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Advisory Group FAQs

What is the Academy Gold Advisory Group?

As the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) launches the Academy Gold Talent Development and Inclusion initiative in 2017, the institution is convening a consultative group to help AMPAS better understand the issues confronting the pilot phase of this program.

Guidance and counsel would be sought in the following areas:

  • Overall best practices and approaches to furthering talent development and inclusion of under-represented communities in the entertainment/creative industry.
  • The exploration of an assessment/analysis of the program’s effectiveness
  • Suggestions on the selection of future program participants
  • Scale and geographic reach
  • Long term sustainability

Why have I been selected to participate?

A: In addition to your company being a participant and sponsor of the Academy Gold program, your expertise and insight into the human resources (HR) and recruitment process in the creative/entertainment industry is highly valuable. You are also familiar with AMPAS’ efforts to address the challenge of under-representation in the industry by playing a convener role, and facilitating collaboration.

AMPAS mission is to recognize and uphold excellence in the motion picture arts and sciences, inspire imagination, and connect the world through the medium of motion pictures. Through your participation, we also want to recognize excellence in promising and effective practices of talent development and inclusion, inspire productive innovation in this field, and help the industry reflect the richness and realities of our diverse audiences.

What is in it for me?

You have the opportunity to play a key role in helping shape and influence the course of AMPAS’ efforts to increase access and opportunity for young talent, and to collaborate with other leading executives like yourself in an effort to gain insight and guidance on how to best navigate the opportunities and challenges that will impact our efforts.

What is expected of me?

You are expected to contribute your time, intellect, and insight. The Academy Gold Advisory Group will meet two times a year. The goal of these meetings will be to gather your counsel as the AMPAS team executes on the year 1 project, and help guide the course of this initiative for year two and beyond.

Am I expected to make a monetary contribution?

You are not expected to make an additional monetary contribution. However, as a nonprofit organization, we rely on the philanthropic investments of individuals and corporations to make our work possible, and part of the engagement in this group will be around conversations on how AMPAS can partner with you to identify more leaders like you to help make that support possible.