The Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced today that CEO Dawn Hudson will continue in her role through May 2023.
Hudson, who joined the Academy as CEO in 2011, will continue to oversee all aspects of the Academy and its 430 employees in Los Angeles, New York and London. As CEO, Hudson collaborates closely with show producers and ABC on the production of the Oscars and also oversees the ongoing development of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, which opens December 14 of this year, and serves on its Board of Trustees.
Under her leadership, the Academy has achieved advances in technology and the modernization of its infrastructure, which have enabled global member communications, online voting and streaming of movies for Oscars consideration. In the last two years, members voted in record numbers from over 80 countries.
Additionally, Hudson has successfully led the Academy’s diversity, inclusion and global expansion initiatives that created significant change within the organization. Since 2015, the number of racially diverse members has doubled and the number of female members will double this year with the induction of the June 2020 membership class. With her guidance, the Academy also continues to be deeply committed to talent development through such Foundation initiatives as Student Academy Awards, Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting, Academy Gold Fellowship for Women, and the Academy Gold internship enhancement and mentorship program for students and young professionals from underrepresented communities.
“Dawn has been a guiding force within the Academy for the past nine years, as we’ve become a more inclusive, forward-thinking membership organization, reflecting the diversity of motion picture artists and craftspeople worldwide,” said Academy President David Rubin. “The Board recognizes her leadership and dedication, as well as her tireless efforts on behalf of the Academy Museum, a dream that is being realized this year.”