![AFA Collection - Writers Guild Foundation Collection AFA Collection - Writers Guild Foundation Collection](/sites/oscars_org/themes/custom/oscars_org/assets/images/placeholder.lazy-load.jpg)
Founded in 1966 as a nonprofit institution, the Writers Guild Foundation supports and provides educational programs devoted to the art, craft, and history of writing for the screen. Their archival collections contain the personal papers of prominent writers, vintage scripts, photographs, artifacts, and the historical records of the Writers Guild of America, West, as well as oral histories. The Writers Guild Foundation’s oral history program, The Writer Speaks, includes over 60 visual history interviews, shot between 1994 and 2010, with award-winning film and television writers sharing stories about their lives, careers, and craft. The collection came to the Archive in October 2011 with materials added as they are discovered. Example interviewees include Fay Kanin, Carl Reiner, Billy Wilder, Jean Rouverol Butler, and Norman Lear. The interviews are an average of two hours in length and exist on multiple video formats, including Beta SP, ¾ U-matic, VHS, Hi 8mm, and Betacam. The entire collection has been digitized, with select copies available for viewing on DVD.