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92nd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: SHORT FILM (ANIMATED)

SPEECH BY: Matthew A. Cherry and Karen Rupert Toliver



Thank you so much to the Academy and everybody out there that supported this film. There were lots of you. We share this award with you. There were so many filmmakers that worked so hard on this, and it was a labor of love. And it was because we have a firm belief that representation matters deeply, especially in cartoons. Because in cartoons that's when we first see our movies, and it's how we shape our lives and think about how we see the world. So I want to thank Sony Pictures Animation, who were the progressive people that believed in us from the beginning: Kristine Belson, Jeff Korchek. Thank you to Lion Forge Animation, to Six Point Harness and to Matthew Cherry. Thank you to my beautiful husband, my son[s] Chase and Miles, for believing in me. Thank you so much.

So we have a big team that we have to thank but time is running short, so I just want to say that "Hair Love" was done because we wanted to see more representation in animation. We wanted to normalize black hair. There's a very important issue that's out there; it's the Crown Act. And if we can help to get this passed in all 50 states it will help stories like DeAndre Arnold's, who's our special guest tonight, stop to happen. This award is dedicated to Kobe Bryant. May we all have a second act as great as his was. Thank you.


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