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91st Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: VISUAL EFFECTS

SPEECH BY: Paul Lambert, Ian Hunter, Tristan Myles and J.D. Schwalm

FILM: "First Man"


What a truly magnificent moment. We did things a little bit differently on “First Man” and being recognized by the Academy is all the more special. Thanks goes to my visual effects producer Kevin Elam, also Jennifer Bell and Bill Tlusty at Universal. Thank you to the inspirational Damien Chazelle and our amazing cast and all the incredible heads of department: Linus, Tom, Justin, Mildred, Ai-Ling, Nathan, Rose, Ian, Josh, Mary, and Donald who made this film so, so memorable. And a big shout out to Michelle Eisenreich, Rupert Porter and my people at DNEG Vancouver.

Thank you again Damien Chazelle, to my amazing effects team, my wife Erica, I love you. My two boys, John and James, and my dad Jim who taught me how to put the magic in movies. Thank you.

Thanks to the crew at DNEG without whose hard work we wouldn’t be stood up here tonight. Obviously thanks to my wife Kirsty, and my two children, Isabella and Louisa, for all their support over the years.

And it is an honor and humbling to honor Neil Armstrong and all the men and women of NASA. Thank you so much. [unintelligible].


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