Aaron Chung
Karen McDermott
Renee Pillai
Sean Malcolm
Walker McKnight
Gary Patent
Jack Zafran
Joel Sinensky
Lynn Esta Goldman
Matthew Fantaci
Paul Ashton
Toy Styles
Hunter Adams, "Death Don't Have No Mercy"
Gemma Addy, "Sparrow Farm"
Jennifer Anderson, "Problem Child"
Brian T. Arnold, "Friend of the Show"
Tara Atashgah, "Under an Olive Tree"
Eric Jordan Baker, "Jane Redd"
Wade Ballance and Joe Nipote, "The Savior"
Haley Hope Bartels, "Anne Bonny"
Joshua Bartolome, "The Crossing"
Alexander Bashkirov, "Dog Sled Patrol"
Alex B, "The Road To Heaven"
Ben Bigelow, "The Desert"
Brian Bourque, "Punch Drunk"
David Blake Boyd, "Aaron's Law"
Tracey Bradley, "Signs of Being"
Ryan Bright, "Knit Bone"
David Burton, "The Misery Index"
Adam Butcher, "Not The End Of The World"
Thomas L. Carmody and Greg Hurd, "The Unrepentant"
Kevin Caruso, "Ghostland"
James Chatterton, "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"
Zoe Cheng, "Birdie"
Christopher Ching, "Ching Chong Chinaman"
Shannon L. Clair, "Lost to Me"
Matt Clingempeel, "The Dead-Nosed Reindeer"
Robert M. Cosci, "Recovery"
Kenneth Cran, "Deer Jane"
Katie Crone, "Grrrls Drool"
Dennis Curlett Jr., "This Kiss"
Sebastian Davis, "May December"
Nicolas Delgado De La Camara, "Sangre de mi Sangre (Blood of my Blood)"
Stephen Demakos, "In Native Country"
Corey Deshon, "By Any Other Name"
Sean Devine and Ryan Patterson, "The Carrier"
Don Downie, "The Spirit of Detroit"
Jake Duerden, "Freddie Prinze Jr."
Jonathan, "Red Right Hand"
Joi Elaine, "The Devils and The Deep Blue Sea"
Adrian Ferrara, "Flittermouse"
Jeffrey Field, "Don't Go There"
Michael Fitzgerald, "Vessel of Light"
Anne Flanagan, "Book Club Wars"
Laurie J. Gardiner, "Onset"
Zarna Garg, "Rearranged"
Erik Gernand, "The Beautiful Dark"
David Henry Gerson, "Above Kings"
Avi Glick, "Old Dogs and Still Waters"
Katie Golden, "Unassigned Lands"
Matthew Gomez, "Miss Me When I'm Gone"
Andrew Gray, "Nightside"
Lindsey Dodge Gudritz, "The Ghost"
Jason Habel, "Headlights on the Highway"
Diane Hanks, "Forever Ago"
Noah Harald, "Empire of Dirt"
Jared Hardy , "Commonwealth"
Pat Herford, "Darling"
Christina Hulen, "A Gentleman of Good Hope"
Parrish Hurley, "Intrinsically Disordered"
Michael Joiner, "Officer X"
Brendan O. Kelly, "High Medium"
Russell Koos, "Action Figures"
Lee Ann Kurr, "Persephone"
Conor Kyle, "The Tube"
Samuel P Laskey, "Copper Boys"
Chrissy Lessey, "A Granger Family Christmas"
Krystyna Loboda, "Schicchi"
Shaan Lodhie, "Empty Shell"
Rebecca Shuhan Lou and Sofia Drummond-Moore, "Her Weight On Me "
Spencer Magloff, "Seven Miles to Freedom"
Noah Martin and Ashley Burns, "Burrow"
Carlos Alejandro Marulanda and Carlos Gutierrez, "Cancuncito"
