SPEECH BY: Rayka Zehtabchi and Melissa Berton
FILM: "Period. End of Sentence."
I’m not crying because I’m on my period or anything. I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar. Thank you, thank you Netflix for giving us a platform. Thank you to my creative partner, Sam Davis, I share this with you, baby. Thank you to my mom and my sister, I love you guys. To Lisa Taback and Garrett Schiff. To Guneet Monga and the women of Kathikhera, know that you are empowering women all over the world to fight for menstrual equality.
This film began because high school students here and our brave partners at Action India wanted to make a difference, a human rights difference. I share this award with the Feminist Majority Foundation, with Helen, Claire, Avery, Ruby, Sophie, Charlotte, Carly, the entire Pad Project team, with the Oakwood School. I share this with teachers and with students around the world. A period should end a sentence, not a girl’s education.
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