SPEECH BY: Taika Waititi
Thank you. Amazing, thank you. This is really light [referring to the statuette]. This one's light. It's supposed to be heavy. I'd like to thank my mother – don't know where you are, Mum. I lost you hours ago. Thank you for being my mother and for, I mean for many other reasons, but for giving me the book that I adapted. And this film wouldn't have existed without you doing that. To Christine, for writing the book, thank you. To the producers of the film, Carthew Neal and Chelsea Winstanley, who was there right from the beginning. Thank you, guys. Many other people that I want to thank but I won't because I can't remember them. That's it. This is really great and I dedicate this to all the indigenous kids who live in the world who want to do art and dance and write stories. We are the original storytellers. And we can make it here as well. Thank you. Kia ora.
These transcripts may not be reproduced except as brief quotes used in conjunction with news reporting about the 92nd Academy Awards®. All content Copyright 2020 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. "Oscar®," "Oscars®," "Academy Awards®," "Academy Award®," "A.M.P.A.S.®" and "Oscar Night®" are the trademarks, and the ©Oscar® statuette is the registered design mark and copyrighted property, of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Additional information regarding the "Terms & Conditions of Use" and "Legal Regulations for Using Intellectual Properties of the Academy" may be accessed online at http://www.oscars.org/legal
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