Caitlin McCarthy, "Wonder Drug"
Jason McCulloch, "Save the Pieces"
Landon McDonald, "Pale Horse"
Kate McNamara, "Seeing Elephants"
Sean McPharlin, "The Hotel Golgonooza"
Jeff Meyers, "The Exchange"
Lauren Minnerath, "Clare"
Matthew Minson, "Perspectives"
Rebecca Mlinek, "All Manner of Thing"
Charles Morris II, "Project Horizon"
Alex Murawski, "Walking in Iowa"
Taj Jenkins Musco, "Experience"
Maédeiva Myre, "Forget Your Children "
Michael Nash, "Life and Death"
Xavier Burgin, "On Time"
Matt Nelsen, "The Body of Big John Bentley"
Gabriel Neustadt, "Electrico"
Obiageli Odimegwu, "The Show"
Brian Otting, "Elsa Miller's Monster Manual"
Lisa Otto, "Run to Me"
Odin Ozdil, "Guns and Grace"
Anthony Palmiotto, "Perfect or Not"
Sasha Pasternak, "Vicious"
Nathan Patton, "Waitress #2"
Yvonne Paulin, "The Trail"
Timo E. Peltonen, "The Piano Tuner"
John Pisano-Thomsen, "Last of the Burly Girls"
Jake Polonus, "Abnormalities"
Gabriel Quintero, "Abel"
Jacob Marx Rice, "Chemistry"
Duane Rodney, "A Trial for Miles"
Jason Romaine, "Father's Secret Funeral "
Kelly Rothberger, "The Deposition"
Renee Rothstein, "Keriah"
Ziyad Saadi, "The Pioneer"
Ben Samuels and Oliver Samuels, "Row Your Boat"
April M. Sanchez, "Daughters Lost to the Desert"
Kenji Sasaki, "Untitled Brent Bachman Action Comedy"
Michael Schatz, "Magnolia Skies"
Christopher Schuepbach, "Father's Day"
N. Fituri Scown, "Jack Hammer: Male Stewardess"
Stacie Shellner, "Release"
Nir Shelter, "Call Out"
Rebecca Benzell, "The Girl and The Ghost"
John Smith, "Iron Maidens"
Noah Campbell Smith and Gabriela Quiroz, "Naira"
Jon Spurney, "Mansfield"
Jane St. Clare and David McCracken, "Stay at Home"
Eric St. Pierre, "Where Monsters Sleep"
Brad Starr, "Astral Bodies"
J Stuart, "Two Suns"
Erica Tachoir, "Scattering Jake"
Tamra Teig and Michael Lipoma, "The Fall"
Amanda Torigiani, "Digging Up David"
Francesca Varisco, "The Code"
M. W. Vickers and Kenneth M. Kambara, "Sorry, We're Closed"
Stephen Vitale, "Apex"
Johnny Vong, "The Lane"
Daren Wagar, "Voodoo Macbeth"
Kate Shepard Watkins, "A Four-Minute Mile"
Myung Joh Wesner, "Mountain Man"
Laurie Whitaker, "Warrior Girl"
Katie White, "The Day The Alien Arrived"
Nathan Wilcoxen, "Lost Mountain"
Samuel Brett Williams, "Trashed"
Dyana Winkler and Darcy Brislin, "Bell"
Leanna Adams, "Murph"
Michael Albanese, "McCleskey"
Dean Alioto, "Bystander"
Joe Amato and Kass Fleisher, "Moe and the Little Guy"
Jo Anderson, "The Kissing Gate"
Dixie Jane, "Born Guilty"
Cody Autterson and Alyssa Overbeck, "East Haven"
Daniela Bailes , "Twenty-Four Seven Japan"
Colleen Baird, "Bound"
Martin Bartlett, "Cassandra"
Stephen Bell and James Brett VanderMale, "Raw Materials"
Gregg Bennett, "Buster K."
