Allan Durand
Lafayette, LA
SCRIPT: Willie Francis Must Die Again
In 1946 Louisiana electrocuted an innocent 16-year-old AfricanAmerican kid in the state's electric chair...and in 1947 they wanted to electrocute him again.
James DiLapo
New York, NY
SCRIPT: Devils At Play
A Soviet secret police officer in the era of Stalin's purges struggles to solve a mystery while also dealing with his hidden doubts about the regime he serves.
Michael Werwie
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, And Vile
Based on a true story, a promising young law student fights an oppressive legal system and growing public scrutiny when his routine traffic stop snowballs into shocking criminal charges, imprisonment, daring escapes, ...
Nikole Beckwith
Brooklyn, NY
SCRIPT: Stockholm, Pennsylvania
19 years after her kidnapping, Leia is returned home to her parents where she discovers her name is Leanne and her birthday isn't in March.
Sean Robert Daniels
Laezonia, Gauteng, South Africa
SCRIPT: Killers
A hitwoman is called home by her mother who has a dying request... one the hitwoman cannot bring herself to honor…
April Rouveyrol
SCRIPT: Life Copy
Bob Roden
SCRIPT: Return of the Dipsticks
Laurel Minter
SCRIPT: When Thunder Sleeps
Robert Carter
Ryan Belenzon & Jeffrey Gelber
2012 Nicholl Semifinalists
Margot Arakelian, "Lukomorie"
John Arlotto, "Deface "
Andrew Arthur, "Rochdale"
Jamie B., "Among the Dead"
Jon Bachmann and Katherine Griffin, "The Revenge"
Travis Baker and Richard Tanne, "The Roman"
Lyse Beck, "Game of the Gods"
Lindsey Beer, "The Long Way Home"
Ryan Belenzon and Jeffrey Gelber, "Clarity"
Simon Bell, "History Killers"
Peter Besson, "Shrovetide"
Christopher Boone, "Cents"
Brian Bourque and Tyler Walker, "Skull Creek"
Jon Ethan Boyer, "Free Byrd"
Spencer Boyle, "Controlled Burn"
Jennifer Brasher, "Skin Deep"
James Breen, "The Importance of Blood"
Richard Carr, "A Tru Fairytale"
Kevin Caruso, "Stop Over"
Gavin J. Chalcraft, "The Artist Fungo"
Tony Chassion III, "The Last Fairy Tale"
Aaron Coffman, "The Translation"
Todd Condie, "Through a City Darkly"
Markham Cook, "Restoration"
Matthew Cooke and Vincent Lund, "The Lake"
James Croke, "Harvester"
Kim Cunningham, "Endgame"
Beth Curry, "Vara"
Mark Daneri, "The Balsam Fir"
Jack Davidson, "Clouds of Sorrow"
Matthew T. Dixon, "Beginning's End"
Dennis Douda, "Hero Wanted"
John Dummer, "The Moonbeam Fisherman"
Jonathan Empson, "Leonardo's War"
Paul Erskine, "Cameron"
Matthew Nolte Evans, "The Charnelist"
Zeke Farrow, "Fuck Facebook" (aka Untitled Sarah Palin Sex Doll Project)
Jeffrey Field, "Pop Hit"
Tiffany FitzHenry, "Jerry at The Cemetery"
Tiffany FitzHenry, "Kick"
Dan Fletcher, "Bourbon and Ashes"
Pete Force, "Milk and Miracles"
Robin D. Fox, "The Bright and Hollow Sky"
Dann Freeman, "Counting Daze"
Alex Fryer, "Pilar"
Luke Georgette, "I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds"
Andrew Gilbert, "After This"
Adam Grabinski, "Bedbugs"
Carla Grauls, "Superstition"
Jordan T. Gulas, "Sweetheart"
Lynn Hamilton, "Millie to the Moon"
Tamsyn Harker and Esther King, "This Dark Light"
Austin Hart, "Feral Child"
Lukas Hassel, "Le Mécano"
C. S. Haviland, "Code & Chemistry"
Palmer Holton, "The Aquarium of Dr. Calamari"
Craig Houchin, "Ludlow"
Daniel Hughes, "Bully Next Door"
Matthew Hughes, "Star City"
Paul Jaffe and Kevin Burke, "Field Trip: Canada!"
