SPEECH BY: Roger Deakins
FILM: "1917"
Thank you, wow. I want to thank my fellow nominees for their wonderfully inspiring work. But more than that I want to thank them for their friendship, too. I'm a pretty good cook, actually. This belongs to a lot of people that worked on this movie. It belongs to my wife James who worked on it with me. It belongs to my assistant and focus puller, Andy Harris, who is somewhere up there, who is the pinball wizard of focus pulling. And you'll never know what he does, because you'd only notice it if he makes a mistake and he never does. It's to Peter Cavaciuti and Charlie Rizek, our two fantastic operators. It's to Gary Hymns and a grip crew and John Higgins "Biggles," who's been my friend for about thirty-odd years, who is our gaffer. So it's to them and all their wonderful team. And I think they would all want me to say, thank you, Sam Mendes, for a most wonderful experience. Thank you, we'll never forget it.
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