SPEECH BY: Paul Massey, Tim Cavagin and John Casali
FILM: "Bohemian Rhapsody"
Thank you, Academy. Huge honor. I’d like to thank our producers, Graham King, Denis O’Sullivan, Ted Gagliano from Fox, and our whole sound crew, thank you. A massive shout-out to Brian May and Roger Taylor. Thank you so much for your music and for your collaboration and your support. And I would like to dedicate this to my kids: Sean, Andrew, Sophie, Taylor. I love you all. Thank you.
I want to thank my wife and my kids: Olivia, Joe, Stephen and Gemma. All of my team, and for this, really, for Chris Murphy, my boom operator, that’s put up with me for 14 years. Thanks, mate. Thank you.
I’d like to thank team Twickenham, our circuit [?], everyone else who worked on the sound of this incredible movie, to my mum and dad, my amazing brothers and to my friends back in Oldham [?] watching tonight.
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