SPEECH BY: Donald Sylvester
"Ford v Ferrari" is a marriage of sound and pictures. So while I really want to thank my fantastic sound team, I also want to include the picture team and the mixers. In fact, "Ford v Ferrari" is probably the last film ever made by 20th Century Fox. So I wanna thank, I want to thank Aaron Downing and Ted Gagliano and Emma Watts. But the real support comes from home, so I want to thank my wonderful wife of 34 years who gave up her editing career for me to pursue my career. But she raised our kids and she did a great job because neither one of them are politicians. But the real reason I'm standing here is James Mangold. He is the reason I'm here. He should've been nominated for Best Director. So, if I could, I'd break this statue off, give him the head so you could put it in the jar, Jim. Thank you, Academy.
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