Woody Bess, "Henchman"
Peter Besson, "Shrovetide"
Eric Bickernicks, "High Strangeness"
Tim J Bishop, "The Abbreviated History of Charlotte Platt"
Matthew Lee Blackburn, "The Janitor"
Sam Blake, "The Other Woman"
Michael Boyle, "City of Angels"
Chris Buckingham, "Scary Bear"
Peter Buhl and Conor O'Farrell, "Hannibal, Missouri"
Adam Burch, "The Architect"
Jerrad Burford, "Stone in Love"
Scott F. Butler, "D.B. Cooper and the Last American Mystery"
Nicholas Camacho , "Black Noon"
Josh Capizzi, "Hype Girl"
Ed Cha, "Dark Winter"
Michael Chadwick , "Golden Records"
Gary Chen, "Idaho Falls"
Remi Chevalier, "Till the Back is Almost Broke"
Robert Cholette, "Deflection"
Gregory Cohen, "The Fall of Usher"
Joshua A. Cohen, "Bully"
Andrew Corless, "PanArctic"
Aaron M. Corpus, "The Place of the Skull"
Jesse Crall, "Violets"
Nolan Cubero, "Borrowed Times"
Neil Chase, "Spin The Wheel"
Cat Dale and Jeremy Dehn, "Beasts Undiscovered"
Jack Davidson, "Clouds of Sorrow"
Andrew Dawson, "Atlas"
Joachim De Smedt, "Tromelin"
Margaret Lazarus Dean, "The Time It Takes to Fall"
Steven DeGennaro, "A Thousand Years of Silence"
Christine Deitner, "Night, My Day"
Luke Domet, "Maxwell"
Joel Dorland, "Archer"
Anna Israel, "Scars"
Shawn Dwyer, "Happy Little Trees"
Skye Emerson , "Help UnWanted"
Skye Emerson , "Challenger"
José David Ernand, "Monstrous"
José David Ernand, "Kenya's Blood"
Hailey Escobar, "Following the Tracks"
Sean Farley, "Nowhere Men"
Amelia Phillips, "The Seventh Brother"
Jonathan Ferrara, "Dear Xavier"
Ben Fickes, "Champions of Evalonia"
Robert Fisher , "Savage Land"
Taylor Foreman-Niko, "The Allerdale Bus Tragedy"
Matthew Fox, "The Sky Over Rebecca"
Howard Fridkin, "Crime Extraordinaire"
Tom Annan Furniss, "The Mountain"
Tom Annan Furniss, "Daisy"
Ivette Garcia Davila, "The Cuban Millie Crisis"
George Gardner III, "Chasing the G.O.A.T."
Tiffany Gibson, "Hey There, Stranger"
David Gielicz, "Uber Guy"
Christopher Glatis, "6x9x8"
Frederic Glover, "Lyon Salvage"
Devi Gowni, "The Limping Lady"
Stephen Graf, "Nuka Bay"
Brandon Green, "Notary"
Nathaniel Griffee, "The Terror"
Alex Guaglianone, "One"
Jason Habel, "Contacts"
Sara Hammel, "Warriors Like Us"
Marisa Hardwicke, "¿Seguro?"
Walker Hare, "she cried"
Isabella Healy, "All's Fair"
M.A. Hennessy, "My Bus Driver"
Garette Henson and Laurie Savage, "Off_Broadway"
Benjamin Hickey, "Black Hole Blue"
James Hickey, "The Blacksmith"
Pat Holden, "Mirsada"
Caroline J Hoover, "The Long Black Veil"
Charles Hopkins, "Those Who Hear It"
Chris Howard, "Distortion"
Josh Jacobs, "Conscious Recoupling"
Vanar Jaddou, "Goodbye, Iraq"
Laura Jaques, "Deepa by Design"
Alyssa Jefferson, "The Gardener"
Zak Johnson and Joshua Perrault, "Black Eye: A Supernatural Lacrosse Tale"
Frederick Jones and Shirlee Wilson, "Lost Sheep"
Svilen Kamburov, "King's Heart"
Michael Kandarev, "Nanlaban"
Jamie Kanwar, "The Love Of My Life"
Harris Kauffman, "Heard No More"
Brian Kazmarck, "Emergent"
Claire Rose Kennedy, "The Wolf's Skin"
Edward Klau, "Blinders"
Russell Koos, "Tatanka"
Sushi Krishnan, "The Company We Keep"
Justin Kueber, "Chasing Summer"
Conor Kyle, "Peter and the Wolves"
Eugene La Haye and Buster La Haye, "Treasure Hunt"
Scott LaFortune, "Spoon Fed"
Gregory Lane, "Barney & Claire"
Jenny Lee, "Gajok"
Tricia Lee, "Mother-Daughter"
Pearse Lehane, "Tilt"
Brittany Leigh, "Crack Swan"
Ralph Lemorande, "Cervantes"
Michelle Lindsay-Baharie and Robert Baharie, "Waste"
