The Academy Library is the premiere research facility for information and materials on the history of the Oscars and the Academy as an institution. Students, journalists, scholars and fans will find a wide range of resources available to them within the library’s collections.
The Academy's best-known event is the annual Academy Awards presentation, and the library’s holdings documenting the ceremonies and related events are extensive. Photographic coverage includes arrivals, presentations, backstage activities and the Governors Ball. Manuscript materials include transcripts, show programs, invitations and tickets, posters, and sizable clipping files. Selections from these materials can be found online in the library's Digital Collections database. The library also maintains multiple information resources related to the Awards. These include online databases of nominees and winners, as well as winner acceptance speeches, and in-house resources focusing on ceremony participants, presentation facts, nominee/winner statistics, and red carpet fashion. Our holdings also cover related events such as the Governors Awards and Scientific and Technical Awards ceremonies, the Nominees Luncheon, and nominations announcements.
The Academy also presents a year-round calendar of public screenings and programs, featuring tributes, craft seminars, and exhibits that explore a wide variety of film-related topics. Library holdings for these events may include transcripts, audio recordings, photographs, and programs. The Academy's own history is documented through member newsletters, annual reports, press releases and clipping files.
Access to some materials in our collections may require a prior appointment. The library's holdings do not include internal department records or awards production office files. To see filmed footage of the Oscar ceremonies or Academy public programs, please contact the Academy Film Archive.