SPEECH BY: Michael McCusker and Andrew Buckland
Wow. Hello. I'd like to thank the Academy. And to all the fellow nominees, incredible work. We wouldn't be here without our stellar picture crew and our outstanding sound team as well. To my amazing and beautiful wife María and our son Lucas, I love you so much, te quiero mucho. To my sister Claire and Joe, and to Armando, to my mom and dad who supported me from the very beginning, I love you so much. And my family in Argentina, un beso grande.
James Mangold. James Mangold, I just, it's my great, great pleasure to have sat and watched you become one of the best directors in this business in the last 15 years. Thank you so much. To our great ensemble cast led by Matt and Christian, our DP Phedon Papamichael, our producers Jenno Topping and Peter Chernin. To everyone at 20th Century: the tireless Aaron Downing, Ted Gagliano, Steve Asbell, and the inimitable Emma Watts. And finally, to my daughter Helena, I love you so much. I love you, Baba*. Thank you so much for this. Thank you.
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