SPEECH BY: Marshall Curry
Wow, I'm so grateful to all the people who made this film with me, including Maria Dizzia, Julia, Jon, Wolfgang. Elizabeth, my wife and producing partner. Our kids, Jane and Rivers. I want to dedicate this to my mom, who grew up on a peach farm in Chesterfield, South Carolina, who was the best storyteller I ever knew. She always had a story about some crazy thing that happened with her siblings when she was growing up, or some weird dog that she had seen, or something that the taxi driver had told her about his life that would break your heart. And I learned from watching her that a well-told story is, it's a powerful thing. And it can change the way we see the world. And it can help us to notice other people and care about those other people and maybe love each other a little bit more. So this is for her and for all the storytellers. Thank you.
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