Brad Kane, "The Yarrow King"
Darby Kealey and Rob Pierce, "Black Eagle"
Bill Kelly, Jr., "The Preservationist"
Marc Ketchem, "Geek Magic"
David Koll, "Blue Book"
Joanne Lalli, "The Washing Away of Wrongs"
Max Lance, "Colter's Hell"
Malcolm A. Lawson, "Blackout"
Aaron Lomeli, "We Were Strangers"
Drew Mackintosh, "Jobber"
Samantha Manahan and Carol Hostutler, "Chickadee"
Andrew Manson and Matthew Manson, "Ursa"
Emily Marcuson, "One Under"
Carol Masciola, "Trail of the Cat"
Nick May and Brandon Reavis, "Overcome"
Walker McKnight, "100% Dead"
Andrew Mescher and Michael Roberts, "Ascension"
Andrew Miller, "Paradise Limited"
Ana Maria Montoya, "Hanging Moon"
John Morning, "Firemen"
Antoinette Mullins, "Mega"
Simon Nagel, "The Wind at Spanish Needle"
Don O'Neal, "The Love Story of Edgar Allan Poe"
Steven Owad, "Love in the Age of Terror"
Michael Petrucelly and Alesh Bradac, "Bakuba in the Distance"
Robert Pilkington, "The Stricken"
Sabir Pirzada, "The Color of Blood"
Teju Prasad, "Pond 108"
Bo Price, "The Charles Brothers"
Julio Quintana, "The Vessel"
Eugene Ramos, "Newton's Laws of Emotion"
Reeshi Ray, "Coyote"
S. Reddy, "Ones and Zeroes"
Will Reichel, "The Night Watchman"
Austin Reynolds, "From New York to Florida"
Ronald G. Rice, "Concession Road"
Lori Romero, "Consider Icarus"
Edward Ruggiero, "Nine Twelve"
Duncan Samarasinghe, "Footage"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Splitting Shadows"
Caleb Scott, "Jon the Seagull"
Brian Selfon, "Ravaged Country"
Chris Sharp, "Brotherhood of the Black Sun"
Madhuri Shekar, "The Arrangement"
Paul Sheridan, "Runner"
Paul Sheridan, "The Mark"
M. Esther Sherman, "Cheap Paint"
Alex Simon, "Baron of Havana"
Luke Stanhope, "The Unforgotten"
James Strzelinski, "Take Me Higher"
Penelope Thomas, "Saving Sheila"
Russell Thompson, "Longwood"
Ryan Trevino, "Packingtown"
Kay Tuxford, "Edie Breen Destroys the Planet"
David Vincent, "The Acadian"
Philip Whitcroft, "Dumb Animals"
D. Jay Williams, "The Spartan"
Samuel J. Winokur, "Cold Snap"
Corey Woods, "Benefactor"
2012 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Craig Abell-Champion, "Recess"
Ted Adams, "The Bridge"
Dave Ainley, "Planet Arse"
Ruby Akin, "The Tailor From Taegu"
Daniel Akin, "UFO Patrol"
Robin Roy Alexander, "The Riverman"
Cameron Allen, "Ain't Got a Prayer"
David Anaxagoras, "The Ice Boy"
Kieran Angelini, "Speak English"
Lis Anna, "Skinny Dipping in a Dirty Pond "
Adam Ansell, "Minyan"
Damir Anton, "Underneath"
Michael Arsenault, "It Won't Bring Her Back"
Andrew Arthur, "Love in a Warmer Clime"
Steven Arvanites, "Grilled Cheese Virgin"
Nicole Avenia, "The Ice Pond"
Danielle Barros, "The Executioner"
Jenn Barta, "Loren Sprung Off"
Dan Barton, "The Proxy"
Jared Battaglia, "Boudica, Enemy of Rome"
Jim Lair Beard, "Occupying Ed"
Scot Beidelman, "Exo Run"
Ryan Bernstein, "Second Serve"
Peter Besson, "The Last Checkout"
Eric Bet, "The Harvest"
Macon Blair, "Copper"
Jannette Bloom and Alyssa Carpenter, "Narcissa"
Alice Boher, "Tater"
Joe Bohn, "Checkmate"
Robert Bowden, "Canola"
Dan Brice, "Thread"
Kimberly Britt and Michael Hafer, "Sophie's Wish"
Kevin Brodie, "Ashes"
Eric M. Brown, "Hemingway Boy"
Teresa Bruce, "The Bed She Made"
Philip Buiser, "The Kitchen"
David Buttaro, "The Home Front"
Ryan Cannon, "Crackstone Finch or: Humans Saving Humans from Humans"
Ryan Cannon, "Sometimes Thieves"
Geoffrey Caple, "The Song of Samson Dale"
Christina Capra and Martina Souza, "Terminal"
Michael Carden, "The Good Boy"
Pat Carey and Wyatt Carey, "Monster World"
Melissa Carleton, "1,000 Midnights"
Michael Carnick, "Who's Driving Doug"
Brett Cawley and Robert Maitia, "Kings Radio"
Soo-Hyun Chung, "Bad in Bed"
Carol Clippinger, "Atlas"
Alex Cramer, "Blind Date"
Lia Critchley, "Smallwood"
Matt Cutts, "Passage"
Esther de Rothschild, "When the Skies Closed"
Christine Deitner, "The Kind of Love"
Brian DePasquale, "Senioritis"
Mark Des Londe and Nancy Ogrosso, "The Rose Ellen Stone"
Robert Dorian, "The Third Secret"
Natan Dotan, "Career Skills"
Alex Drummond, "All the Way Home"
Bobby Duncan, "Cancer"
Tracy Dyer and Amy Lovewell, "One Last Hoorah!"
