SPEECH BY: Sergio Lopez-Rivera, Mia Neal, and Jamika Wilson
Q. Congratulations on the well deserved win. Did you and your team think (inaudible) the first time black and Latinas were nominated in the hair and makeup category?
A. I don't know if we were prepared to win, but we were definitely pleased with the idea of being nominated and coming here and, you know, I mean, honestly, the entire experience for me has been just kind of an out‑of‑body experience. So it's hard to really articulate into words, like, you know, just the steps that have been taking place emotionally, you know?
Q. Congratulations again, you all did a superb job.
A. Thank you so much.
Q. Hi. How are you doing? Congratulations.
A. Thank you.
Q. So well deserved. Oh, my goodness, and oh, my gosh. Making history; right? It's fantastic. And Mia, I loved your speech when you said that, you know, one day this won't be groundbreaking or unusual. It will be normal; right? So we have been having these conversations ‑‑ a lot of black actresses, especially, have had these conversations about being on set and not having proper hairstylists, and makeup, you know, for us. So I wanted you all to speak to what do you want to see the change in Hollywood going forward, especially after this historic win?
A. (Jamika Wilson) Just, you know, bringing more African‑Americans onset, and just including us as it has been happening, and, yeah, just having that happen. And more, you know ‑‑
A. (Mia Neal) Yeah, I think that everybody benefits from diversity, you know, everyone does. And so I think that
just ‑‑ and also, I think everybody wants it to be honest. I feel like that has been the thing, and I think that time has kind of sped up in a way in terms of technology and just people being more connected, also people not being afraid to speak up. And so and then ‑‑ and then a lot of people who maybe didn't realize, hey, maybe, diversity isn't in this ‑‑ you know, because things were just the norm. So I think that things are happening, and I think it's being well received. You know? That is the beauty of it is that I don't sense any resistance.
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) Yes.
A. (Jamika Wilson) Moving forward, that's why I said just excited about the future because these conversations are taking place, these questions are being asked ‑‑
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) Yes.
A. (Jamika Wilson) ‑‑ by reporters, you know. So I think that we all should be excited about what is to come.
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) We look forward to time where these questions are moot.
A. (Mia Neal) Exactly. And that is coming.
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) It's coming.
A. (Mia Neal) Yeah, because if we don't have to really be the black people, you know what I mean? Like, we can be Jamika and Mia. We can be individuals at that point. So that is why I said we all benefit from it, you know? Thank you for your question.
Q. Our last question coming from show biz 411.
A. (Mia Neal) show biz, got the 411. Mary J. Blige. The 411.
Q. Hello.
A. (Mia Neal) There you go.
Q. How much fun is this?
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) This is incredible.
A. (Mia Neal) Listen. I never got married. I didn't go to prom. It's all rolled up in one.
Q. I just want to say ‑‑ I just want to say congratulations. You did a fabulous job. I know you are very, very excited. Was it ‑‑ had you seen the play? And I'm sure people have asked you this. Had you seen it before?
A. (Jamika Wilson) Never seen it.
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) Never seen the play.
Q. You never saw the play?
A. (Mia Neal) No. I'm very familiar with the play, but I had never seen it.
Q. I'll just tell you, I happened to be sitting with my mother, who is a theater critic here in Connecticut, and she was a great friend with August (inaudible) and she was a big fan of everything you do here.
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) Thank you so much.
A. (Mia Neal) Tell your mother thank you.
Q. Congratulations to our winners. Thank you.
A. (Mia Neal) Thank you.
A. (Sergio Lopez‑Rivera) Thank you.
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