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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Writing (Original Screenplay)

CATEGORY: Writing (Original Screenplay)
SPEECH BY: Kenneth Lonergan
FILM: Manchester by the Sea



Thank you so much. I love the movies. I love being part of the movies. Thank you, Matt Damon. The whole thing started with you. Thank you, Kimberly Steward, Kevin Walsh, Lauren Beck, Chris Moore. Thank you, Casey Affleck, Casey Affleck, Casey Affleck. And Michelle Williams and Lucas Hedges, and all the wonderful actors in the film. Amazon and Roadside and Sierra have done such a beautiful job. The movie’s about people  trying to take care of each other in the face of terrible adversity. I have been taken care of my whole life by wonderful people who I love and who’ve loved me. I wouldn’t be holding this if not for Mara Buxbaum. I wouldn’t be here at all if it wasn’t for J. Smith-Cameron. Nellie Lonergan, I could not love you more, but I will try. And a special thanks to my stepfather Mike Porter, who’s taken care of my mother for the last five years in a way that is an example to everyone who’s ever come across his path. And a farewell to my father, who passed away this year, as well. Thank you very, very much.



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