Jacques Edeline, "The Nasy Boys"
Shanee Edwards, "Fallout Girl"
Matthew Neil Eisenberg, "Haddonfield"
Josh Eiserike and Mitch Rothenberg, "Booty Seekers"
Margaret Elam and Martha Burkert, "Boy Math"
Christian Elder and Lance Dean, "The Priest & The Mercenary"
Isaac Ergas, "Totem"
Anna K. Espada, "A Deep Sleep and a Dark Dream"
Pauline Findlay, "Lola"
Matthew Finio, "The Snowball Effect"
James P. Finnegan, "Last of the Dead Men"
Jason Fischer, "Bad Pennies"
Chuck Fitzpatrick, "In an Instant"
Gregory Fitzsimmons, "African Adoption"
Richard Flynn, "Unspecific Tensions"
Julia Fontana, "A Woman in the Shadows"
Reta Forcey, "The Queen of the May"
John Patton Ford, "Barracuda"
James Foye, "Kong Quest"
Patrick Franklin and Andrew Rusk, "The Plaster Man"
Ron Franscell, "Dead & Gone"
Mark Freeman, "Blue Ties"
Andrew Friedhof, "The Land of Things That Don't Exist"
Thomas Gamburg, "The Ballad of Robert McGraw"
Lydia Genner, "The Long Goodbye"
Tim Glass, "Permission"
Will Glass, "Pop Modern"
Lisa Gold, "Foreglow"
Reid Goldin, "Virtues of a Moth"
Alyson Gomeau and Selina Gomeau, "Columbus's Edge"
Brendan Gore, "Entangled Karma"
Valerie Grant, "Porn Flakes"
Drew Greco, "Scarlet Fever"
Jeffrey Gunhus, "The Place Between"
Cate Hahneman and Adam Honzl, "The Last Fall"
Tamlin Hall, "Listen To Me"
James Han, "Downloading to the Afterlife"
Diane Hanks, "Death Cure"
Steven Hanulik and Arvind Sivakumaran, "Middle of Nowhere"
Scott Hawthorne and Jim Goode, "Prophet Margin"
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, "The Binary Man"
Jason Headley, "Small Town Odds"
Brendan Hearne, "China White"
John G. Heide, "The Flight of the Pickerings"
Melissa London Hilfers, "Mommy Rehab"
Mary Huckstep, "William, Will You Dance?"
Joanne Hudson and Spencer Eldridge, "The Toymaker"
Neil Hurwitz, "Heavenly Hell"
Murat Izmirli, "Black"
Jodi Jacobs, "The Trich"
Tyler Jones, "Job Well Done"
Patty Jones, "Joe Banks"
N.C. Jones, "Nickel & Dime"
Ernestina Juarez, "Father Miguel"
Nicholas Julius, "The Mythfits"
Anita J. Justice, "Closed at Dusk"
Keith Justice, "March Madness"
David Kane, "Boat People"
Greg Karber, "I Killed!"
George Kimmel IV and Andres Rosende, "Christmas Kills"
Christine Koehler, "Serenity Acres"
Steven Labeille, "Haddegon Tails"
Callie Lane, "The First Detective"
A. Lee and Paul Hart-Wilden, "Dead Rabbits"
CarrieAnn Lee, "Finding Santa"
Pearse Lehane, "Get Me This William Shakespeare"
Moshe Lehrer, "Designated Driver"
Kevin Lenihan, "Dark Messiah"
Libby Leonard, "The Armchair Travelers"
Scott Libbey, "The Last Mission"
Steve Lipkin, "Betrayals"
Donna Lisa, "Kheng Kheng Crocodile"
Kristin Livingstone, "Saving Sana"
James S. Loos and Steve Schoen, "In the Heart of the Rain"
Leslie Lucey, "Princess Ananya"
Pawel Machejko, "Will You Rise?"