Andy Liou, "Eastern Skies"
Brian Lipko, "Jellyfish"
Marina Loos, "The Do Over"
John Luiso, "Only The Strongest Will Survive"
Lucy Luna, "Sophie & Valentina"
Christian Lybrook, "Dead Don't Speak"
Rima Lyn, "Down the Baja"
Michael Mackenzie, "Siam"
Stephen MacNeil, "Direct Engagement"
Jafta Mamabolo, "Moses And The Burning Bush"
Spencer Marentette and Josh Marentette, "The Raven King"
S. C. Mason, "DivvaNee"
Vincent Matinde, "A Simple War"
Clarke Mayer, "Skyjack"
Liam B. McEneaney, "The Prophet Moses: NYPD"
Colin J McLaughlin, "Frank Dresden"
David Michael Miller, "To Will The Sunrise"
Matthew Miller, "Immigrant"
Diana Mitchell and Linda Mitchell, "Zigzag"
Laura Morton, "The Last Shootout of Calamity Jane"
Lydia Mulvey, "Alaska Chance"
Ruaraidh Murray, "Big Sean, Mikey and Me"
Russell Nickel and William J. Stribling, "Hi, My Name is Chloe and Today I'll Be Performing for You"
J. Noonan, "Phantom"
Kevin O'Brien, "Digital Love"
Christopher J O'Bryant, "Ain't No Cowboys in Nashville"
Amir Ohebsion, "Deconstructing Radha"
David Page, "Head Games"
Michael Palmer and David McGinty, "drifting"
Emma Passmore, "Loosely Based On Real Life"
Emma Passmore, "4 Miles Per Second"
Craig Pentak, "The Tipping Point"
Jerry Perez, "The Pocketknife"
Sandra Joen Pérez-Tejeda and Lareina J. Wong, "Tavo"
Joseph Pernice, "The Night Between Us"
Patrick Henry Phelan, "Taking Liberty"
John Pisano-Thomsen, "Connect"
Sam Platizky, "Off-Script"
Ariana Progri, "Owls Only Cry at Night "
Ashley P. Quach, "Lift"
Jake Quinn, "Verbatim"
Michael Corbin Ray and Therese Vannier, "Deseret"
Brigette ReDavid, "Molly"
Kamilla Reid, "Miist"
James Repici, "Girl Fears Man Fears Wells Fargo"
Christopher Robertson, "Jeffrey The Barbarian"
Jo Rochelle , "Jasmine Star"
Matheus Ronn and Mans Reimer, "A Cangaceira"
Nathan Ruegger, "Wicked Country"
Cheran Rush, "My Fathers' Keeper"
Lisa Rysinger, "Dead Water"
Eric J. Salmon, "Fairytale"
Stephen Saltarelli, "The Boy Who Won the War"
Joel David Santner, "The Coffin Club"
Erica Scandariato, "Never Been F*cked"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "Par 3"
Tim Schildberger, "Alone Together"
Erik Schill, "Trick Roller"
Lisa Scott, "The Looter?"
N. Fituri Scown, "The Comeback King"
Tyrrell Shaffner and Meryl Branch-McTiernan, "The Dropout"
Daniel Sheiman and Ned Lederer, "The Catalyst"
Justin Shelton, "I.R.L. In Real Life"
Andrew Sherman, "The Numbers Girl"
Etienne Sievers, "Tin Can Buffaloes"
Adam Simmons, "Brutus"
Ryan Danger Sims, "Substitute Life"
Casey Sincic, "Deja Reve"
Parker W. Starnes, "Sola Canis"
Sara Strange, "Wormwood"
Joel Bartlett Strunk, "A Few Good Felons"
Charlie Tarabour, "Mail Thief"
Andrew Templeton, "Family of Sons"
Roniel Tessler, "Blue Moon"
Mukilan Thangamani, "Burner"
BT Allen, "Devotion"
Matthew J Thompson, "Sabot"
J Oyer Tomas, "Mother Trucker"
Tyler True, "Slave Ship"
Heather Upton, "Girls Just Wanna"
Patrick Van Slyke, "Railmaster"
Crystal Verge, "Defiant"
L.T. Verrastro, "Corpse & Buggy"
Guilherme Viegas, "Oh Mists, My Mists"
David Wagreich, "Viola"
Alex Wall and William Sterling, "Adults"
Gene Wang, "Blood of Jupiter"
Patrick Wang, "Champion"
Irving Warner, "Emily Atkins"
David Warnock, "Bull Comb Blues"
Cara Washington, "25 Special Spells to Get Your Man Back"
Greg Wayne, "Little Leper"
Leah Marie Welch, "All the Things We Could Not Carry"
Sage Wells, "Lullaby"
Hari Williams, "Unconquered"
Tommar Wilson, "Up, Up, and Away!"
