Q. You mentioned Argentina talking Spanish within your speech, and I know that you made a short documentary called SOMOS WICHI about Argentina. Can you talk about the importance of Argentina for you and this short that you made?
A. (Andrew Buckland) Well, I always feel like if it wasn't for Argentina, I wouldn't be here today. I met my wife traveling, and she's from Argentina, and we -- I was able to live in Argentina for a while, and I sort of regained my passion for film again while living in Argentina.
Q. Can you please talk a little bit about working with James Mangold and some of the opportunities that afforded you?
A. (Michael McCusker) Well, I would say it pretty much is my career. I cut my very first movie for Jim and was nominated for an Academy Award with WALK THE LINE. And I've cut six movies and he transcends genres, and so it's helped me immensely because I can -- you know, I'm not pigeonholed into one particular place, so it's been a boon for me. And that's just on my selfish level. You know, I mean, I -- the working relationship with Jim is -- is great because we share such a close aesthetic and it's just we -- we're on the same page, and it's a great experience.
Q. Throughout the movie -- congratulations first.
A. Thank you.
Q. Throughout the movie there were so many moments that I thought this is the heart of it and then something else happens and, like, I cry again, and then something else happens and then the end happens. So my question is, being in the editing room, what was the moment that really was hard to move forward or that really impacted you on a deeper level?
A. (Michael McCusker) I think when I saw Drew's cut of -- of Ken's death was the moment -- that was very -- that was difficult in that it was so good I was jealous. But also, it was incredibly emotional and it really hit me hard. And I -- I was so happy for him because that didn't change. It was essentially his first cut in the movie of that sequence, it never changed.
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