Ron Maede, "God Gets Fired"
Ambarish Manepalli and Christopher VanDijk, "Cowboys Versus Indians"
Kate Maney, "Morisot"
John Robert Marlow, "Alien Dreams"
Mozhan Marno, "When the Lights Went Out"
T.J. Martin and Chad Privett, "Bluesman"
David R. Martin II, "Hess"
Casey Martin, "Stunt Double Double"
Tony Martin, "The Defect List"
Graham Mason, "Art Thieves"
Elissa Matsueda, "Happy for You"
Breanne Mattson, "The Last Descendent"
JS Mayank and David Hancock, "Slate"
J S Mayank, "The Dead Wives Club"
Micheal McAlexander, "Space Race"
Trevor McCall, "Going to Ninevah"
Hannah McVittie, "Lone"
Danielle Messerschmidt, "Supercentenarians"
Samuel Douglas Miller, "Transatlantic"
Lauren Minnerath, "Everything Happens to Leah Chen"
Gareth Mollison, "Ride the Tiger"
Mario Moreno, "Bronx, Inc."
Matthew Morgan and Jennifer Regan, "Verse"
Faith Musembi, "This, Our Africa"
Joanna Nadler, "The Savior of New Rochelle"
Simon Nagel, "Noble Beast"
Jim Neighbors, "The Shoals"
Dimitri Neos, "Armada"
Margot P. Newcomer, "Dynamo Berlin"
Michael Noble, "Gaza"
Jason Noto, "Latchkey Kid"
Dan Ochwat, "Forked"
Karen Odyniec, "Charm School for Primates"
J R O'Hara, "The Last Suicide Note"
Jonathan O'Neill, "The Shoalsby Cycle"
Haji Outlaw, "Deadmen"
Herty Owusu-Afriyie, "Freedom"
Julie Pedersen and Jeanne Jordan, "Jerusalem Syndrome"
Daniel J. Pike, "Martin Mapes and the Misfits of Otherworld"
Adrian R. Pillai and Renee Pillai, "Suppression"
Brian Price, "An American Family"
Andrew Pritzker, "Iced"
Jacqueline Radley, "Thicker Than Blood"
James Raue, "The Worst Way to Make Fifty Grand"
Mark Reinman, "Bushido"
Michael Reisinger, "Projection"
Rob Rex, "Axis"
Christopher Rhoads, "Come Back"
Robert G. Rhyne, "Passing Through"
Diana Richardson and Laurel Aarsvold, "White Coyote"
Ryan Riley and Mike Ryan, "Let Me Go"
Mario Rivas, "Persistence of Vision"
Mario Rivas, "The Savage Land"
Ryan Roe, "Golden Showers"
Ian Roumain, "The Lost Mission"
Robin Rudenberg, "Reckoning"
Keith Russell, "The Black Grail"
Samantha Ryan, "Close to Me"
Ryan Rysinger, "The Prometheus"
Curtis David Sackett, "Cutter's Daughter"
Joshua Sall, "Home World"
Bix Santana, "Kolkata"
James M. Schaffer, "Griffith Park"
Jordan Schiele, "Dog Days"
Jared Schincariol, "Priest Killer"
James C. Schlicker, "The Long War"
William Schreiber, "The Myth... The Legend... My Dad"
Nick J. Scott, "Photo Op"
Nick Scown, "Crossing The Line"
Darwin Serink, "Paper Cranes"
Robert Shupe, "Shyner Billion"
Jeremy Siefer, "The Shadow of the Sun"
Wayne Slaten, "Patriot Act"
Mark Anthony Smith, "After The Storm"
Chad Smith, "Missionary Position"
Lorrie Smith, "The Long Shot"
Lexia Snowe, "Infirm Terrain"
Ben Snyder and Ari Issler, "Birthright"
Michael Spohr, "Born a Dragon"
Michael Starr, "Trance"
James Strzelinski, "Midlife Crisis"
Dale Taylor, "Joseph and Mary"
Jasmin Tekiner, "Chump"
Tim Teoh, "Smile for the Camera"
Bob Thielke, "Principles of Buoyancy"
Claire Tonkin, "Above Spinifex"
Jen Tosh, "The Heart of Africa"
Kate Trefry, "The Big Fire"
Helen Truong, "Blue Moon"
Zdenka Turecek, "Not Afraid to Wear Pink"
John van Rijs, "Vossen"
Ryan Vaughn, "Chiriaco Summit"
M.W. Vickers and Kenneth Kambara, "Whorl"
Dominika Waclawiak, "In from the Cold"
Nicholas Wagner, "The Holy Sound"
Chris Wallace, "Temple of the Stars"
Robert Watson, "Bank Robbing For Dummies"
Christy Wegener, "Homegirls"
Tracy Whitaker and Brian Spain, "Assisted Living"
J.R. Wicker, "Other Monsters"
James Windeler and Ed Blythe, "Man With Van"
Andrew Wong, "Simulation"
Sabrina Yurkofsky, "Track List"

Allan Durand
Lafayette, LA
SCRIPT: Willie Francis Must Die Again
In 1946 Louisiana electrocuted an innocent 16-year-old AfricanAmerican kid in the state's electric chair...and in 1947 they wanted to electrocute him again.