Andrew N. Wong, "The Magic Within"
Natan Yakov, "The Repatriation"
Thomas Yungerberg, "Gross Profit"
Sarit Zadok, "Letters to Mrs. Sebbane"

Aaron Chung

Karen McDermott

Renee Pillai

Sean Malcolm

Walker McKnight

Gary Patent

Jack Zafran

Joel Sinensky

Lynn Esta Goldman

Matthew Fantaci

Paul Ashton

Toy Styles
Hunter Adams, "Death Don't Have No Mercy"
Gemma Addy, "Sparrow Farm"
Jennifer Anderson, "Problem Child"
Brian T. Arnold, "Friend of the Show"
Tara Atashgah, "Under an Olive Tree"
Eric Jordan Baker, "Jane Redd"
Wade Ballance and Joe Nipote, "The Savior"
Haley Hope Bartels, "Anne Bonny"
Joshua Bartolome, "The Crossing"
Alexander Bashkirov, "Dog Sled Patrol"
Alex B, "The Road To Heaven"
Ben Bigelow, "The Desert"
Brian Bourque, "Punch Drunk"
David Blake Boyd, "Aaron's Law"
Tracey Bradley, "Signs of Being"
Ryan Bright, "Knit Bone"
David Burton, "The Misery Index"
Adam Butcher, "Not The End Of The World"
Thomas L. Carmody and Greg Hurd, "The Unrepentant"
Kevin Caruso, "Ghostland"
James Chatterton, "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"
Zoe Cheng, "Birdie"
Christopher Ching, "Ching Chong Chinaman"
Shannon L. Clair, "Lost to Me"
Matt Clingempeel, "The Dead-Nosed Reindeer"
Robert M. Cosci, "Recovery"
Kenneth Cran, "Deer Jane"
Katie Crone, "Grrrls Drool"
Dennis Curlett Jr., "This Kiss"
Sebastian Davis, "May December"
Nicolas Delgado De La Camara, "Sangre de mi Sangre (Blood of my Blood)"
Stephen Demakos, "In Native Country"
Corey Deshon, "By Any Other Name"
Sean Devine and Ryan Patterson, "The Carrier"
Don Downie, "The Spirit of Detroit"
Jake Duerden, "Freddie Prinze Jr."
Jonathan, "Red Right Hand"
Joi Elaine, "The Devils and The Deep Blue Sea"
Adrian Ferrara, "Flittermouse"
Jeffrey Field, "Don't Go There"
Michael Fitzgerald, "Vessel of Light"
Anne Flanagan, "Book Club Wars"
Laurie J. Gardiner, "Onset"
Zarna Garg, "Rearranged"
Erik Gernand, "The Beautiful Dark"
David Henry Gerson, "Above Kings"
Avi Glick, "Old Dogs and Still Waters"
Katie Golden, "Unassigned Lands"
Matthew Gomez, "Miss Me When I'm Gone"
Andrew Gray, "Nightside"
Lindsey Dodge Gudritz, "The Ghost"
Jason Habel, "Headlights on the Highway"
Diane Hanks, "Forever Ago"
Noah Harald, "Empire of Dirt"
Jared Hardy , "Commonwealth"
Pat Herford, "Darling"
Christina Hulen, "A Gentleman of Good Hope"
Parrish Hurley, "Intrinsically Disordered"
Michael Joiner, "Officer X"
Brendan O. Kelly, "High Medium"
Russell Koos, "Action Figures"
Lee Ann Kurr, "Persephone"
Conor Kyle, "The Tube"
Samuel P Laskey, "Copper Boys"
Chrissy Lessey, "A Granger Family Christmas"
Krystyna Loboda, "Schicchi"
Shaan Lodhie, "Empty Shell"
Rebecca Shuhan Lou and Sofia Drummond-Moore, "Her Weight On Me "
Spencer Magloff, "Seven Miles to Freedom"
Noah Martin and Ashley Burns, "Burrow"
