CATEGORY: Short Film (Live Action)
SPEECH BY: Mat Kirkby and James Lucas
FILM: The Phone Call
Mat Kirkby:
Crikey. Crikey, alright. These are big buggers. These are heavier. We’re only little and they’re heavy to us. I’m particularly happy ‘cause this now means I can get a free donut at my local bakery, the Pump Street Bakery. They do fantastic donuts.
James Lucas:
Mat Kirkby:
Should we stick to the script?
James Lucas:
Mat Kirkby:
Stick to the script. Thank you to the Academy. You’ve been brilliant. Twenty-two seconds to go. Thanks to my crew, who all give their time for free. Short films are made not with money. They’re made with tenacity and lots of favors. Impossible to do it without them. Thank you to Sally Hawkins, who donated her incredible talent to us for nothing. This is for you.
James Lucas:
And thank you to the Academy.
Mat Kirkby:
Thank you to the Academy. More importantly, we’d like to—did I do that?—we’d like to—the music—we’d like to thank all the volunteers around the world in crisis centers who give their time for nothing, including our mums. James’ mum and my mum volunteer for nothing. Friends and family back at home: Derry, who should’ve been here. And, most of all, Miranda, I love you.
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