim Strong, "Sammy & Janey"
William T. Sutphin, "Booker And Olivia"
Max Taxe, "Goodbye, Felix Chester"
Tyler Theofilos, "Black & White"
Terrance Thibideaux, "The Scythe"
Penelope Thomas, "Baby Doll"
Jessica Topacio Long, "In the City of Subdued Excitement"
David Trotti, "East Wind"
Tom Turner, "Sweet Jane"
Shohn Turner, "Hurricane Killers"
Jan-Willem van der Vaart, "Hard Drop"
Jennifer Villarina, "Llywelyn"
Michael Vitale, "Patriots' Day"
Brian Warshawsky, "A Man of Florence"
Dan Wedeking, "Beat the Monarchs"
Michael Werwie, "The Lottery"
Brook West, "Route 17"
Damian Weston, "The Age of Amazing"
David Widdicombe, "Ice Mice"
Tantri Wija, "The Wolf at the Door"
D. Jay Williams, "The Spartan"
Dwayne Wilson, "Hitting Close to Home"
James Windeler and Ed Blythe, "Man with Van"
John Woodard, "The Floating Of Hayes"
Jim Yang, "Inked"
Chris Younger, "Naked Valley"
Matthew Zimmerman, "Great Fire"