Q. (EURweb): Here is my question. I hope you can hear me. I didn't get a sound check, but I'm going to get closer. What was the best and worst advice you fellows received in preparation for the Oscars? Both of you, please answer.
A. (Travon Free): I think the best advice we got ‑‑ at least the best advice I got was, oh man, we got so much advice. I mean, I think the best advice we got was something we probably got a lot was, you know, whether we won or lost, that we actually won because we were here. We made it here with this film. And be happy we are talking about this film. I think that is the best.
A. (Martin Desmond Roe): And the worst advice we got was are you sure we want to try to do it this year? Yes, Lawrence, we are sure.
Q. Our next question is going to be from BLIVE.
A. (Travon Free): You might be muted.
Q. Give me one second. Hi, how are you?
A. (Martin Desmond Roe): We hear you now.
Q. This is me, Jade, from BLIVE. First of all, I want to say congratulations to you guys. Congratulations.
A. (Martin Desmond Roe): Thank you.
Q. So what has been your reaction thus far, just winning this particular award for your tremendous work?
A. (Travon Free): I, you know, when we started this journey to make this film, I especially knew it would be a film that would be difficult for people to watch, difficult for people to, you know, politically even engage with. And for it to have done what it's done and for us to be here holding these ‑‑ for a movie as potent, and as serious as our film is, from the Academy, I think it's ‑‑ it's unbelievable. I think it's amazing to think that we could be standing here today, holding Oscars for a film about police brutality. I think that's incredible.
Q. All right. Thank you for your time. Congratulations.
A. (Travon Free): Thank you.
Q. Hey, how is it going? I saw ‑‑ hi. I saw the film, and I was just astounded by the depth of it when it came to making it a short film. Tell me about the process of how you guys went about making it.
A. (Travon Free): It started with an idea. I had an idea while we were out protesting and marching that was spurred on by how I was feeling about what I was seeing. How I was feeling about internalizing, you know, the pain of seeing so many black people be killed at the hands of the police, and thinking about the emotional, you know, roller coaster you go on, every time you hear a new name and a new story, see the video.
It put me in the mindset of, you know, this feels like living the worst version of Groundhog Day. I had that thought to myself. It was something that I, you know, I couldn't put it away. It would not go away. And so because it was the pandemic, and we weren't working, and we weren't doing anything, I felt like I wanted to probably sit down and do something with it.
So I told Martin about the idea and, you know, I asked him if this was something that we could make and do right now, which was crazy, the pandemic, and we were trying to make a short film, which how do you even go about doing that in a regular, or a nonpandemic time period. And to do it then at the time seemed crazy, but we kind of defied that all the way to this stage here.
A. (Martin Desmond Roe): I ‑‑ what he said.
Q. Hi. Congratulations on this epic win. Chemistry ‑‑ the cinematic between the pair of you is pretty strong. Any future plans to work together again? I'm crossing my fingers yes?
A. (Travon Free): Oh, yeah.
A. (Martin Desmond Roe): He can't hide. He's so tall. The yellow hair.
(Travon Free): We've got a long road ahead of us. Making many more movies.
Q. That's great. Thank you again. Congrats.
Q. Thank you. Congratulations to our winners. That was our last question.
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