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92nd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: MAKEUP AND HAIRSTYLING




Thank you very much. It's a great honor. And we would like to thank members of Academy and director Jay Roach. And Charles Randolph, Bob Graf, Karen Getchell, Beth Kono, A.J. Dix, Michelle Graham and Dave Johnson, and the entire team at BRON Studios and Lionsgate. And the cast and crew and friends and family, for their amazing support. And my mentors, Rick Baker and Dick Smith. And we would like to give our heartfelt thanks to Charlize Theron. You're amazing. You are an amazing actor and producer, and your compassion and love and care made this film possible. And because of your bravery and passion, we are able to set the new bar in the makeup industry and create a new way to tell stories. Thank you very much. We wouldn't be getting this award without you.


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