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92nd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: SOUND MIXING

SPEECH BY: Mark Taylor and Stuart Wilson

FILM: "1917"


We'd like to accept this award on behalf of the entire "1917" sound team, each one of whom did outstanding work on this film, from my guys in the trenches to Mark's team in the studio. For their incredible support, thanks to our families, Victoria, Ave. And to our producers: Callum, Jayne-Ann and Pippa. And Sam Mendes, none of us would be here without you. Thank you.

I'd like to thank Ollie and his great team, Rachael, Mike Fentum, [unintelligible]. Lee Smith, our editor. All the guys who gave such a great score to work with. Robbie and the guys at Goldcrest. Rob Karlsson and [unintelligible]. Thank you so much, thank you.


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