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Onstage Speech Transcript: Foreign Language Film

CATEGORY: Foreign Language Film
Accepted by director Paweł Pawlikowski


Aw, God. How did I get here? We made a film about—as you saw, black and white—about the need for silence and withdrawal from the world and contemplation. And here we are at this epicenter of noise and world attention. Fantastic, you know, life is full of surprises. So, I’d like to thank the Academy. I’m honored, surprised and overwhelmed. I’d like to thank the people who backed our film: the producers, Eric Abraham of Portobello, Piotr Dzieciol, Agnieszka Odorowicz of the Polish Film Institute and many others. They backed—oh, and U.S. distributor who did a great job for very little money. Oh, wrap up. Good, okay, so quickly to the [unintelligible]…  And to my Polish friends who are in front of the TV. The crew who were in the trenches with us and who are totally drunk now. And you are fantastic, you are brilliant. You carried me through this film, and you are what I love about Poland: resilient, courageous, brave and funny. And you can take a drink. And Ida, I would like to dedicate it to my late wife, my parents, who are not among the living, but who are totally inside this film and they have a lot to do with the film. And my children, who are hopefully watching, who are still alive. Thank you, thank you. Victor and Maria, Victor and Maria, I love you. You are the main prize. Thank you.  




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