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92nd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: BEST PICTURE




[Via translator:] I'm speechless. We never imagined this to ever happen. We are so happy. I feel like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now. I express my deepest gratitude and respect for all the members of the Academy for making this decision. [In English:] Thank you.

Hi everybody. I really like to thank director Bong. Thank you for being you. And I like everything about him: his smile, his crazy hair, the way he talks, the way he walks, and especially the way he directs. And what I really like about him is his sense of humor. And the fact is he can be really making fun of himself and he never takes himself seriously. Thank you, thank you very much. And I'd like to thank everybody who's been supporting "Parasite," and who's been working with "Parasite," and who's been loving "Parasite." And I'd like to thank my brother who's been always supporting our building our dreams, even when it looked impossible dream. Thank you, Jay. I want to thank my brother Jay. And especially, I really, really, really want to thank our Korean film audience, our moviegoers, who's been really supporting all our movies and never hesitated to give us straightforward opinion on what they feel like their movies. And that made us really never be able to be complacent and keep pushing the directors, the creators, keep pushing the envelopes. And without you, our Korean film audience, we are not here. Thank you very much. Thank you.


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