James DiLapo
New York, NY
SCRIPT: Devils At Play
A Soviet secret police officer in the era of Stalin's purges struggles to solve a mystery while also dealing with his hidden doubts about the regime he serves.

Michael Werwie
Los Angeles, CA
SCRIPT: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, And Vile
Based on a true story, a promising young law student fights an oppressive legal system and growing public scrutiny when his routine traffic stop snowballs into shocking criminal charges, imprisonment, daring escapes, ...

Nikole Beckwith
Brooklyn, NY
SCRIPT: Stockholm, Pennsylvania
19 years after her kidnapping, Leia is returned home to her parents where she discovers her name is Leanne and her birthday isn't in March.

Sean Robert Daniels
Laezonia, Gauteng, South Africa
SCRIPT: Killers
A hitwoman is called home by her mother who has a dying request... one the hitwoman cannot bring herself to honor…
April Rouveyrol
SCRIPT: Life Copy
Bob Roden
SCRIPT: Return of the Dipsticks
Laurel Minter
SCRIPT: When Thunder Sleeps
Robert Carter
Ryan Belenzon & Jeffrey Gelber
2012 Nicholl Semifinalists
Margot Arakelian, "Lukomorie"
John Arlotto, "Deface "
Andrew Arthur, "Rochdale"
Jamie B., "Among the Dead"
Jon Bachmann and Katherine Griffin, "The Revenge"
Travis Baker and Richard Tanne, "The Roman"
Lyse Beck, "Game of the Gods"
Lindsey Beer, "The Long Way Home"
Ryan Belenzon and Jeffrey Gelber, "Clarity"
Simon Bell, "History Killers"
Peter Besson, "Shrovetide"
Christopher Boone, "Cents"
Brian Bourque and Tyler Walker, "Skull Creek"
Jon Ethan Boyer, "Free Byrd"
Spencer Boyle, "Controlled Burn"
Jennifer Brasher, "Skin Deep"
James Breen, "The Importance of Blood"
Richard Carr, "A Tru Fairytale"
Kevin Caruso, "Stop Over"
Gavin J. Chalcraft, "The Artist Fungo"
Tony Chassion III, "The Last Fairy Tale"
Aaron Coffman, "The Translation"
Todd Condie, "Through a City Darkly"
Markham Cook, "Restoration"
Matthew Cooke and Vincent Lund, "The Lake"
James Croke, "Harvester"
Kim Cunningham, "Endgame"
Beth Curry, "Vara"
Mark Daneri, "The Balsam Fir"
Jack Davidson, "Clouds of Sorrow"
Matthew T. Dixon, "Beginning's End"
Dennis Douda, "Hero Wanted"
John Dummer, "The Moonbeam Fisherman"
Jonathan Empson, "Leonardo's War"
Paul Erskine, "Cameron"
Matthew Nolte Evans, "The Charnelist"
Zeke Farrow, "Fuck Facebook" (aka Untitled Sarah Palin Sex Doll Project)
Jeffrey Field, "Pop Hit"
Tiffany FitzHenry, "Jerry at The Cemetery"
Tiffany FitzHenry, "Kick"
Dan Fletcher, "Bourbon and Ashes"
Pete Force, "Milk and Miracles"
Robin D. Fox, "The Bright and Hollow Sky"
Dann Freeman, "Counting Daze"
Alex Fryer, "Pilar"
Luke Georgette, "I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds"
Andrew Gilbert, "After This"
Adam Grabinski, "Bedbugs"
Carla Grauls, "Superstition"
Jordan T. Gulas, "Sweetheart"
Lynn Hamilton, "Millie to the Moon"
Tamsyn Harker and Esther King, "This Dark Light"
Austin Hart, "Feral Child"
Lukas Hassel, "Le Mécano"
C. S. Haviland, "Code & Chemistry"
Palmer Holton, "The Aquarium of Dr. Calamari"
Craig Houchin, "Ludlow"
Daniel Hughes, "Bully Next Door"
Matthew Hughes, "Star City"
Paul Jaffe and Kevin Burke, "Field Trip: Canada!"
