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92nd Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE

SPEECH BY: Brad Pitt


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Q. What's your Tinder profile going to say now?
A. (Laughs) You'll just have to look it up.

Q. Some unkind souls have suggested you had a writer throughout the speeches this award season. Say it ain't so.
A. What, no, actually, historically, I've always been really tentative about speeches, like, they make me nervous. So
this -- this round, I figured if we're going to do this -- like, put some, like, some real work into it and try to get comfortable, and this is the result of that. No, I definitely write them. I have some funny friends. I have some very, very funny friends that helped me with some laughs, but, no, it's, you know, it's got to come from the heart.

Q. It's been a pleasure for all of us watching you go up awards show after awards show this season and it will certainly be something that we all remember looking back. When you look back on 2020 and this awards season, what do you want to remember?
A. On 2020 awards season?

Q. Yes, this season, this year.
A. What do I want to -- hell, if I know, man. I can't even catch up with -- you know, what do I -- again, it was -- for me, it was just about getting cozy, you know, up in front of a mass of people. I know that sounds antithetical given the profession I've chosen, but it's not necessarily my thing. So that's probably what I'll remember.

Q. Brad, as referenced earlier, you had a lot of humor in your previous speeches this season, but tonight you did have your -- a political reference. What kind of prompted you to go that way?
A. I was really disappointed with this week. And I think when gamesmanship trumps doing the right thing, it's a sad day and I don't think we should let it slide. And I'm very serious about that.

Q. You mentioned your kids in your acceptance speech and Quentin Tarantino said that your son Maddox delivered one of the best film reviews he's ever heard. So what's his review of ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD?
A. I'm going to keep that -- I just keep that to the -- I keep that -- that's like -- I just keep that indoors.

Q. How are you going to celebrate with your kids?

A. Don't know yet. We'll see.

Q. In your speech you mentioned Robert Garcia. Could you talk about who Robert Garcia is and why did you decide to mention him in your speech?
A. Robert Garcia is a dear, dear old friend of mine. He's a Teamster and I rely on him heavily and he's a lovely guy.

Q. Congratulations. You say this was dedicated to your kids. What would you say to them if they want to become actors? Would you let them do it and what would be the advice that you would give them -- to them.
A. We can have that conversation if -- once they are 18. And then I -- listen, I want them to follow their bliss. You know, follow their passions, whatever -- whatever they are most interested in. And then it's -- then I think it's about, you know, guiding as you can. But they get to try everything on and find what -- where their passion lies. So, sure, why not?

Q. Are you having the time of your life? You know, you've walked up and won every single award. Is this the time of your life?

A. Well, no. I hope not. I hope I got other shit going on. But it has been a really special -- really special run. And, again, it's a community I love and friends that I've made over, you know, 30 years and they mean a lot to me, truly. And I feel a responsibility to that more than anything, more than, like, a victory lap. And so I think, like, right now I'm just looking -- I think it's -- I think it's time to go disappear for a little while now and, you know, get back to making things.


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