Carlos Alejandro Marulanda and Carlos Gutierrez, "Cancuncito"
Caitlin McCarthy, "Wonder Drug"
Jason McCulloch, "Save the Pieces"
Landon McDonald, "Pale Horse"
Kate McNamara, "Seeing Elephants"
Sean McPharlin, "The Hotel Golgonooza"
Jeff Meyers, "The Exchange"
Lauren Minnerath, "Clare"
Matthew Minson, "Perspectives"
Rebecca Mlinek, "All Manner of Thing"
Charles Morris II, "Project Horizon"
Alex Murawski, "Walking in Iowa"
Taj Jenkins Musco, "Experience"
Maédeiva Myre, "Forget Your Children "
Michael Nash, "Life and Death"
Xavier Burgin, "On Time"
Matt Nelsen, "The Body of Big John Bentley"
Gabriel Neustadt, "Electrico"
Obiageli Odimegwu, "The Show"
Brian Otting, "Elsa Miller's Monster Manual"
Lisa Otto, "Run to Me"
Odin Ozdil, "Guns and Grace"
Anthony Palmiotto, "Perfect or Not"
Sasha Pasternak, "Vicious"
Nathan Patton, "Waitress #2"
Yvonne Paulin, "The Trail"
Timo E. Peltonen, "The Piano Tuner"
John Pisano-Thomsen, "Last of the Burly Girls"
Jake Polonus, "Abnormalities"
Gabriel Quintero, "Abel"
Jacob Marx Rice, "Chemistry"
Duane Rodney, "A Trial for Miles"
Jason Romaine, "Father's Secret Funeral "
Kelly Rothberger, "The Deposition"
Renee Rothstein, "Keriah"
Ziyad Saadi, "The Pioneer"
Ben Samuels and Oliver Samuels, "Row Your Boat"
April M. Sanchez, "Daughters Lost to the Desert"
Kenji Sasaki, "Untitled Brent Bachman Action Comedy"
Michael Schatz, "Magnolia Skies"
Christopher Schuepbach, "Father's Day"
N. Fituri Scown, "Jack Hammer: Male Stewardess"
Stacie Shellner, "Release"
Nir Shelter, "Call Out"
Rebecca Benzell, "The Girl and The Ghost"
John Smith, "Iron Maidens"
Noah Campbell Smith and Gabriela Quiroz, "Naira"
Jon Spurney, "Mansfield"
Jane St. Clare and David McCracken, "Stay at Home"
Eric St. Pierre, "Where Monsters Sleep"
Brad Starr, "Astral Bodies"
J Stuart, "Two Suns"
Erica Tachoir, "Scattering Jake"
Tamra Teig and Michael Lipoma, "The Fall"
Amanda Torigiani, "Digging Up David"
Francesca Varisco, "The Code"
M. W. Vickers and Kenneth M. Kambara, "Sorry, We're Closed"
Stephen Vitale, "Apex"
Johnny Vong, "The Lane"
Daren Wagar, "Voodoo Macbeth"
Kate Shepard Watkins, "A Four-Minute Mile"
Myung Joh Wesner, "Mountain Man"
Laurie Whitaker, "Warrior Girl"
Katie White, "The Day The Alien Arrived"
Nathan Wilcoxen, "Lost Mountain"
Samuel Brett Williams, "Trashed"
Dyana Winkler and Darcy Brislin, "Bell"
Leanna Adams, "Murph"
Michael Albanese, "McCleskey"
Dean Alioto, "Bystander"
Joe Amato and Kass Fleisher, "Moe and the Little Guy"
Jo Anderson, "The Kissing Gate"
Dixie Jane, "Born Guilty"
Cody Autterson and Alyssa Overbeck, "East Haven"
Daniela Bailes , "Twenty-Four Seven Japan"
Colleen Baird, "Bound"
Martin Bartlett, "Cassandra"
Stephen Bell and James Brett VanderMale, "Raw Materials"
Gregg Bennett, "Buster K."