Brad Kane, "The Yarrow King"
Darby Kealey and Rob Pierce, "Black Eagle"
Bill Kelly, Jr., "The Preservationist"
Marc Ketchem, "Geek Magic"
David Koll, "Blue Book"
Joanne Lalli, "The Washing Away of Wrongs"
Max Lance, "Colter's Hell"
Malcolm A. Lawson, "Blackout"
Aaron Lomeli, "We Were Strangers"
Drew Mackintosh, "Jobber"
Samantha Manahan and Carol Hostutler, "Chickadee"
Andrew Manson and Matthew Manson, "Ursa"
Emily Marcuson, "One Under"
Carol Masciola, "Trail of the Cat"
Nick May and Brandon Reavis, "Overcome"
Walker McKnight, "100% Dead"
Andrew Mescher and Michael Roberts, "Ascension"
Andrew Miller, "Paradise Limited"
Ana Maria Montoya, "Hanging Moon"
John Morning, "Firemen"
Antoinette Mullins, "Mega"
Simon Nagel, "The Wind at Spanish Needle"
Don O'Neal, "The Love Story of Edgar Allan Poe"
Steven Owad, "Love in the Age of Terror"
Michael Petrucelly and Alesh Bradac, "Bakuba in the Distance"
Robert Pilkington, "The Stricken"
Sabir Pirzada, "The Color of Blood"
Teju Prasad, "Pond 108"
Bo Price, "The Charles Brothers"
Julio Quintana, "The Vessel"
Eugene Ramos, "Newton's Laws of Emotion"
Reeshi Ray, "Coyote"
S. Reddy, "Ones and Zeroes"
Will Reichel, "The Night Watchman"
Austin Reynolds, "From New York to Florida"
Ronald G. Rice, "Concession Road"
Lori Romero, "Consider Icarus"
Edward Ruggiero, "Nine Twelve"
Duncan Samarasinghe, "Footage"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Splitting Shadows"
Caleb Scott, "Jon the Seagull"
Brian Selfon, "Ravaged Country"
Chris Sharp, "Brotherhood of the Black Sun"
Madhuri Shekar, "The Arrangement"
Paul Sheridan, "Runner"
Paul Sheridan, "The Mark"
M. Esther Sherman, "Cheap Paint"
Alex Simon, "Baron of Havana"
Luke Stanhope, "The Unforgotten"
James Strzelinski, "Take Me Higher"
Penelope Thomas, "Saving Sheila"
Russell Thompson, "Longwood"
Ryan Trevino, "Packingtown"
Kay Tuxford, "Edie Breen Destroys the Planet"
David Vincent, "The Acadian"
Philip Whitcroft, "Dumb Animals"
D. Jay Williams, "The Spartan"
Samuel J. Winokur, "Cold Snap"
Corey Woods, "Benefactor"
2012 Nicholl Quarterfinalists
Craig Abell-Champion, "Recess"
Ted Adams, "The Bridge"
Dave Ainley, "Planet Arse"
Ruby Akin, "The Tailor From Taegu"
Daniel Akin, "UFO Patrol"
Robin Roy Alexander, "The Riverman"
Cameron Allen, "Ain't Got a Prayer"
David Anaxagoras, "The Ice Boy"
Kieran Angelini, "Speak English"
Lis Anna, "Skinny Dipping in a Dirty Pond "
Adam Ansell, "Minyan"
Damir Anton, "Underneath"
Michael Arsenault, "It Won't Bring Her Back"
Andrew Arthur, "Love in a Warmer Clime"
Steven Arvanites, "Grilled Cheese Virgin"
Nicole Avenia, "The Ice Pond"
Danielle Barros, "The Executioner"
Jenn Barta, "Loren Sprung Off"
Dan Barton, "The Proxy"
Jared Battaglia, "Boudica, Enemy of Rome"
Jim Lair Beard, "Occupying Ed"
Scot Beidelman, "Exo Run"
Ryan Bernstein, "Second Serve"
Peter Besson, "The Last Checkout"
Eric Bet, "The Harvest"
Macon Blair, "Copper"
Jannette Bloom and Alyssa Carpenter, "Narcissa"
Alice Boher, "Tater"
Joe Bohn, "Checkmate"
Robert Bowden, "Canola"
Dan Brice, "Thread"
Kimberly Britt and Michael Hafer, "Sophie's Wish"
Kevin Brodie, "Ashes"
Eric M. Brown, "Hemingway Boy"
Teresa Bruce, "The Bed She Made"
Philip Buiser, "The Kitchen"
David Buttaro, "The Home Front"
Ryan Cannon, "Crackstone Finch or: Humans Saving Humans from Humans"
Ryan Cannon, "Sometimes Thieves"
Geoffrey Caple, "The Song of Samson Dale"
Christina Capra and Martina Souza, "Terminal"
Michael Carden, "The Good Boy"
Pat Carey and Wyatt Carey, "Monster World"
Melissa Carleton, "1,000 Midnights"
Michael Carnick, "Who's Driving Doug"
Brett Cawley and Robert Maitia, "Kings Radio"
Soo-Hyun Chung, "Bad in Bed"
Carol Clippinger, "Atlas"
Alex Cramer, "Blind Date"
Lia Critchley, "Smallwood"
Matt Cutts, "Passage"
Esther de Rothschild, "When the Skies Closed"
Christine Deitner, "The Kind of Love"
Brian DePasquale, "Senioritis"
Mark Des Londe and Nancy Ogrosso, "The Rose Ellen Stone"
Robert Dorian, "The Third Secret"
Natan Dotan, "Career Skills"
Alex Drummond, "All the Way Home"
Bobby Duncan, "Cancer"
Tracy Dyer and Amy Lovewell, "One Last Hoorah!"
