SPEECH BY: Guillaume Rocheron and Dominic Tuohy
FILM: "1917"
Wow. Thank you for the Academy for this tremendous honor. "1917" is what you call a dream project, an opportunity to challenge how we approach visual effects but also a chance to collaborate with some truly fantastic people. Thank you to Sam Mendes for being so inspirational and leading us through, you know, this epic journey. I want to thank our producers, Pippa, Jayne-Ann and Callum, everybody at Amblin and Universal for your collaboration and support. Thank you to my beautiful wife Cate for standing right by me in every step of the way. And I want to thank the team of six hundred artists at MPC and our fantastic special effects team. We share this award with you. Thank you.
Thank you all, thank you so much. All the kids at home. Thank you, the team. Thank you.
Thank you.
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