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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Directing

CATEGORY: Directing
SPEECH BY: Damien Chazelle
FILM: La La Land



Thank you so much. This is such an honor. I just want to first thank my fellow nominees. I was absolutely honored and floored to be in your company this year. So, Barry, Kenny, Mel, Denis—like, my eyes are searching, but I know you’re here somewhere. Just thank you for what incredible filmmakers you are and for inspiring me with your work every day. I want to thank the people who helped me make this movie. My crew, my team, everyone at Lionsgate for taking a chance on it. Ryan and Emma, for bringing it to life. John, for acting alongside them and now doing me very proud here on the stage. Thank you, John. And I want to thank Justin, who I’ve known since we were both 17, 18, I think. Justin, thank you for riding with me on this and carrying this dream forward and for never giving up. Thank you. I want to thank my family—my parents are in the crowd, my sister Anna—thank you for always believing in me. And finally, I want to thank Olivia, my love, sitting there. This was a movie about love, and I was lucky enough to fall in love while making it. And it means the world to me that you’re here sharing this with me. Thank you. Thank you so much.



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