Jacques Edeline, "The Nasy Boys"
Shanee Edwards, "Fallout Girl"
Matthew Neil Eisenberg, "Haddonfield"
Josh Eiserike and Mitch Rothenberg, "Booty Seekers"
Margaret Elam and Martha Burkert, "Boy Math"
Christian Elder and Lance Dean, "The Priest & The Mercenary"
Isaac Ergas, "Totem"
Anna K. Espada, "A Deep Sleep and a Dark Dream"
Pauline Findlay, "Lola"
Matthew Finio, "The Snowball Effect"
James P. Finnegan, "Last of the Dead Men"
Jason Fischer, "Bad Pennies"
Chuck Fitzpatrick, "In an Instant"
Gregory Fitzsimmons, "African Adoption"
Richard Flynn, "Unspecific Tensions"
Julia Fontana, "A Woman in the Shadows"
Reta Forcey, "The Queen of the May"
John Patton Ford, "Barracuda"
James Foye, "Kong Quest"
Patrick Franklin and Andrew Rusk, "The Plaster Man"
Ron Franscell, "Dead & Gone"
Mark Freeman, "Blue Ties"
Andrew Friedhof, "The Land of Things That Don't Exist"
Thomas Gamburg, "The Ballad of Robert McGraw"
Lydia Genner, "The Long Goodbye"
Tim Glass, "Permission"
Will Glass, "Pop Modern"
Lisa Gold, "Foreglow"
Reid Goldin, "Virtues of a Moth"
Alyson Gomeau and Selina Gomeau, "Columbus's Edge"
Brendan Gore, "Entangled Karma"
Valerie Grant, "Porn Flakes"
Drew Greco, "Scarlet Fever"
Jeffrey Gunhus, "The Place Between"
Cate Hahneman and Adam Honzl, "The Last Fall"
Tamlin Hall, "Listen To Me"
James Han, "Downloading to the Afterlife"
Diane Hanks, "Death Cure"
Steven Hanulik and Arvind Sivakumaran, "Middle of Nowhere"
Scott Hawthorne and Jim Goode, "Prophet Margin"
Jonathan Hawtrey Clark, "The Binary Man"
Jason Headley, "Small Town Odds"
Brendan Hearne, "China White"
John G. Heide, "The Flight of the Pickerings"
Melissa London Hilfers, "Mommy Rehab"
Mary Huckstep, "William, Will You Dance?"
Joanne Hudson and Spencer Eldridge, "The Toymaker"
Neil Hurwitz, "Heavenly Hell"
Murat Izmirli, "Black"
Jodi Jacobs, "The Trich"
Tyler Jones, "Job Well Done"
Patty Jones, "Joe Banks"
N.C. Jones, "Nickel & Dime"
Ernestina Juarez, "Father Miguel"
Nicholas Julius, "The Mythfits"
Anita J. Justice, "Closed at Dusk"
Keith Justice, "March Madness"
David Kane, "Boat People"
Greg Karber, "I Killed!"
George Kimmel IV and Andres Rosende, "Christmas Kills"
Christine Koehler, "Serenity Acres"
Steven Labeille, "Haddegon Tails"
Callie Lane, "The First Detective"
A. Lee and Paul Hart-Wilden, "Dead Rabbits"
CarrieAnn Lee, "Finding Santa"
Pearse Lehane, "Get Me This William Shakespeare"
Moshe Lehrer, "Designated Driver"
Kevin Lenihan, "Dark Messiah"
Libby Leonard, "The Armchair Travelers"
Scott Libbey, "The Last Mission"
Steve Lipkin, "Betrayals"
Donna Lisa, "Kheng Kheng Crocodile"
Kristin Livingstone, "Saving Sana"
James S. Loos and Steve Schoen, "In the Heart of the Rain"
Leslie Lucey, "Princess Ananya"
Pawel Machejko, "Will You Rise?"
