The Art Directors Guild Collection came to the Archive in March 2015. The core collection consists of 15 interviews conducted in 2012 and 2014 with scenic artists in which they discuss their profession and projects. The interviews are intended for a book project on scenic art and artists, The Art of the Hollywood Backdrop, by Karen Maness and Richard Isackes. Interviewees include Patrick DeGreve, Wilbur Ferrell, Chris Koon, and Michael Denering, with the interviews averaging 2 hours in length. Additionally, there are legacy interviews with production designers and art directors such as Gene Allen, William Creber, Albert Heschong, and John Mansbridge. The Art Directors Guild hosts various programs for their members and the public, such as ADG at Comic-Con, master classes, the ADG Film Society, and Oscar panels, and recordings from these events are also included in the collection. The media exists as born digital files on hard drives, as well as the following formats: DV, HDV, MiniDV, VHS, DVD, Betacam, Hi 8mm, 8mm, and audiocassettes.
To browse the ADG interview collection, click here.