Struggling to make ends meet, the Zorba family jumps at the opportunity to move into a ramshackle Victorian mansion inherited from an eccentric uncle. Eleven-year-old Charles Herbert, a veteran of such genre classics as The Fly and The Colossus of New York, plays Buck, who soon discovers that the house is a lot less empty than his parents had originally hoped. Martin Milner and The Wizard of Oz’s unforgettable Margaret Hamilton are among the cast of potential future ghosts. To publicize 13 Ghosts, Castle concocted a special process called “Illusion-O,” which employed a blue wash on the film stock so that audience members brave enough to use a special viewer got an enhanced look at the on-screen spirits.
1960, 85 minutes, black and white and color, 35mm | Produced and directed by William Castle; written by Robb White; with Charles Herbert, Jo Morrow, Martin Milner, Rosemary DeCamp, Donald Woods, Margaret Hamilton.