Woody Bess, "Henchman"
Peter Besson, "Shrovetide"
Eric Bickernicks, "High Strangeness"
Tim J Bishop, "The Abbreviated History of Charlotte Platt"
Matthew Lee Blackburn, "The Janitor"
Sam Blake, "The Other Woman"
Michael Boyle, "City of Angels"
Chris Buckingham, "Scary Bear"
Peter Buhl and Conor O'Farrell, "Hannibal, Missouri"
Adam Burch, "The Architect"
Jerrad Burford, "Stone in Love"
Scott F. Butler, "D.B. Cooper and the Last American Mystery"
Nicholas Camacho , "Black Noon"
Josh Capizzi, "Hype Girl"
Ed Cha, "Dark Winter"
Michael Chadwick , "Golden Records"
Gary Chen, "Idaho Falls"
Remi Chevalier, "Till the Back is Almost Broke"
Robert Cholette, "Deflection"
Gregory Cohen, "The Fall of Usher"
Joshua A. Cohen, "Bully"
Andrew Corless, "PanArctic"
Aaron M. Corpus, "The Place of the Skull"
Jesse Crall, "Violets"
Nolan Cubero, "Borrowed Times"
Neil Chase, "Spin The Wheel"
Cat Dale and Jeremy Dehn, "Beasts Undiscovered"
Jack Davidson, "Clouds of Sorrow"
Andrew Dawson, "Atlas"
Joachim De Smedt, "Tromelin"
Margaret Lazarus Dean, "The Time It Takes to Fall"
Steven DeGennaro, "A Thousand Years of Silence"
Christine Deitner, "Night, My Day"
Luke Domet, "Maxwell"
Joel Dorland, "Archer"
Anna Israel, "Scars"
Shawn Dwyer, "Happy Little Trees"
Skye Emerson , "Help UnWanted"
Skye Emerson , "Challenger"
José David Ernand, "Monstrous"
José David Ernand, "Kenya's Blood"
Hailey Escobar, "Following the Tracks"
Sean Farley, "Nowhere Men"
Amelia Phillips, "The Seventh Brother"
Jonathan Ferrara, "Dear Xavier"
Ben Fickes, "Champions of Evalonia"
Robert Fisher , "Savage Land"
Taylor Foreman-Niko, "The Allerdale Bus Tragedy"
Matthew Fox, "The Sky Over Rebecca"
Howard Fridkin, "Crime Extraordinaire"
Tom Annan Furniss, "The Mountain"
Tom Annan Furniss, "Daisy"
Ivette Garcia Davila, "The Cuban Millie Crisis"
George Gardner III, "Chasing the G.O.A.T."
Tiffany Gibson, "Hey There, Stranger"
David Gielicz, "Uber Guy"
Christopher Glatis, "6x9x8"
Frederic Glover, "Lyon Salvage"
Devi Gowni, "The Limping Lady"
Stephen Graf, "Nuka Bay"
Brandon Green, "Notary"
Nathaniel Griffee, "The Terror"
Alex Guaglianone, "One"
Jason Habel, "Contacts"
Sara Hammel, "Warriors Like Us"
Marisa Hardwicke, "¿Seguro?"
Walker Hare, "she cried"
Isabella Healy, "All's Fair"
M.A. Hennessy, "My Bus Driver"
Garette Henson and Laurie Savage, "Off_Broadway"
Benjamin Hickey, "Black Hole Blue"
James Hickey, "The Blacksmith"
Pat Holden, "Mirsada"
Caroline J Hoover, "The Long Black Veil"
Charles Hopkins, "Those Who Hear It"
Chris Howard, "Distortion"
Josh Jacobs, "Conscious Recoupling"
Vanar Jaddou, "Goodbye, Iraq"
Laura Jaques, "Deepa by Design"
Alyssa Jefferson, "The Gardener"
Zak Johnson and Joshua Perrault, "Black Eye: A Supernatural Lacrosse Tale"
Frederick Jones and Shirlee Wilson, "Lost Sheep"
Svilen Kamburov, "King's Heart"
Michael Kandarev, "Nanlaban"
Jamie Kanwar, "The Love Of My Life"
Harris Kauffman, "Heard No More"
Brian Kazmarck, "Emergent"
Claire Rose Kennedy, "The Wolf's Skin"
Edward Klau, "Blinders"
Russell Koos, "Tatanka"
Sushi Krishnan, "The Company We Keep"
Justin Kueber, "Chasing Summer"
Conor Kyle, "Peter and the Wolves"
Eugene La Haye and Buster La Haye, "Treasure Hunt"
Scott LaFortune, "Spoon Fed"
Gregory Lane, "Barney & Claire"
Jenny Lee, "Gajok"
Tricia Lee, "Mother-Daughter"
Pearse Lehane, "Tilt"
Brittany Leigh, "Crack Swan"
Ralph Lemorande, "Cervantes"
Michelle Lindsay-Baharie and Robert Baharie, "Waste"
Andy Liou, "Eastern Skies"
Brian Lipko, "Jellyfish"
Marina Loos, "The Do Over"
