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93rd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE


FILM: "Minari"


Mr. Brad Pitt, finally. Nice to meet you. Where were you while we were filming in Tulsa? Is very honor to meet you. As you know, I'm from Korea and actually my name is Yuh-Jung Youn and most of European people call me Yuh-Youn and some of them call me Yuh-Jung. But tonight, you are all forgiven. And well, usually when I’m living in the other part of the world, I just watch the television. It is the Oscar. But even on the television just watching, like a television program for us, about me being here by myself. This I cannot believe. I'm here. Okay, let me pull myself together.

Thank you for the tremendous, thanks to the Academy members, who vote for me. And next speech, okay, they usually say, okay, thank you for the... Wonderful “Minari” family: Steven, [inaudible], Yeri and Noel, Alan. We became a family, and most of all, above all, Lee Isaac Chung. Without him I couldn't be here tonight. He was our captain and my director. So thanks to you. Tremendous thanks to you.

I like to thank too, well, see, I don't believe in competition. How can I win Glenn Close, win over Glenn Close? I’ve been watching her so many performances. So this is just all the nominee. Five nominees, we are the winner for the different movie, different. We played the different role, so we cannot compete each other. Tonight I'm here, is just, I have just a little bit luck, I think. Maybe I'm luckier than you. And also, maybe, is American hospitality for the Korean actor. I'm not sure, but anyway, thank you so much. And I like to thank to my two boys, who made me go out and work. Beloved sons, [inaudible]. This is the result [holds up Oscar] because Mommy work so hard. And I like to dedicate this award for my first director, Kim Ki-Young, who was very genius director. I made the movie together with him, first movie. I think he would be very happy if he's still alive. Thank you very much. Tremendous thank you for the everybody. Thank you.



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