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What are the advantages of using ACES for color correction?


ACES provides some key advantages for color correction over legacy workflows.  The most tangible benefit is that the ACES files have the capability to contain all color information and dynamic range of the original source material with greater precision than can be contained in legacy 10-bit files such as Cineon.  ACES files put more highlight and shadow information at the colorist’s disposal during grading.

Figure 1

What productions have used ACES and how can I add my ACES show to the list?


ACES is a color management, digital file interchange and archiving system developed by and for the industry. Hundreds of leading professionals from the community, under the auspices of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences contributed to its development.   ACES is a free and open system and so in keeping with that heritage and spirit, we are using 2 community based resources to track productions that have used ACES.