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88th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Visual Effects

CATEGORY: Visual Effects
SPEECH BY: Andrew Whitehurst, Paul Norris, Mark Ardington and Sara Bennett
FILM: Ex Machina




I’m really bad at predicting this, apparently. This is so utterly unexpected. Visual effects is massively a team game, more so maybe than any other department. And we have to thank people in two directions: we’ve got to thank the studio, we’ve got to thank the production. We’ve got to thank Alex for being an amazing director. We have to thank Alicia for being Ava. And we have to thank the teams of artists, production and technical personnel at Double Negative, Milk VFX, and Utopia, who are amazing. Without them we are nothing. Thank you so, so much.



Thank you.


Thank you scroll:

Andrew Whitehurst, Paul Norris, Mark Ardington & Sara Bennett would like to thank:

Alex and all at DNA for being the best clients, Film 4, Universal, A24, the cast and crew, especially Alicia, and the teams of artists, technical and production personnel at Double Negative, Milk VFX, and Utopia. Mark thanks his wife Ali, his family, and Alex Macieira. Sara thanks Silver Spur, and the Smother. Paul thanks wife Kerry, sons Ben and Jake, and his family. Andrew thanks Eugenie and his family for their love and support.



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