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90th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: ANIMATED FEATURE FILM

SPEECH BY: Lee Unkrich and Darla K. Anderson

FILM: "Coco"


DARLA K. ANDERSON: Thank you to the Academy. We are so happy. "Coco" is proof that art can change and connect the world and this can only be done when we have a place for everyone and anyone who feels like an "other" to be heard. This is dedicated with enormous love to my gigantic, interwoven family and most especially, my wife, my rock Kori Rae.

ADRIAN MOLINA (co-director and writer): Love and thanks to my family, my Latino community, to my husband Ryan. Each for expanding my sense of what it means to be proud of who you are and where you're from. We hope the same thing for everyone who connected with this film.

LEE UNKRICH: We share this with our immensely talented cast and crew as well as the executive teams at Disney and Pixar. Thanks for the support of my wife Laura, my three kids, Hannah, Alice, Max. My entire family, I love you. And the biggest thank you of all to the people of Mexico. "Coco" would not exist without your endlessly beautiful culture and traditions. With "Coco" we tried to take a step forward toward a world where all children can grow up seeing characters in movies that look and talk and live like they do. Marginalized people deserve to feel like they belong. Representation matters.

ANTHONY GONZALEZ (voice of Miguel): Muchísimas gracias a todos y que viva México!



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