SPEECH BY: John Ottman
FILM: "Bohemian Rhapsody"
He [Michael Keaton, the presenter] just asked me if I would like this [the envelope] and I said “sure, my mom would like it,” who’s here, over there. She’s 85 years old. Wow, you get up here and you completely blank. This film, I always like to say, as the entire cast and crew likes to always say, was a labor of love. And I think Freddie Mercury in a way kind of brought us all together from wherever he is and just like he did his audience. I just am so thankful for everyone bonding together and supporting each other and trusting me. I mean, there’s too many people to thank, of course. I’m looking at Rami, looking at me, “better thank me.” Got the band over here, thank you so much Brian May and Roger Taylor. And I have to mention, of course, Graham King and Denis O’Sullivan, two of the hardest-working and committed producers I’ve ever worked with in my life.
And lastly, this goes to my parents on their fireplace mantel because they encouraged me to do whatever I wanted to do when I was a kid, whether it was writing music, which was a mystery to them, or making films in their garage on Normington Way in San Jose, California. So as Freddie’s father would say: “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.” Thank you.
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