John Luiso, "Only The Strongest Will Survive"
Lucy Luna, "Sophie & Valentina"
Christian Lybrook, "Dead Don't Speak"
Rima Lyn, "Down the Baja"
Michael Mackenzie, "Siam"
Stephen MacNeil, "Direct Engagement"
Jafta Mamabolo, "Moses And The Burning Bush"
Spencer Marentette and Josh Marentette, "The Raven King"
S. C. Mason, "DivvaNee"
Vincent Matinde, "A Simple War"
Clarke Mayer, "Skyjack"
Liam B. McEneaney, "The Prophet Moses: NYPD"
Colin J McLaughlin, "Frank Dresden"
David Michael Miller, "To Will The Sunrise"
Matthew Miller, "Immigrant"
Diana Mitchell and Linda Mitchell, "Zigzag"
Laura Morton, "The Last Shootout of Calamity Jane"
Lydia Mulvey, "Alaska Chance"
Ruaraidh Murray, "Big Sean, Mikey and Me"
Russell Nickel and William J. Stribling, "Hi, My Name is Chloe and Today I'll Be Performing for You"
J. Noonan, "Phantom"
Kevin O'Brien, "Digital Love"
Christopher J O'Bryant, "Ain't No Cowboys in Nashville"
Amir Ohebsion, "Deconstructing Radha"
David Page, "Head Games"
Michael Palmer and David McGinty, "drifting"
Emma Passmore, "Loosely Based On Real Life"
Emma Passmore, "4 Miles Per Second"
Craig Pentak, "The Tipping Point"
Jerry Perez, "The Pocketknife"
Sandra Joen Pérez-Tejeda and Lareina J. Wong, "Tavo"
Joseph Pernice, "The Night Between Us"
Patrick Henry Phelan, "Taking Liberty"
John Pisano-Thomsen, "Connect"
Sam Platizky, "Off-Script"
Ariana Progri, "Owls Only Cry at Night "
Ashley P. Quach, "Lift"
Jake Quinn, "Verbatim"
Michael Corbin Ray and Therese Vannier, "Deseret"
Brigette ReDavid, "Molly"
Kamilla Reid, "Miist"
James Repici, "Girl Fears Man Fears Wells Fargo"
Christopher Robertson, "Jeffrey The Barbarian"
Jo Rochelle , "Jasmine Star"
Matheus Ronn and Mans Reimer, "A Cangaceira"
Nathan Ruegger, "Wicked Country"
Cheran Rush, "My Fathers' Keeper"
Lisa Rysinger, "Dead Water"
Eric J. Salmon, "Fairytale"
Stephen Saltarelli, "The Boy Who Won the War"
Joel David Santner, "The Coffin Club"
Erica Scandariato, "Never Been F*cked"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "Par 3"
Tim Schildberger, "Alone Together"
Erik Schill, "Trick Roller"
Lisa Scott, "The Looter?"
N. Fituri Scown, "The Comeback King"
Tyrrell Shaffner and Meryl Branch-McTiernan, "The Dropout"
Daniel Sheiman and Ned Lederer, "The Catalyst"
Justin Shelton, "I.R.L. In Real Life"
Andrew Sherman, "The Numbers Girl"
Etienne Sievers, "Tin Can Buffaloes"
Adam Simmons, "Brutus"
Ryan Danger Sims, "Substitute Life"
Casey Sincic, "Deja Reve"
Parker W. Starnes, "Sola Canis"
Sara Strange, "Wormwood"
Joel Bartlett Strunk, "A Few Good Felons"
Charlie Tarabour, "Mail Thief"
Andrew Templeton, "Family of Sons"
Roniel Tessler, "Blue Moon"
Mukilan Thangamani, "Burner"
BT Allen, "Devotion"
Matthew J Thompson, "Sabot"
J Oyer Tomas, "Mother Trucker"
Tyler True, "Slave Ship"
Heather Upton, "Girls Just Wanna"
Patrick Van Slyke, "Railmaster"
Crystal Verge, "Defiant"
L.T. Verrastro, "Corpse & Buggy"
Guilherme Viegas, "Oh Mists, My Mists"
David Wagreich, "Viola"
Alex Wall and William Sterling, "Adults"
Gene Wang, "Blood of Jupiter"
Patrick Wang, "Champion"
Irving Warner, "Emily Atkins"
David Warnock, "Bull Comb Blues"
Cara Washington, "25 Special Spells to Get Your Man Back"
Greg Wayne, "Little Leper"
Leah Marie Welch, "All the Things We Could Not Carry"
Sage Wells, "Lullaby"
Hari Williams, "Unconquered"
Tommar Wilson, "Up, Up, and Away!"
Andrew N. Wong, "The Magic Within"
Natan Yakov, "The Repatriation"
Thomas Yungerberg, "Gross Profit"
Sarit Zadok, "Letters to Mrs. Sebbane"