Ron Maede, "God Gets Fired"
Ambarish Manepalli and Christopher VanDijk, "Cowboys Versus Indians"
Kate Maney, "Morisot"
John Robert Marlow, "Alien Dreams"
Mozhan Marno, "When the Lights Went Out"
T.J. Martin and Chad Privett, "Bluesman"
David R. Martin II, "Hess"
Casey Martin, "Stunt Double Double"
Tony Martin, "The Defect List"
Graham Mason, "Art Thieves"
Elissa Matsueda, "Happy for You"
Breanne Mattson, "The Last Descendent"
JS Mayank and David Hancock, "Slate"
J S Mayank, "The Dead Wives Club"
Micheal McAlexander, "Space Race"
Trevor McCall, "Going to Ninevah"
Hannah McVittie, "Lone"
Danielle Messerschmidt, "Supercentenarians"
Samuel Douglas Miller, "Transatlantic"
Lauren Minnerath, "Everything Happens to Leah Chen"
Gareth Mollison, "Ride the Tiger"
Mario Moreno, "Bronx, Inc."
Matthew Morgan and Jennifer Regan, "Verse"
Faith Musembi, "This, Our Africa"
Joanna Nadler, "The Savior of New Rochelle"
Simon Nagel, "Noble Beast"
Jim Neighbors, "The Shoals"
Dimitri Neos, "Armada"
Margot P. Newcomer, "Dynamo Berlin"
Michael Noble, "Gaza"
Jason Noto, "Latchkey Kid"
Dan Ochwat, "Forked"
Karen Odyniec, "Charm School for Primates"
J R O'Hara, "The Last Suicide Note"
Jonathan O'Neill, "The Shoalsby Cycle"
Haji Outlaw, "Deadmen"
Herty Owusu-Afriyie, "Freedom"
Julie Pedersen and Jeanne Jordan, "Jerusalem Syndrome"
Daniel J. Pike, "Martin Mapes and the Misfits of Otherworld"
Adrian R. Pillai and Renee Pillai, "Suppression"
Brian Price, "An American Family"
Andrew Pritzker, "Iced"
Jacqueline Radley, "Thicker Than Blood"
James Raue, "The Worst Way to Make Fifty Grand"
Mark Reinman, "Bushido"
Michael Reisinger, "Projection"
Rob Rex, "Axis"
Christopher Rhoads, "Come Back"
Robert G. Rhyne, "Passing Through"
Diana Richardson and Laurel Aarsvold, "White Coyote"
Ryan Riley and Mike Ryan, "Let Me Go"
Mario Rivas, "Persistence of Vision"
Mario Rivas, "The Savage Land"
Ryan Roe, "Golden Showers"
Ian Roumain, "The Lost Mission"
Robin Rudenberg, "Reckoning"
Keith Russell, "The Black Grail"
Samantha Ryan, "Close to Me"
Ryan Rysinger, "The Prometheus"
Curtis David Sackett, "Cutter's Daughter"
Joshua Sall, "Home World"
Bix Santana, "Kolkata"
James M. Schaffer, "Griffith Park"
Jordan Schiele, "Dog Days"
Jared Schincariol, "Priest Killer"
James C. Schlicker, "The Long War"
William Schreiber, "The Myth... The Legend... My Dad"
Nick J. Scott, "Photo Op"
Nick Scown, "Crossing The Line"
Darwin Serink, "Paper Cranes"
Robert Shupe, "Shyner Billion"
Jeremy Siefer, "The Shadow of the Sun"
Wayne Slaten, "Patriot Act"
Mark Anthony Smith, "After The Storm"
Chad Smith, "Missionary Position"
Lorrie Smith, "The Long Shot"
Lexia Snowe, "Infirm Terrain"
Ben Snyder and Ari Issler, "Birthright"
Michael Spohr, "Born a Dragon"
Michael Starr, "Trance"
James Strzelinski, "Midlife Crisis"
Dale Taylor, "Joseph and Mary"
Jasmin Tekiner, "Chump"
Tim Teoh, "Smile for the Camera"
Bob Thielke, "Principles of Buoyancy"
Claire Tonkin, "Above Spinifex"
Jen Tosh, "The Heart of Africa"
Kate Trefry, "The Big Fire"
Helen Truong, "Blue Moon"
Zdenka Turecek, "Not Afraid to Wear Pink"
John van Rijs, "Vossen"
Ryan Vaughn, "Chiriaco Summit"
M.W. Vickers and Kenneth Kambara, "Whorl"
Dominika Waclawiak, "In from the Cold"
Nicholas Wagner, "The Holy Sound"
Chris Wallace, "Temple of the Stars"
Robert Watson, "Bank Robbing For Dummies"
Christy Wegener, "Homegirls"
Tracy Whitaker and Brian Spain, "Assisted Living"
J.R. Wicker, "Other Monsters"
James Windeler and Ed Blythe, "Man With Van"
Andrew Wong, "Simulation"
Sabrina Yurkofsky, "Track List"